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Daddy's Rock

There was a time in the distant past, when a man and his son shared one of those rare moments together. Sitting on the rock, eating their lunch and watching the swift water tumble over the falls. Each lost for the moment creating a special place and a special time, a place where memories are stored.

I had all but forgotten that lunch so many years ago. I had a chance to return to the Rock recently. How surprized I was as the memories of that day came flooding back to me. I could see my father again as he marvelled at the beauty that nature presented us. How wonderful feeling the glow of the sunlight that shined on that day so long ago. I know that he is not really gone, he has never left my side. His memory stands beside me even now, solid as the Rock where we ate our lunch on that day, a day when the world may have not noticed, a father and a son, bound in a special kind of time, forever theirs.

Good Night, Daddy

In Loving Memory of my Father

If I could but acheive in a lifetime what you accomplished in a moment....
