The Entrance

Tu pater et mater lacrumis retinete dolorem,
nam fato raptam non potes eripere.
You, Father, and mother, hold back your sorrow and tears, for you are not able to steal me back [now that I am] snatched by Fate.

     The entrance way to the underworld is the place in which all the evils of the world, the things that are of both death and night yet exist in the outer world, congregate. All the dead must pass through this limbo of monstrosities and bear witness to the evils borne and born of mortal man.

Aeacus Furies Sibyl of Cumae
Geryon Evils Hermes Psychopompus

Respice et crede.
hoc est, sic est, aliut fieri non licet.
Look and believe. It is this. It is thus. It is not allowed to develop otherwise.

Return the Outer World
Continue the journey into the depth of the earth

© copyright Tyler Travillian July 7, 2000