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Survivors Poetry

Survivor's Poetry

On this page you will find poetry written
By Survivors who selfharm or
have some other disorder
(I hate the words self-mutilate)
I call us survivors because we do survive
Many have passed on
who suffer with this illness
I hope to add a memory wall here to salute
Those who have passed before us
If you know of someone you would like to put
on the wall e-mail me name and/or photo and we can
began the wall
We started a chat on 7/21/98. Please Join us.

Click Here To Chat

Feel the cold sharp edge
As I run down your arm
Watch the pretty red flow
Relief has finaly come
As it flows faster and faster
Washing our pain away

Count the scars everyday
Brag to everyone and say
I don't know why I cut
I can stop anyday

The rituals are bothersome I must say
We prepare for hours every day
Compare each one to the last
Remember the heartaches that wash away

Feel the cold sharp edge
As I run down your face
Watch the pretty red flow
Relief has finaly come
As it flows faster and faster
Washing our pain away

By: Sunshine

Angry thoughts
Most would cry
I can't.
Thoughts of revenge
strong enough to kill
turn inward
and beat against my brain
and tear apart my insides
And I can't help but think
that someday they will.
I'm trapped here with this feeling
determined never to enter so freely again
friendship so innocent turned uninnocently strong
Internal screams that cry no tears
No outward proof that I'm even real

written by Sandy

We're a rainbow made of children
We're an army of survivors
Together we fight the battle
And together we will win

Alone we cannot stand
Together we will help one another
By lending helping giving a hand

All the indignities we have suffered
And yet here we stand
Shouting from the roof tops
So you will understand

We're a rainbow made of children
We're an army of survivors
Together we fight the battle
And together we will win


You Are A Perfect Friend

You have known me in good and bad times
You have seen me when I was happy and when I was sad
You have listened to me when what I said was intelligent and
when I talked nonsense
You have been with me when we had fun and when we were miserable
You have watched me laugh and cry
You have understood me when I knew what
I was doing and when I made mistakes
Thank you for believing in me for supporting me
and for always being ready to share thoughts together
You are a perfect friend

(Susan Polis Schutz)

This Great Site Is From
Sunshine's Corner Of The World!

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