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Famous Love Letter
~* Famous Love Letters *~

The Color Of Love Is The Single Color Of Our Lives...

Guess what, you guys and girls out there. ~*Friends Online*~'s Famous Love Letters will be updated twice in a month. That's a good reason for you not to get bored on visiting the section. I hope you guys will appreciate the updating thing... Thanx's to Sarah for telling us the disadvantages of updating it just once in a month.

Ludwig van Beethoven to the "Immortal Beloved"

c.1811- 12

Good morning, on July 7th

Even when I am in bed my thoughts rush to you, my eternally beloved, now

and then joyfully, then again sadly, waiting to know whether Fate will hear

our prayer- To face life I must live altogether with you or never see you. Yes,

I am resolved to be a wanderer abroad until I can fly to your arms and say

that I have found my true home with you and enfolded in your arms can let

my soul be wafted to the realm of blessed spirits- alas, unfortunately it must

be so- You will become composed, the more so as you know what I am

faithful to you; no other woman can ever possess my heart- never- never-

Oh God, why must one be separated from her who is so dear. Yet my life in

V[ienna] at present is a miserable life- Your love has made me both the

happiest and the unhappiest of mortals- At my age I now need stability and

regularity in my life- can this coexist with our relationship?- Angel, I have just

heared that the post goes every day- and therefore I must close, so that you

may receive the letter immediately- Be calm; for only be calmly considering

our lives can we achieve our purpose to live together- Be calm- love me-

Today- yesterday- what tearful longing for you- for you- you- my life- my all-

all good wishes to you- Oh, do continue to love me- never misjudge your

lover's most faithful heart.

ever yours

ever mine

ever ours

* The Lovers *
Ludwig van Beethoven (1770- 1827) The "Immortal Beloved"
showed so much talent as a child musician that he turned professional at the age of 11. As a young man he was taught by Mozart and Haydn and his virtuoso performances on the piano attracted aristocratic patrons in Vienna, the musical center of Europe. Beethoven is reputed to be the first musician to make a living from private patronage, without subsidies from the church or court. His best- known works (the Symphonies numbers 2 through 8, the Moonlight Sonata , the Battle Symphony , and his only opera, Fidelio ) were written in his thirties and forties, when he was already suffering from deafness. He told friends that his affliction hampered him least when he was playing and composing, and most when he was in company. By the time he was 50, his career was blighted by this handicap, but he went on composing despite the difficulties- the Ninth Symphony and several string quartets are from this period. When he died of dropsy at age 57, his last words are "Applause friends, the comedy is over." No one has ever identified her- she remains a romantic enigma.

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