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<---Note: hello again.Insert the search engine between the first message and the code button icon.Thank you ag.mgmt EndNote---> These messages are not necessarily in chronological order. The key is type altk -literally-.

From: (sherryg) Date: Mon, Nov 23, 1998, 10:47am (MST+1) To:, Subject: homepage Hi, This is Sherry from Sherry's Country Closet. Thanks for visiting my homepage, I really enjoy visitors. Also, the problem with the Mrs. I have a firend in Fla. that has the same thing. I will send her your page address...she is looking into the whole thing, she just found out she has it. Your page is getting along really well, but i would love to see it when you finish it. Keep in touch...I like new friends...I have a new page coming out soon geared towards excited about this one...hehe. Hugs and God Bless and have a good day **S** Sherry Gargis altk (Tripod Membership) Date: Sat, Nov 14, 1998, 8:43pm (MST+2) To: (isaiah118) Subject: Welcome to Tripod, isaiah118! Hi, Gregory! Thank you for becoming a Tripod member! You may now log on to Tripod with the following member name and temporary password:               Member name: isaiah118               Password:   pznfmd Please note that member names and passwords are CASE sensitive. That means TRiPod and tripod are not the same. In addition, we encourage you to change your password to a password of your choice. You may change your password from the Help system or directly at: asswd During the signup process, you had the opportunity to join Pods, which are our online member communities. Joining a Pod (or of a few different Pods) will help you to find other people who share your interests. To go directly to the list of all the Pods, point your browser to: Tripod members sometimes have questions about using our service. Here are the answers to some of the most common questions we hear from members. If these answers don't help you understand Tripod better, please check out our online help system at: altk To access Cardshop Creator go to: You will need to enter username and password to access it. username:       alienguide password:       29794703 altK Subject: [us2] Tips: FYI URL: The EDIT key will allow you to edit the text of a highlighted text box, you can use the ENTER key for this also. cmd-R will reload the current page without the need to bring up the options bar. cmd-F will bring up the find window without the need to bring up the options bar. This is rather redundant although because you also have a key marked FIND on the keyboard. cmd-G will go to the next occurance of a found word. cmd-B will search backwards for a found word. cmd-O will bring up the Options control panel minus the advanced options. cmd-RIGHTARROW will bring to to the end of a line you are editing. cmd-LEFTARROW will bring to to the beginning of a line you are editing. cmd-DELETE will delete a line of text. cmd-Scroll Up will send you to the top of a page. cmd-Scroll Down will send you to the bottom of a page. The F1 - F7 key will allow you to bring up the first through the seventh page loaded in your favorites page without the need to returning to the favorites page. altk The Dreambook "first" was just created for user "theandersons" (Greg Anderson). The URL to access your new Dreambook is first.html and the URL to access the "sign my dreambook" form page is ml To add a link to the new altk From:    Sally Johnson Subject:    From one of my students Date: Mon, 23 Nov 1998 21:35:53 -0800 From: stevecul To: Subject: Hi From Brooke                                                           "Love4.0" Yet another customer service phone call....... Service Rep: Hello, you have reached the Heart Systems Software Company help desk. How may I help you? Customer: I just received your latest program, know.... the freeware. I don't understand it. Can tell me how to install it? Service Rep: Sure thing ma'am. Do you have the installation disk and instructions with you? Customer: Yes I do, but first can you tell me what the program does? Service Rep: Sure thing ma'am. LOVE is a unique program, there is no other like it in the world. LOVE attaches to your operating system and runs silently in the background, you will never see LOVE on your monitor or your toolbar, but you will notice its affect on every application you may have. It makes the good programs run smoother and greatly restricts and/or deletes the bad ones. Customer: Wow! That sounds great. How does LOVE make my machine run smoother? Service Rep: Well, good sound files, like COMPLIMENT.WAV, ENCOURAGEMENT.WAV, and KINDWORD.WAV will play frequently. Also, FORGIVENESS.EXE will be invoked every time there is an external violation, including the ever-popular syntax errors. Also, all those aggravating errors that say "unable to connect" will be avoided. LOVE allows for a smooth connection with external devices, regardless of what country it is manufactured in, the brand name, or the age of the model. Customer: That's exactly what I need, my machine has been isolated for too long. But what about the bad programs? CS Rep: Good question. LOVE searches your memory for programs like HATE.COM, BITTERNESS.EXE, SELFISH.COM, and SPITE.EXE. These programs cant be entirely deleted off your hard