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A little girl and her daddy
They share a special of kind love
His rather large hands hold hers
Small and fragile
As though he would loose her
If he were to let go

Today a few tears will fall
This is her first day of school
Oh my, what a big girl you are
As he bends to whisper in her ear a tear falls
Your daddy loves you but now I must let you go

And now as they walk down the isle among the roses
He is forcing back tears wearing a painted smile
He looks to the man a stranger to him still
As he places her soft hands into his
A tear falls, he remembers a day not so long ago
He whispers to her once more
Your daddy loves you, but now I must let you go

Many tears have fallen since that day
The little girl is a women now
And her daddy's hands seem small and fragile somehow
As she holds them not wanting to let go
She bends to where he lays and a tear falls
Your little girl loves you daddy, but now I must let you go

© Sunshine