--The Depths of Hell--

Dolens et maerens filieis fecit sueis.
Sorrowing and grieving, he made this for his children.

     The most well-known arena of Hades, Tartarus is the area where those who were truly evil in life pay the price for their sins. According to Vergil, all those who sinned were punished in Tartarus, be it for the magnificent sins of those mentioned here or for the more mundane sins of adultery, hatred of brothers, miserliness, and oath-breaking.

Tantalus Hydra Danaids Sisyphus
Rhadamanthys Phlegethon Theseus Tityus
Salmoneus Phlegyas Tisiphone Titans
Ephialtes Otus Ixion Perithous

Si pro virtute et animo fortunam habuissem,
magnificum monumentum hic aedifica(vi)ssem tibi.
Nun, quoniam omnes mortui idem sapimus, satis est.
If I'd had the courage and mind, then I'd have built a magnificent monument to you here. Now, since we all, dead, perceive the same, it is enough.

Flee back to the Third Level of the House of Hades while holding your cowering self in your trembling arms.

© copyright Tyler Travillian July 7, 2000