That's Josh Hartnett of The Faculty and Halloween H20. Next up, he'll be seen in the Othello inspired O and the big blockbuster Pearl Harbor. Keep an eye out for this cutie!

Movie Awards

Danny Boy's Movie Awards - Honoring The Best of 1998.

Movie Reviews

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon- Ang Lee's fantastic kung fu epic starring Chow Yun-Fat, Michelle Yeoh and Zhang Ziyi.

The Velvet Goldmine - Ewan McGregor, Jonathan Rhyes Myers and Christian Bale play with makeup in the 70's.

Cruel Intentions - The WB crowd takes on Dangerous Liasons.

In Dreams - Neil Jordan's latest opus of cross-dressing, homicidal youths.

Clockwatchers - Insightful black comedy about the world of temping.

Psycho - Director Gus Van Sant's recreation of the Hitchcock classic thriller.

Happiness - Director Todd Solondz's ode to family values!

Halloween Flix - featuring Apt Pupil, Urban Legend and The Candyman


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