drive, but LOVE overpowers those programs. LOVE stops their commands from being executed and runs its own instructions. You will no longer hear INSULT.WAV and you wont be able to write with the fonts "BADWORDS12" or "HARSHNESS10". Customer: That's a fantastic program you have. Are the upgrades free too? CS Rep: They sure are ma'am. Customer: How do I get the upgrades? CS Rep: That's easy. Once you have LOVE installed and running, it automatically copies a module, or a piece of itself, to every external Harddrive Email And Remote Terminal (HEART) that it comes in contact with. In turn, those external devices run whatever version of LOVE they have and return a module to your HEART. You will be upgraded with each and every module that you receive. But you have to remember, to receive the upgrades you have to be running LOVE and you have to come into contact with other computers while it is running. Customer: I can do that. I'm not very technical, but I think I am ready to install now. What do I do first? CS Rep: The first step is to open your HEART. Have you located your HEART ma'am? Customer: Yes I have, but there are several programs running right now. Is it okay to install while they are running? CS Rep: What programs are running ma'am? Customer: Let me see....I have PASTHURT.EXE, LOWESTEEM.EXE, GRUDGE.EXE, and RESENTMENT.COM running right now. CS Rep: No problem. LOVE will automatically erase PASTHURT.EXE from your current operating system. It may remain in your permanent memory, but it will no longer disrupt other programs. LOVE will eventually overwrite LOWESTEEM.EXE with a module of its own called HIGHESTEEM.EXE. However, you have to completely turn off GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT.COM. Those programs prevent LOVE from being properly installed. Can you turn those off ma'am? Customer: I don't know how to turn them off. Can you tell me how? CS Rep: My pleasure. Go to your Start menu and invoke FORGIVENESS.EXE. Do this as many times as necessary until GRUDGE.EXE and RESENTMENT.COM have been completely erased. Customer: Okay, I'm done. LOVE has started installing itself automatically. Is that normal? CS Rep: Yes it is. You should receive a message that says it will reinstall for the life of your HEART. Do you see that message? Customer: Yes I do. Is it completely installed? CS Rep: Yes, but remember that you have only the base program. You need to begin connecting to other HEART's in order to get the upgrades. Customer: Oops...I have an error message already. What should I do? CS Rep: What does the message say? Customer: It says "ERROR 412 - PROGRAM NOT RUN ON INTERNAL COMPONENTS". What does that mean? CS Rep: Don't worry ma'am, that's a common problem. It means that the LOVE program is set up to run on external HEARTS but has not yet been run on your HEART. It is one of those complicated programming things, but In non- technical terms it means you have to "LOVE" your own machine before it can "LOVE" others. Customer: So what should I do? CS Rep: Can you find the directory called "SELF- ACCEPTANCE"? Customer: Yes, I have it. CS Rep: Excellent, you are getting good at this. Customer: Thank you. CS Rep: You're welcome. Click on the following files and then copy them to the "MYHEART" directory: FORGIVESELF.DOC, SELFESTEEM.TXT, REALIZEWORTH.TXT, and GOODNESS.DOC. The system will overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching any faulty programming. Also, you need to delete SELFCRITIC.EXE from all directories, and then empty your recycle bin afterwards to make sure it is completely gone and never comes back. Customer: Got it. Hey! My HEART is filling up with really neat files. SMILE.MPG is playing on my monitor right now and it shows that WARMTH.COM, PEACE.EXE, and CONTENTMENT.COM are copying themselves all over my HEART! CS Rep: Then LOVE is installed and running. You should be able to handle it from here. One more thing before I go... Customer: Yes? CS Rep: LOVE is freeware. Be sure to give it and its various modules to everybody you meet. They will in turn share it with other people and they will return some really neat modules back to you. Customer: I will. Thank you for your help. altk Healing Your Church's Past: 6 steps to start afresh Your church may benefit from reviewing its family journey. The following steps can help you discern its key spiritual issues: 1. Gather information. Your best sources are old records and old-timers. Other sources are former pastors and denominational leaders. Be sure to involve your leadership in this process. 2. Organize the information. We used board retreats to accomplish this. We divided the church's history into periods. For each period, we divided the information into these categories:               *Major events       *Blessings       *Challenges       *Core values       *Key influences       *Forces for change               *Corporate lessons learned (or "What we feel God was trying to teach us"). 3. Tell stories. People, experiences, events as they unfolded -- all fill in the details found in documents. Get as many people to recount the stories of the periods as possible, especially the older periods. 