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"My Likes"

Things (and Beings) I Like (and Love)

We Care For Each Other

Patricia, my sister, is nineteen, but we are very good friends.
My father Rogerio is an engineer who worked hard for a construction company. Now he still works hard, but for a highway operation company in São Paulo.
Cristina is the name of my mother, an angel who takes care of the three of us.

I Do It For Fun

I like drawing and from time to time I "design" houses and flats. My parents say I will probably be an architect. Maybe. But I like also fashion design and drawing cartoons.
On Monday and Wednesday mornings I playtennis in a club, which I enjoy very much.
On weekends I usually go for a ride with my family, I meet my friends. I like very much listening to music. Spice Girls are my favorite singers.

They're More Than Live Toys

I have a seven-year old Yorkshire Terrier. His name is Bandit. He is really a cute and well-behaved dog.
I had also two small water turtles named Bernardo and Bianca, but I had to leave them in Portugal.

Nice Towns

Belo Horizonte, Brasil
Lisboa, Portugal
See links on previous page

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages


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