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This is the ALIEN GUIDE shed. All the tools I could find to assist are in here, on one of the shelves or in the cupboards.

---quick look around---

guard dog
webtv tools
anglfr freegifs
jars and jars of misc.gifs
library door
link exchange
site-see services(paid)
Learn to do almost anything!!
html code validator
transloader for ftp files

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Email: MasterBuilder

Put a custom message board on YOUR website

Form your own web-ring or find one that fits your tastes icks,tutorials, newletter, etc.

Car ol's Webtv toolbox:assorted gimmes

Start a newsletter, --midis source and address' example.

Netmechan ic Links--a Must gimme check out mine above before cliking here

Neswletter, site promo, tools, resources -- Submitplus -- banner links, ffa links search engine, etc.

ABCs of HTML Open Notepad or your favorite text editor and get ready to make a template. Here are some basic codes to help you create a your first web page. The top of your HTML codes: ABCs of HTML CODES That will give you: White background until your background (jpg or gif) is loaded, with Black text. Your link will be blue , your viewed link will be dark red and your active link with be Fuchsia. You can change this to colors you like. For the name or title of your page if you type this:

Name of Page

You will get this: Name of Page

This is h1

This is h2

This is h3

This is h4

This is h5
This is h6
Here are some samples of base size text. These are the sizes you will use in writing your HTML page. Most use 3 or 4: If you want something bold you type: this is bold print . If you want to underline you type: this is to underline If you want to use italics you type: this is italics You can also do a combo of all: Bold, italics and underlined . Instead of using the italics ITALICS you may want to use the emphasis you get the same effect. Although, I must say I cannot tell any difference in the two, the books say that emphasis renders a bolder text. One code I've never found a use for but someone probably has is the strike code. It is: This is the Strike Code and here are the results. I do not know which browsers do and do not support this code. C O L O R S You can change the color of your text and your pages. If you have a dark background, you should use a light color text. Or if you have a pale background you can pick a darker color. Here are some examples and coding of different colors. For a more complete listing of color codes please visit The Web Color Index or, for those who can handle javascript, try Gypsy-J's color page. Black Maroon Green Olive Navy Purple Teal Gray Red Lime Yellow Blue Fuchsia Aqua White would not show up but the code is #ffffff Here are the SAME colors, only using the (bold) coding: Black Maroon Green Olive Navy Purple Teal Gray Red Lime Yellow Blue Fuchsia Aqua White would not show up but the code is #ffffff Here are the same colors using the code: Remember each browser is different, some do not recognize the code and others do not recognized the code. Black Maroon Green Olive Navy Purple Teal Gray Red Lime Yellow Blue Fuchsia Aqua White would not show up but the code is #ffffff Alignment Tags: These can get complicated, but the most common is the
Since this is supposed to be the very simplest of html codes I am not going into other aligment tags. Horizontal Lines: Plain lines are done using a
tag. When you type in
the default will be the full width of your screen. If you want to change the default follow the examples below:
will give you:
will give you:
will give you:
will give you: Making Lists: To create an Ordered List you need to use
    1. number one
    2. number two
    3. number three
    Your list will look like this: number one number two number three Create an Unordered or Bulleted list: using the
      • red
      • blue
      • green
      Your list will look like this: Red Blue Green Definition Lists or Headings with indents: Topic Learning HTML coding Simple Steps Simple steps are the best To create the above topics, follow these steps: Topic Learning HTML coding Simple Steps Simple steps are the best This tag is now obsolete, but some people find it useful. Breaks and Paragraphs: For a cause a break in the line you type
      And the next line will print. If you want to create a new paragraph you type

      And it will skip a line (leaving it blank) and start a new line. To Make Things Blink: Blinking does not work with all browsers so it will not blink for every one. I believe that it is an annoying Netscape trick. You type word to blink . To Make Things Scroll: The Marquee Code is only compatible with the MSIE browser. A Marquee is scrolling text across a page. It is eyecatching, but once again, not supported by all browsers. This is the code for Marquee. Users of MSIE will see scrolling text across the page. Netscape users will just see the text. It will not scroll, but if you center it,

      it should look fine with either browser. Create a link: To create a link to another page or to another person's page you type: Click Here for Avsia's home page. Click here for Avsia's home page Putting graphics on your page: The first thing to do is upload them to your ISP. Please do not link to the graphic Always upload it to your site. There are several reasons for this but the two important ones are: doing it steals their bandwidth and if they remove or rename the graphic, yours will show up broken. The html code or tag to add a graphic is: what 
graphic represents The height and width tags help it to load faster. You can determine the size of your graphic by viewing it in a graphics editor. If you want your gif to be in the center of your page, you type:
      Always use the alt tags for graphics and explain what the graphic represents, since this makes the page more accessible for people who are the vision impaired. Create a mailto: John Doe Drop a note to John Doe Remember before you end your page you must close the body and html tags that you opened when you started your page. These are just a few of the basics of html code.

      Email: The Anderson's

      Email: Greg and Christine