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Explanation with pictures


Using mini computer and visorShe can use her visor and mini computer to find enemy weaknesses. The senshi were saved many times because of this. But you know, there are some things that out of prediction. So this might not work all the times. But at least she already tried.

Using Sailor Planet Power with other senshiWithout her, there won't be any Sailor Planet Power. Without Mars, Jupiter, etc there won't be Sailor Planet Power too. So what is the point on debating who is the best senshi ( scout in NA version ) ?


Fixing car ???Remember when I said that she can fix car ? This is when she help a woman in Sailormoon SuperS episodes. She really make her friends and Chibiusa ( Reeny in NA version ) admire her kindness. Not many people who are kind and rich can dance, swim, speak different language and fix car too. 

Helping a little kidKind to anyone. No matter who that person is. This time to a kid. I think I shouldn't explain more, because you already know this.


Able in sportsAble in sports. Her talent in sport is not only swimming. Although her name means Beauty of Water, she can do other things that are not related to water.


Reading a bookA diligent person. But has a low self confidence. Remember this, make me ashamed of my self. Actually this is one reason which make people misunderstand that she is only book-smart. It seems she must study hard to become a doctor like her mother. No, it's not because of that. She study hard because she only have a low self confidence and too diligent. As Mamoru ( Darien in NA version ) said in one of Sailormoon S episodes, she is very brilliant the way she is now. Also, have you noticed that Mamoru is not only giving special attention to Usagi or Chibiusa ? But also to her ? Mamoru sometimes encourage Ami to believe herself.

Cute, I think... Pretty, in my opinion... Ugly, in my opinion...
Depending on the artist, her face can looks cute, pretty or even ugly.

Have you noticed that Luna is often beside her ?

Pictures is from Sailormoon SuperS episode 151, when she get a sketch from her father. The only thing she can get from her father is encouragement like this. Her mother is a doctor who always came home late, her father left her and her mother when she was a child. Things that really affect her live. Have you notice that she always seems lonely ?

She is always afraid when her friends talking bad things about her. But she never complain and keep that sad feelings in her heart. She is always careful not to do something wrong and try not to offend them, because she doesn't want to lose them.


She is playing video games, and her score is fantastic, that's why people are looking at her. May be all of them ( except Usagi ) don't realize that the girl they're looking at is a smart and kind girl. So who said that she is boring and always study in her life ?


I will add more later.

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