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Alien Guide's Microwave Oven room

Microwave Chocolate Fudge Prep time : 20 min
Ready in :2 hr 22 min

2 pkg. (8 squares each) of your favorite brand Semi-Sweet Baking Chocolate

1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed milk

2 tsp. vanilla

1 cup chopped Walnuts (optional)

Microwave chocolate and milk in large microwavable bowl on HIGH 2 minutes or until chocolate is almost melted, stirring after 1 minute. Stir until chocolate is completely melted.

Stir in vanilla and nuts. Spread in foil-lined 8-inch square pan.

Refrigerate 2 hours or until firm. Cut into squares. [note: as an addition to your fudge, you can try a New Mexico favorite and add about 3 Tbsp of dry red chile powderto the mixture before you add the vanilla, while stirring.

Using the microwave and then baking

Here is a recipe I developed while living in the Hill Country in Texas; I worked at a Store's deli there, doing doughnuts, decorating cakes, &c., and I decided to get wild. This is the result, named 'Hereford treats'. Make plenty because they really mooo-ve.

The basic principle behind this is that marshmallows enlarge when microwaved. heh heh.

You'll need: Jar of Strawberry Preserves, Bag of small marshmallows, 1-2 containers of pop-and-bake biscuits, ready-to-use can of whipped cream. [if you want you can dip the spot where you fill the biscuit into dipping chocolate/preferably a hard-shell forming kind.]

Recipe to follow:

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