The Hungarian Countess

Dance Your Belly Off!

Act Two Scene 3

Act Two Scene 3 [Countess and Mumkin sit behind white curtain by themselves, all of the other slaves having been sold and taken away.]
Countess: That was the last? No! Of course I am the last. Will I go next?
Mumkin: It is time. The Binbashi is signaling for you to walk to the block. Do not be afraid. You have seen that no harm comes to you on the block. And you promised to go willingly.
Countess: I remember. I will go although I am dearly afraid.
Mumkin: You also promised to be displayed naked. You remember?
Countess: I remember
  [Mumkin rises, helping the Countess to rise. Countess is pointed off stage and walks in the direction indicated, coming back onto the stage in front of the curtain. She walks slowly and pauses near the block before stepping up and onto it with the help of the Auctioneer. She turns to face the audience, her back straight, chin out, as imperial as a woman covered in veils can be. The audience of buyers become silent.]
Auctioneer: Now as the best for today I offer you a noble woman who was the wife of a Hungarian Count. She has borne two children that are now adult. The Count is dead making this slave unmarried. You will see she is truly a beauty.
Voices: What is a count?
He is like a Gazi, a general of generals.
What a wonder she is.
She stands so straight, so unafraid.
She is a woman worthy of a Gazi.
Auctioneer: What am I offered for this prize captured by the Binbashi while on campaign in Hungary. With his strong right arm he slew a count and found this countess as his prize.
Voices: 1000 Drachma
The sheer white veil is removed from her face
Auctioneer: Now you see the face of an Houri. Soon this view will be enjoyed only by one of you and the rest, those who miss this opportunity will only have memories.
Voices: Pretty, Great beauty
Voices: 1100 Drachma
Voices: 1250
Voices: 1500
Voices: 1700
Voices: 1850
Voices: 2000
The blue satin is removed from her Hair
Auctioneer: Under her fine veil there is a crown of luxurious gold, a heavenly halo.
Voices: Dazzling
Hair bright as the sun
Blinding gold
Worth gold
Voices: 3000
Voices: 4000
Voices: 4500
Voices: 5000
  The Damask robe of dark purple with dark red, silver and light purple pattern is removed from her body. Her bodice is covered by Sheer yellow, doubled into two layers so it is opaque, a purple sash is at her waist holding two leggings, one green and one orange. These are her only covers.
Auctioneer: This finest of robes covers a form of such beauty that only could come from the greatness of Allah. You are now approaching heaven.
Voices: Slender
Youthful figure
Well formed
Auctioneer: What tribute will you offer for this magnificent woman Allah at first withheld and now has compassionately offered you as his blessing.
Voices: 6000
Voices: 7000
Voices: 7500
Voices: 8000
Voices: 8500
Voices: 9000
Voices: Gasp
  The top yellow layer is released and falls to hang to her waist. Her breasts may be seen faintly through the sheer yellow material. The Countess not aware her breasts can be seen.
Auctioneer: Beauty is woman! Woman is Beauty! This slave was created to please men.
Voices: Her breasts are large and firm, made to be held close to a man.
Can a man have so much pleasure?
She is unaware that she is d
What loveliness! What nobility!
Auctioneer: You now see why I have extolled this slave’s charms. How much do you value this delight?
Voices: 10,000
Voices: 12,000
Voices: 13,000
  The Auctioneer makes a fast pull at the back of her neck and the sheer yellow veil is released from her torso to fall to the floor. The Countess reflexively puts the palms of her hands to cover her breasts.
Voices: She is modest. See, she tries to cover herself
Modesty at once.
And such magnificent beauty.
I can be as lucky as a Count.
Binbashi: Remember your promise to allow yourself to be displayed naked.
Mumkin: [Stage Whisper] remove your hands.
Countess: [the Countess hesitates then slowly pulls her hands away from her breasts and brings them to face to cover as she cries.]
Voices: Modesty and obedience at once.
What more can you want.
She is noble too.
Beauty, nobility and Moslem virtues too.
Auctioneer: You see an obedient slave with charms to delight the angels and modest to not tempt others.
Voices: Such perfection
What sons she will give her master
And what daughters too!
Voices: 14,000
Voices: 15,000
Voices: 17,000
Voices: [Pause]
Voices: 18,000
Voices: How much higher can the bidding go? I am near the end. I am passed my limit but I would offer more had I the amount.
  The Auctioneer pulls the sheer tangerine legging from the sash and it falls from her right leg.
Auctioneer: Now you see a limb as perfectly formed as a Greek column in Haggia Sophia.
Voices: Her leg that is strong and slender.
Hips well sized to bear children.
Those hips will bear a man’s love.
Voices: 19,000
Voices: 20,000 Drachma
Voices: 21,000 Drachma
Voices: Surely they can go no higher.
Voices: 22,000
  Gasps from the audience.
Voices: So much.
More than some the Sultan has bought.
More than enough to make a Binbashi into a Pasha.
Enough to make a Pasha into a pauper
Voices: 23,000 Drachmas
Voices: My purse deprives me of heavenly delights on earth.
  The Auctioneer slips the sheer green legging from the sash so it falls and is removed from her left leg, exposing her naked except for waist covered by red sash. Countess sobs
Auctioneer: Another perfect column to tempt you.
Voices: Now we can see all of her charms
Two columns of the gates of heaven
The gates of heaven are covered with golden hair.
Heaven is in that Golden Gate.
Auctioneer: Now you see nearly all of her, more golden hair, a heavenly form and the fulfillment of your dreams. Surely this marvel is worth more than you have offered, more even than you have.
Voices: 24,000 Drachmas
Voices: 26,000
Voices: 27,000
Voices: 28,000
  The Auctioneer unties the red sash and slowly lets it slide away with one end held in his hand. He releases it to the floor leaving the Countess naked for all of her coverings are removed.
Auctioneer: Here you see the slave as Allah made her; a delight to the eye, a temptation to touch and a satisfaction to possess.
Voices: This will be a bidding frenzy
A prize
I must have her
Do you have more to bid?
Such a beauty. I am lucky to see such a sight, Allah be praised.
Countess: [The Countess, still with her hands covering her face, begins to sob, causing her body to wrack from her anguish].
Voices: See her shame for being immodest. Such perfection of beauty with such perfection of modest behavior. This woman is worth my fortune. 29,000 Drachmas
Voices: 30,000
Voices: 30,500
Voices: 31,000
Voices: 31,500
Voices: 31,950
Voices: 32,000
Voices: 33,000
Voices: 33,500
Voices: [pause]
Voices: 34,000
Voices: There are only two left bidding
Voices: 34,500
Voices: 35,000
Voices: [pause]
Voices: 35,500
Voices: [pause]
Auctioneer: Is there more?
[to one of the last bidders] do you offer more.
Bidder: I can go no higher. She is his.
Voices: No one has more?
This price is unprecedented.
It has happened before
Yes, but maybe once
Auctioneer: Is she sold?
for 35,500 Drachmas?v
Voices: It is over.
I have never seen such bidding.
So much has been offered.
It happened before, maybe once and that was a virgin.
It has been a good night. I bought a strong slave for a good price.
I did too. I should be happy but to lose such heaven.
Auctioneer: Sold! [Nods to Eunuch]
Countess: [Still on block] I have been sold! Who has bought me?
  Eunuch holding an abaya and veil is speaking quietly to Auctioneer near the side. Mumkin is gathering the fallen veils behind the countess.
Countess: [Still on block, Countess reaches to gold cross on her neck and absently fondles it]

I am sold! Sold? I was a wife, a mother, a daughter of noble parents, sister of noble brothers. Now I belong . . . to whom? What kind of person owns another? Oh, I understand even in Hungary there are many who are not really free. They are poor people who need help with their lives. Maybe there are a few slaves in Hungary. I have heard of it but do not know if that is true. If someone owned a slave as a servant, or worse, who would know? No one comes to a castle to search. No one, not even the King.

Now I belong to someone. I do not know what he can do with me.

When I married I had a choice; a choice not to marry and a choice to decline whoever was offered. I trusted my father and he chose well and fairly. Still, I placed requirements on the marriage contract. There were benefits for my parents, my husband-to-be. All would benefit from the marriage and I was a benefit too. I demanded and was granted some rights and power.

If I were free to choose would I have chosen differently? Perhaps, but would girlhood fantasies send letters of proposal to my parents? So I accepted a good match, a fair match. My marriage worked well. I helped my husband. We were good for each other and our children.

  [The Assistant to the Auctioneer brings the Greek and the Abyssinian slaves to the front of Stage Right. They are still naked to the waist. The assistant ties ropes around their necks and then ties their hands before finally tying their hands to their neck loosely.]
Countess: Now I am sold! Sold! Who has bought me? A man who has not spoken to me, does not know who I am, does not know my strengths, does not know me at all, has not given me any rights. All he knows is my beauty. After two children, after losing my husband so tragically, My beauty is transient. Sadness must corrode my beauty just as age will. What is my beauty worth? Is that all I am now?

What do the Turks want with the land of Hungary? They only want wealth, the taxes to be paid by Magyars to enrich the Turkish Sultan. And how is that wealth used? To buy beauty! To buy ships manned by slaves to capture more land, pirate more merchants to get more wealth to buy more beauty. Now I learn they want to tax their peasants for slaves as well as money. What will it do them? What can they do with so many slaves. So many lives destroyed.

Now I have value, 35,000 drachmas, enough to buy three ships. They could have sent me back to my parents when I was worthless. Now who can afford to lose me? But of what use am I other than beauty. Do they think I will help defeat the Hungarians? Why would I help my husband’s killers?

I will not go. I am only a woman, I cannot fight anyone but I will not help. I will not be a slave. I do not feel honored with a price. I am only a woman. Why would anyone buy a worthless woman?

Do they want slave babies from me? At my age? How many babies to pay for 35,000 Drachma?

Mumkin: [Walks to the Countess and gives her the veils from the floor. Countess clutches them to cover herself]
Countess: These don’t belong to me. Don’t they belong to the Binbashi?
Mumkin: The clothes you wear to the block belong to you.
Countess: Who has bought me? Who owns me?
Mumkin: That Eunuch has bought you.
Countess: [Gasps] The black man? Is he so wealthy? What would he want with me?
Mumkin: No, he is a slave like you and I. He belongs to a powerful Pasha from the East. He has bought you for his master.
Countess: What is a Pasha?
Mumkin: A Pasha is a general, he has many Binbashis. I am told your Pasha would be a Duke in Hungary.
Eunuch: [Eunuch gives Auctioneer a bag of coins and walks to the two slaves at the front of the stage.] I am your new master. I will take you tonight to my camp and at dawn tomorrow we will Begin our walk to your new home.

[Takes Greek’s hands from heavy cross around her neck and holds it in his hand] you are a Christian?

Greek: Yes.
Eunuch: [to Abyssinian] You must be an animist, a worshipper of trees, animals and spirits.
Abyssinian: Yes, master.
Eunuch: That was my religion once, when I was your age. I followed a girl your age to the river to help her get water in her jar. Slave traders captured us both and we were taken to Mecca. There I was changed forever by the knife into what I am now and buried in the sand to live or die. The girl was taken to auction. I was told she was sold to a Meccan trading merchant.
Abyssinian: I hope she is happy.
Eunuch: Who could not be happy in the holy city. Those who die in Mecca are said by the Holy Koran to ascend directly to heaven.

[he turns to face the Greek girl.]

Tonight I will convert you both to Islam and during our journey to my Master’s Castle I will instruct you in your new religion.

[he releases the cross he has been holding]

Tonight you will surrender this to me.

