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Character's Profiles

Sailor Moon


Powers: Moon Tiara Magic, Moon Healing Activation, Moon Secpter Elimination

Transformation: Moon Prism Power! Moon Crystal Power!

Colors: Blue and Red (pink in the magna)

Tuxedo Mask


Powers:roses, and cane

Transformation: ?????

Colors: Black and Red

Sailor Mercury


Powers:Mercury Bubbles Blast, Mercury Icestorm Illusion

Transformation: Mercury Power! Mercury Star Power!

Color: Blue and White (blue in magna)

Sailor Mars


Powers: Mars Fire Ignite, Mars Fireballs Charge, Mars Firedragon Charge, Mars Celestial Fire Surrond

Transformation:Mars Power! Mars Star Power!

Color: Red and Purple (red in magna)

Sailor Jupiter


Powers:Jupiter Thunder Crash, Jupiter Thunderbird Crash, Jupiter Thunderclap Zap

Transformation: Jupiter Power! Jupiter Star Power!

Color: Green and Pink (green in magna)

Sailor Venus


Powers: Venus Cresent Beam Smash, Venus Love Chain Encircle

Transformation: Venus Power! Venus Star Power!

Colors: Orange, and Blue (orange in magna)

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