4. Look for repeated patterns. When you discover a pattern, work on discerning why. Was there some trauma that created a reaction? An unconfessed corporate sin? Some act of repentance or restitution that needs to be made? Is there a wound that needs healing? Be specific in identifying all the issues you uncover. 5. Take steps to rectify past hurt or evil. That means doing so even if only a few from that time remain. For instance, a spiritually abusive pastor from three decades before may have set a church pattern of people reacting negatively to pastoral authority. Find current ways members may have individually experienced similar things. Use the process to call people to deal individually with the issues they carry in the present. 6. Discern your role in any unhealthy patterns. The final step is the toughest. If you find upon reflection that your reactions are unhealthy, you may need to conduct a personal family journey to address them. altk pages517-520 ...' If a consistent literalism leads to the adoption of literal sacrifices during the millennium, it becomes necessary to give reason why such a system should be instituted...a question which faces the advocate of animal sacrifices during the millennial age is that of the relationship existing between the former Mosaic system and the system operative in the millennium...The kingdom expectation is based on the Abrahamic covenant, the Davidic covenant, and the Palestinic covenant, BUT IS IN NO WAY BASED ON THE MOSAIC COVENANT...One great stumbling block that hinders the acceptance of literal sacrifices in the millennium is removed by observing that, while there are many similarities between the Aaronic and millennial systems, THERE ARE ALSO MANY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THEM THAT MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE THAT THEY SHOULD BE EQUATED

...1. There are certain similarities between the Aaronic and millennial systems...-scriptures listed are Ezekial 43:13-17;43:18;40:39;43:19; 42:13;43:20-27;44:25-27;45:18;46:1; 46:13;46:16-18;45:21-25;46:17;44:15-31; 43:4,5-...The very fact that God has instituted an order strangely like the old Aaronic order is one of the best arguments that the millennium is not being fulfilled in the church, composed of Gentile and Jew, in the present age. That this worship was particularly planned for a redeemed Isreal is well observed by Kelly-- William Kelly --...It is the argument of the book of Hebrews that Isreal sought access to God in the old economy through the order or arrangement of the Aaronic priesthood, but that we are brought to God through Christ as He ministered in a new order or arrangement, the Melchisedec priesthood. It is particularly emphasized in Hebrews 7:15 that Christ came to minister in a new order of the priesthood. The requirements or rituals of the two orders need not vary appreciably for them to be two different orders. Since both these orders point to Christ, it would be expected that similarities should exist.

2. There are many basic differences between the Aaronic and millennial systems. The significance is not is the similarities but rather in the marked differences between the two systems. The millennial system is marked by omissions from the Aaronic order that make the two systems so different. ============================= end of part one's quoted material. =============================== Interpretation of the presented info-- The Melchizedek priesthood of Jesus Christ is distinguished by the authors as that which renews animal sacrifices in the millennium Kingdom. It is claimed that omissions from the Aaronic order as defined by their interpretation of the Ezekial passages quoted are evidence of the new system to be in place which sacrifices animals; albeit not for sins as they admit elsewhere. The new order Jesus institutes is defined as that which is fulfilled in the millennium NOT in the present age. *I am wondering how to understand Gen3.21 in regards to this. My understanding is that this was the institution of killing an animal to cover the sinner, clearly instituted by God NOT Man. Does not this run counter to the idea of using the killing of animals for any other reason? Animals for food was not allowed until after the flood, but sacrifices were clearly carried out to that time...I also have a problem with their view of Jesus; especially as our High Priest only having import during the highly debatable millinnial order as they define it. That is not too much of a stretch of the implications of thier insistence upon this part of the Melchizedek

Summary-- The pristhood of Jesus is presented as important to a nonChristian system with nonChristian rites during the millennial reign of Jesus. altk The population of Palestine in Jesus' day was approximately 500,000 to 600,000 (about that of Vermont, Boston, or Jerusalem today). About 18,000 of these residents were clergy, priests and Levites. Jerusalem was a city of some 55,000, (about the size of Wheaton, Illinois, today) but during major feasts, could swell to 180,000. Children in Jesus' day played games similar to hopscotch and jacks. Whistles, rattles, toy animals on wheels, hoops, and spinning tops have been found by archaeologists. Older children and adults found time to play, too, mainly with board games. A form of checkers was popular then. Tradesmen would be instantly recognizable by the