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~* Quiz Answers!!! *~

~* Quiz Answers *~
k guys, let's see how you've scored

Mostly A's

If you scored mostly A's, then you're a sensitive chick who loves boys to be just as cute as you, but who are also a litle bit serious too.

Your perfect Friends fella would be Ross- move over Rachel!!!

Mostly B's

If you scored mostly B's then you're a top babe who love's nothing more than having a good time with your pals. You like boys who can make you laugh and you know you're going to have fun with.

Your perfect Friends fella is Chandler!

Mostly C's

If you scored moslty C's then the chances are you're a popular babe who just lurve's boys and partying. But if a boy wants to win your heart he's gotta be a gorge.

Your perfect Friends fella would be Joey!

