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I don't have special ratios for trade but I decide if trade are just or not! And ask me all you want cause im very generous=)) So you have nothing to lose by asking! hehe
All i want is:
1- New tapes with all stickers and stuff (not your old stuff please)
2- New videocassettes with all stickers and stuff (not your old stuff please)
3- I want you to write on stickers all infos about what you sent to me (dates, city, place, etc)
4- Post it in padded enveloppes (with bubbles) cause if not stuff will be damaged
5- One audio per cassette (it can be 2 if they have their own side of gotta ask to do it cause i'll do it...)
6- For videos you can put all i asked on the same videocassette so it would be less expensive to post and I'll do the same
So it's not big rules, it's just basic! Email me so we can deal!!!
Email me and tell me your name and where you'Re from to ask for some trade!:
