1. Samhain-October 31
A bit of info: Samhain (Pronounced Sowen) is the Celtic feast of the dead. It is the day when the veil between the realm of the living and the realm of the dead is thinnest. Making it a good time to remember and honor our ancestors. It is a time of change and a time to look torward the future. On Samhain many witches perform rituals to keep negative things out of their futures.
2. Yule (The winter solstice)-December 22
Yule is a festival of honoring the Goddess for giving birth to the sun as she does year after year.
3. Imbolg-February 2
At Imbolg, Witches honor the Celtic Goddess Brid who is heavily pregnant with her child the Sun.
4. Ostara (The spring equinox)-March 22
A time to celebrate the arrival of Spring!
5. Beltane-May 1
Festival of unions, return of lushness and abundance. Time of Passion
6. Midsummer (The summer solstice)-June 22
Peak of power Time of carefree fun and passion.
7. Lughnasadh-August 1 or 2 (on the old calendar,The 14)
Beginning of the Grain harvest. First harvest on the wheel of the year. Importance of life.
8. Mabon (The autumn Equinox)-September 22
Marks regression into the cold barreness of winter