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The Possaloos / 8th Floor DJs will "rock your world"
Contact Malik (a.k.a "Pablo G.") at 404-830-1658

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. . . whose world is it?
Surviving & overcoming Babylon with our culture & sanity intact

Whose World Is It...? is a news & opinion zine hopefully of interest to visitors to the other parts of our mostly music oriented site. Art takes place in a larger context after all. Watch "whose world...?" for relevant information for survival and empowerment, and sometimes factoids just to amaze or amuse you. The scope will be universal but the local focus will be living in Atlanta GA, "the world's next great city." . . .a/k/a "the Black Mecca . . .!"

At least for now the info will be mostly in the form of links to other interesting sites. But if you are opinionated and articulate and would like to express yourself in this space, please hit us up at

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