Welcome to
Box 56324, Atlanta GA 30343
Floor 8 Web Productions is ready to help you plan & design your website.
(This page is under construction because we've been busy improving the rest of the Floor 8 web site.
Go to the Floor 8 home page & check out the site from there.)
Floor 8 founder & proprietor Malik (a.k.a. "Pablo G.") created the program guide & other pages on the
WRFG-FM 89.3 Atlanta web site and serves as webmaster on
a web site for a large governmental organization with more than 300 employees.
Floor 8 Web Productions produces the Jayforce WRFG Beatz & Lyrics page, the charts page of
Oscar D. (of WRFG, Kiss-104.1 and Club Chit-Chat's fame).
For more details of our web experience and to find out how we can serve you please
contact Malik at floor8@angelfire.com or phone
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