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Our Prayer List

And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name
that will I do,
that the Father may be glorified in the Son
St. John 14:13

Our Dear Friend


Mollie is feeling a little depressed
Please join me in wishing her well
And remember her in your prayers


She is having troubles with her
Please remember her in your prayers
From All Your Friends in Panic Chat


We pray that she heals quickly
Boop is feeling better, getting pain shots to aid
Thank you for your prayers

Everyone on Panic Chat

for health related problems


She has some cysts and is going through some testing
This is a very trying and anxious time for her
Please remember her in your prayers


Pray for health
He is 17 years old and needs a kidney transplant

Sherry's son


Her mother has be Dx with breast cancer
She is getting chemo right now
We pray that every thing goes well
Also mute is having problems with depression
We pray for you and your mom mute

My dearest friend Mitzvah

You Are A Perfect Friend

You have known me in good and bad times
You have seen me when I was happy and when I was sad
You have listened to me when what I said was intelligent and
when I talked nonsense
You have been with me when we had fun and when we were miserable
You have watched me laugh and cry
You have understood me when I knew what
I was doing and when I made mistakes
Thank you for believing in me for supporting me
and for always being ready to share thoughts together
You are a perfect friend

(Susan Polis Schutz)

How I miss you!

doced (doc)

He is undergoing many tests right now
Please pray for a good outcome


Her mom was diagnosed with cancer
We pray for strength for you craft
update 03/06/01
She will under go a cat scan this
Tnurs. or Fri. to see if the chemo is working
Craft asks that we all pray for her
Oct. 17th Craft's Mom passed away today
Join me in praying for the Lord to comfort her and her family


She is having surgery
On November 16th
Keep our dear friend in your thoughts and prayers


Sarah is in the hospital and is struggling with anorexia

Please pray for Sharayah, she has lost
The use of her legs, and is in great pain

Sharayah is able to get around on crutches now!!

To all in need....
May you be fulfilled in your hour of need
and may you be sent all goodness your way.
Love and Gods speed to all


He is very ill and needs prayers from us all.

He is Cary's son, a newbie to our chat

Wes & Carrie

Their house exploded. And both were burned badly
They are in burn center in Cin.
Both are 21 yrs old. Wes is in constrution & Carrie is a student
This happend on Valentine's Day, Carries 21st Birthday
Please Pray for them.

*UPDATE* 3/06/01
Wes lost his fight today at 1:30 am
Carrie now has pneumonia & pancreatitis
Please cotinue praying for Carrie
And remember Wes and the rest of the family
He faught hard Please take care of him Lord

Carrie is recovering. She is out of the hospital now.
She is trying to deal with Loosing Wes.
We need to keep her in our thoughts
and prayers during Her recovery

Braintired's family


She is having a multitude of problems right now
She has bi-polar disorder and her depression is real bad
Please keep her in your prayers
She is my best friend, I love her very much
I am afraid because she is suicidal
Please remember her today

Pam (from Michigan)
Please pray for Pam and her son.
He was shot in the face
And is facing insurmountable surgeries ahead
He is in much pain and needs prayers for recovery

Submitted by: Ade


He is very ill. Has been diagnosed
With Cancer
Ade is asking for us to remember
Lady in our prayers

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Please email Sunshine with any prayer requests !

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