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My letters to Erin

Hey people lookin at this! I'm Sydney. You've probably heard of my website Sydney's Site
Ok, probably not but you should check it out. (Hint hint..) Anyways, you're probably wondering why I'm writing in Erin's website. Well, we write letters to eachother on our websites for each other to read. And we figured heck, why not let you people read it? So there will be letters posted here and on my page from us. (It'l kinda be like a story thingi.) So here goes:
Ohio Erin!
What up my sista? This is my first letter thingi on here. This is sooo cool! I read your letter on my page. You still gotta a craving for french fries?! I can't believe school starts on the 16th! I know this is weird and freaky but I can't wait! I mean school would be cool if they would only leave out the classes! Ya know? Well my brothers friends finally left. I was getting a headache listening to them. So whatchya doin? I'm just chillin and writing this thingi. Well, I don't got much to say except.....I LOVE RYAN!!!!
Luv Ya

Read Erin's Letters Here