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MMRL:virtual medical library!!!!
Nurses Handbook Online--includes drug index
Arthritis Topic Index UofWA
U.S.Surgeon General
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Dr.Koop's Community & newsletter
Healthcare Online(nice engine)
Virtual Medical Center

This site is under construction and we apologize that the links may or may not work at this time. Try them and see; let us know if they dont. We have had little time for updating this page since our move to Texas. I know that's no excuse, but I tried.... haha! For a site that will give you a test to try to discover your temperment type ( like the MyersBriggs,etc.) and is entitled a Character Sorter CLI CK HERE for a multiple choice preference test.

Of courseFor locating a doctor_phone numbers _specialties_boards_address_etc_ Click Here!

If you havent seen the National Library of Medicine, you should.

More of this will be researched and listed here or provided by link. Be sure to come back soon when we get more things up and running.---Management

Due to the nature of the conflicts we are having we post the following definition:

Psychopath/Sociopath BEWARE OF THE MASK OF SANITY Defined by statistical evidence based on a person exhibiting a majority of the following behaviors: 1) Those who "instinctively" prey on the lives of others, through manipulation, for their own personal gain and agendas. 2) Those who engage in life risking entertainment to avoid being alone or bored as this "Adrenaline Pain Killer" keeps them from becoming depressed or self destructive (as in alcohol, drugs, or suicide etc.). These traits are usually tainted with unrealistic views and radical/irresponsible behavior. This is more often recognized as "child like habits or behaviors", such as playing precariously without conscience as they do not know any better only the thrill of the momment. If they do not respect their own life, they will certainly not respect yours. 3) Those who must control others (instinctively developed) for the sheer power to feed an ego. This buries their flaws, inferior complexes, personal pain, and depression. The egocentricity is so instinctive that it is pathological in nature. 4) Those who can commit unthinkable abuses (criminal or personal) of another's emotions, finances, or property without feeling any guilt, shame, or remorse. The amazing part, is that when they are confronted or caught in their act/performance/lie, they argue in blatant defense of their crimes and will blame everyone but themselves. 5) Those that can lie profusely and create stories to serve their false ego/personality to maintain their act of feeling near perfect. The lying is usually of the utmost in insincerity and lack of concern for another. 6) Those that live a false self to such an extent that they will fight to defend their own act and actually evolve to believe their own lies. The lies that they generate are usually full of emotions and exaggerations that tend to pull in the unsuspecting. 7) Those that are so devoid of love and emotions that they act out an admirable behavior (bubbly, carefree, very outgoing, seemingly fun to be with, irresitible charm, constant projection of superior intelligence) to gain acceptance. In their incapacity to have healthy shame for wrong doing, they suck the emotions (or money etc.) from their victim until that victim is "Served out" (left empty, used, and exhausted). When the victim can not maintain the Sociopath's required level of attention and/or needs, the sociopath will turn on their provider and humiliate, abuse, reject, attack, or hurt the victim until the relationship is completely sabotaged. They are cold thus calculating, and crimes of the heart are very common as they are usually very sexual (a means of control and to gain acceptance). 8) The Sociopath rarely learns from their mistakes as they bounce from one encounter to another. The same pattern is very predictable. They also want to rush into anything (especially relationships) very fast as their insecurity is a driving force in their lives. If they deny you freedom, again, it is another sign of their insecurity and that they are afraid that their victim will behave in the same manner as they would; Cheat, look for escape or infidelity. They are experts at accusing one of the same traits that they possess. If they are making accusations that are not true, look out! These accusations are a roadmap of their personality traits that you are about to experience. It is unfortunate that most people are brought up to be honest and trusting and lack the experience or direct relational experience to identify the Sociopath after a brief meeting. However, to have read the above, traits will become very clear very fast. 9) Leaving a Sociopath can be the worst experience of all. Many of the times they are so resentful of their rejection, that they will muster a vengeful attack to the very things that one loves and/or owns. Remember that they have virtually no remorse for anything that they do. They believe that you should be punished for their rejection no matter what is does to one's family, children, finances, or health. If one is lucky, the Sociopath will leave without a word (also a way to punish you - to make you feel like a punished child) and leave one emotionally drained. Although the departure can be shockingly painful, one has the opportunity to rebuild without more damage to his/her life. The coldness of the departure is one's big red flag that there never was any concern for that persons feelings. 10) Lastly, one can never change a Sociopath through care, love, attention, communication, or money. DO NOT TRY! These are the things that they have no true respect for or do not understand. Therefore, they will drain the victim until there is no more thrill, challenge, money or ego to satisfy etc. These people are CONTROL FREAKS. Let go of the desire to help these lost people before they control you out of your life! FYI from the loving family of greg and christine, and Joshua--estranged at the moment.
