Ami is listening to a
music when she realize that everyone is looking at her. Usagi and
Chibiusa get hold the paper Ami was working on.
Then Ami play a
musical composition for everyone that she found on Pasukon
Tsuushin ( Personal Computer Correspondance ). She is inspired by
the music, and want to make a lyrics for it. Usagi is confused
because she didn't know about Pasukon Tsuushin. Minako explained
it to Usagi shortly by her own words. Ami then explain that she
only know the author's initials, NT. Chibiusa want to meet the
person who made the song, and Ami agrees to her.
Meanwhile the
Amazoness Quartet teasing with the flying eyeball until Zirconia
gave them a blurry picture of the next target. The Amazoness
Quartet complained but Zirconia insist them to look for it. Later
Pallapalla is able to extract the music from the picture, which
they can use to look for the target.
Ami write an email for
NT telling that she made a lyrics for the song. She also receive a
sketch from her father ( an artist ). She realizes that her artist
father's blood flows within her.
Later when she has the
chance to meet the song's creator, Nishio Toshiyuki, he invite her
and her friends to his place. They also meet his friend Kyoko, but
Ami is too shy to show the lyrics to him. Because of her low self
confidence, Ami then doesn't show it and go. The girls follow her
and try to convince her but she run away.
Meanwhile, Vesves is
attacking Nishio, hearing Kyoko's voice, the girls come back to
Nishio's place. Later, Ami come because Diana told her that the
enemy has appeared again. She tell the enemy to stop. But Vesves
make the senshi trapped in a computer. Ami then hear a voice
calling her, telling her about her dream. Then she realize
something very important, that is the feelings from pure heart.
She then transform to Sailormercury using Mercury crystal power
and use her new attack, Mercury Aqua Rhapsody to get them out of
the computer. Sailormoon and Sailorchibimoon take care of the
enemy then.
Later, Nishio read the
lyrics and said that it fit the music perfectly and is very happy
because such a great song made from his music. Ami think to
herself that she should try harder so that she can realize her
true dream.
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