symbols they wore. Carpenters stuck wood chips behind their ears, tailors stuck needles in their tunics, and dyers wore colored rags. On the Sabbath, these symbols were left at home. The second commandment forbade "graven images," so there are few Jewish portraits showing dress at the time. Also because of this prohibition, the Jews produced little in the way of painting, sculpture, or carvings. The masonry and carpentry of the day appear utilitarian. One notable exception to the commandment seems to be the tolerance of dolls for children. At the two meals each day, bread was the main food. The light breakfasts--often flat bread, olives, and cheese (from goats or sheep)--were carried to work and eaten at mid-morning. Dinners were more substantial, consisting of vegetable (lentil) stew, bread (barley for the poor, wheat for the rich), fruit, eggs, and/or cheese. Fish was a common staple, but red meat was reserved for special occasions. Locusts were a delicacy and reportedly taste like shrimp. (Jews wouldn't have known that, however, since shrimp and all other crustaceans were "unclean.") Only those in the tribe of Levi could be priests, but they had to be free from any physical blemishes, infirmities, or defects. Actually, there were deformed and dwarfish priests, but, though allowed to eat the holy food with the other priests and Levites, they could not make sacrifices. There are a few hints of anti-Roman sentiment in Jesus' ministry. When he sent the demonic "Legion" (a Roman word) into a herd of swine, it undoubtedly conjured images of the Roman military legions. (One legion occupying Jerusalem even used a boar as its mascot.) Sending the demonic legion to its destruction would have been a powerful symbol to the oppressed Jews. Jesus wasn't the only wonder worker of his day. Both Jews and Romans could list dozens of divinely inspired miracle workers. Jesus seems to have been different in that he eschewed magical formulas or incantations, refused pay, and took time to discuss the faith of those who sought his help. Jesus lived close to three major ancient cities. The ancient capital of Galilee, Sepphoris, was just over the hill from Nazareth. Tiberias was on the lake, and travelers passed through Scythopolis to get to Jerusalem. Curiously we have no record of Jesus having visited these cities. As carpenters, Joseph and Jesus would have created mainly farm tools (carts, plows, winnowing forks, and yokes), house parts (doors, frames, posts, and beams), furniture, and kitchen utensils. The mountain where Jesus was transfigured could be Mount Tabor. Ironically, though Jesus rebuked Peter for suggesting he build three dwellings there, by the 700s three churches sat atop the mountain to commemorate the event. Jesus lived during the age of papyrus rolls, which were no more than 33-feet long. This as much as anything else determined the length of literary works in antiquity. It is no accident that, for example, Luke's Gospel is the maximum length for an ancient document, and thus another papyrus role had to be used to inscribe the Book of Acts. Copyright(c) 1998 by the author or Christianity Today, Inc./Christian History Magazine. ...............altk John 3: 1-17 "THE KNOW IT ALL" Susan Duker 5/28/97 How simple it would be to read the bible if we could put all the colorful characters we meet into 20th century stereotypes. The land owners would be powerful corporate moguls. The centurion would be a strong military leader of the occupation force. The pharisees would be the religious right screaming the law and obedience to it. The sadducees would be the priests in ornate vestments who lead mass in great cathedrals. Jesus might be an evangelist, and the disciples the advance men that preceded him into the cities and arranged the tour for the crusade. And of course, the tax collector would become the IRS agent. How very one dimensional those characters would be when translated without the reference to their own era. The ministry of Jesus, for instance, was not just preaching the gospel. He rode donkeys and walked hundreds of miles in his sandal shod feet. He went to parties and was overwhelmed by crowds. He ate and slept becoming one with the people. God did not send him messages by fax machine or E-mail. No, God spoke to him from clouds, on a mountain top, in a garden and even at his death on the cross. Christ in history was a little more dynamic than an evangelist. In our gospel this morning we are presented with a character called Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a man well-versed in the scriptures and gifted as a teacher or Rabbi. Much has been made about the fact that in the gospel, Nicodemus came to Jesus at night. Was he ashamed to be seen with Jesus in the daylight? Possibly. Many of the descriptions in John deal with light and darkness. Jesus is the light of the world, bringing hope to all those in darkness. Nicodemus was surely in the dark about the message of Jesus. But some commentaries point to the tradition of Rabbi's, who after preforming their religious duties all day, would retire to study the law in the evening. Nicodemus was very interested in knowing God. I am about to apply a 20th century stereotype to Nicodemus, so you must remember that it is very one dimensional. But it may show us a part of Nicodemus we have overlooked. He was a "know it all" when it came to the subject of God. Nicodemus did not come to Jesus to ask a question- he came to tell Jesus what he knew. "Rabbi," he said, "we all know that you are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that you do, unless God is with him." Nicodemus was a "know it all". It's interesting to take a close look at that 20th century stereotype the "know it all". When we were children, it was a derogatory term for someone we did not like. As we grew older it became an ideal term. Now in our information society, knowledge is greatly prized. When did the stereotype change? A good friend once told me, "Susan, don't ever become intellectually arrogant- education isn't everything." Being submersed in education right now I can understand where it plays an important part in my foundation as a minister. The Presbyterian Church is determined to see that I am equipped with enough education so that I can challenge every person to grow beyond the point where they stopped developing in the faith. It's a very noble goal, but first I must meet people where they are . . . at the point where they have given up .  . and where they need acceptance the most. Did Nicodemus really "know it all"? Jesus didn't think so. Jesus set him up for a fall with a word play of double meanings. It's interesting to study the double meanings John used in his gospel. Perhaps that is why the religious symbol for the Gospel of John is the Eagle ... he always takes a higher view. The Samaritan woman at the well thought Jesus was speaking of running water, when he spoke of "living water". Jesus told Nicodemus he must be born "from above". In the Greek the word is Anothen meaning- "from above"- actually a compound word "Ano"- from & "then"- above. It can also mean "again". Many scholars believe the ambiguity is deliberate because it set Nicodemus up to pose a ridiculous question. "How can a man be born when he is old? (What if his mother is already dead?) Can you enter a womb the second time? (Are we talking about reincarnation here?)" However stupid this sounds, these are logical questions that any thinking person would ask - when they've missed the point. Ironically, many people have accepted the misunderstanding of Nicodemus, "to be born again", and have missed the words of Jesus. The phrase "born again" is the misunderstanding of a "know it all". What is it that Nicodemus misunderstood? The scripture takes an important turn here. Suddenly, the singular "you" addressing Nicodemus changes to the plural. The message is for all of us. This is a post Easter message written by John because the references to baptism and the Holy Spirit are to John a post Easter gift. John refers to Christ's ascension as a past not future event. In this way, a conversation with Nicodemus becomes a sermon to all people. People who need to hear that to find the spirit of God is not like climbing a ladder. We can't study our way to God. Life everlasting is a gift of God. We can't control the spirit of God anymore than the coming and the going of the wind. The letter of Paul to the Corinthians said God has made foolish the wisdom of this world. Abraham and Sarah received the promise of God by accepting it. It is God who, instead of responding in kind to sinners, forgives by extending grace. God is finally a God who bestows salvation as a free gift and not as wages earned. As the famous John 3:16 states, God gave us life through the death of his Son on the Cross. Through the Cross, we know that God loves us enough to die for us. Through the Cross we know that God pays for our sins.   And through the Cross we know that salvation is available to all. It is not a superior knowledge. Forgiveness is available to all who understand the message of the gift. Later in the gospel we find Nicodemus as a member of the body that condemned Jesus and delivered him to Pilate. But after Jesus had been crucified, Nicodemus risked his life to help Joseph of Arimathea bury him. Perhaps even then he did not understand; yet, even at that very moment, he may have been working out his faith, despite his lack of understanding. God does not condemn. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." We can be a "know it all" by accepting the free gift . . . the gift of God's love - beyond understanding.  -0-   This note sent by SUSAN DUKER   to the sshop-sermons list altk 10 Reason Not to Wash In one parish, the pastor, apparently fed up with all the excuses given over the years as to why people don't go to church, included "Ten Reasons Why I Never Wash" in the Sunday bulletin: 1. I was forced to as a child. 2. People who wash are hypocrites -- they think they are cleaner than everybody else. 3. There are so many different kinds of soap, I can't decide which one is best. 4. I used to wash, but I got bored and stopped. 5. I wash only on special occasions, like Christmas and Easter. 6. None of my friends wash. 7. I'll start washing when I get older and dirtier. 8. I can't spare the time. 9. The bathroom is never warm enough in winter or cool enough in summer. 10. People who make soap are only after your money. ----------- Origin unknown. altk

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