  [Eunuch walks to the Countess.]
Eunuch: [to Mumkin] Take those veils from her
Mumkin: [Hurriedly takes back veils]
Eunuch: [looks her over in her nakedness]

when I saw you take your hands obediently from your naked breasts to cover your face in shame I knew I would bid everything for you. Your modesty matches your beauty. From now on I will protect your modesty and none but I will look on you. Your new master will be pleased with you.

Countess: I will not be pleased! I will not have any master.
Eunuch: I have been told of your haughtiness. I will have none of it. We will cross the Bosphorus tonight to take you from Europe to the Orient where you will serve your new Master.
Countess: You said your master will be pleased with my beauty. Will he be pleased when his new slave has to be whipped and beaten to go to him? Will he be pleased to learn he has paid 35,000 Drachmas for a disobedient and beaten woman? [She removes hands from breasts and clutches cross] will he be pleased to have a Christian in his harem?
Eunuch: You have promised to be obedient. You will obey me and do as I wish.
Countess: I have no promise to you. My promise was to the Binbashi and it ended when I was sold. Yes, I promised to be obedient, to go freely to the block and to allow myself to be displayed naked. I have fulfilled that and more. Now I tell you I am not a slave and I will not go with you. I know you have paid a great amount for me but you will have to explain to your master that you spent that on a disobedient countess and not a slave.
Eunuch: [takes end of rope trailing from her neck] I can make you go with me. I can make you obey.
Countess: You can force me to go with you and you can force me to do things. But you cannot force me to be docile with a master not of my choice. You cannot force me to say what you want or force me to be silent.
Mumkin: Please do not argue. It has gone so well for you this far.
Countess: [To Mumkin]

You told me I would be of great value. That I would be treated well for my beauty but we will see.

[To Eunuch]

I am worth three ships fully equipped and with a slave crew. I know my value. Why should I argue with you who are less than a man and not a woman. Of what value are you? You can carry me away but you cannot make me say or do what you want nor can you convert any of my ideas.

Mumkin: Countess. You will be a slave with this man, dependent on him. Do not arouse his wrath.
Countess: What do I care? Of what value is he? Is he worth 35,000 Drachmas? He cannot please a woman nor do manly work. His value is as a lapdog to care for women. What can he do to me that wasn’t done when I was on the block?
Eunuch: [Signals to Auctioneer’s Assistant who comes over.]

Take this slave from the block and put a rope around her neck.

[to countess] You will cross the Bosphorus tonight to begin your trip to your Master’s Castle where you will serve him.

Countess: I will do neither. I will stay here. Perhaps you can sell me again and recover some of your money. Perhaps you can force me into a boat but you cannot make me walk nor be a Moslem nor a slave.
Eunuch: You will find your new master to be a great and worthy man.
Countess: Perhaps he is but he is not worthy of me if he uses half men to do his bidding and uses money to obtain a woman.
Eunuch: [Exasperated. Turns to Mumkin] Cannot you make her understand?
Mumkin: [shrugs shoulders]
Countess: [Laughs] She has done her job well. I understand what may happen to me but I also see what may happen to you.

How will you explain to your master how you squandered such a great amount of money to arm his competitor?

Eunuch: You think I am half a man and you are right. I cannot change that and I keep living and doing what needs to be done. I know myself. You do not know yourself. A woman of passion, a woman of experience, experience with husbands and with men, will help him rule his Sanjak, his domain.

You are not just beautiful but also a passionate woman, a woman who needs a strong man, a woman who cannot do without a man. You will miss having a strong man and you will want such a man.

I offer you such a man. My Master and Yours is a strong man, a fair and honorable man. He needs a woman such as you as you need a man such as him.

I will hire this slave [nodding to Mumkin] to accompany you across the country and teach you Turkish. A woman such as you needs an active mind even as you walk across Turkey to meet your new Master. Do you object to her?

Countess: No. She is my friend, my only friend and I trust her.
Eunuch: If you will obey me and cooperate on the way to the Castle where you will enter the harem willingly and be obedient. In return, I will not convert you to Islam unless you ask.
Countess: I will not be introduced to your Master.
Eunuch: You will not have to meet your Master until you are willing. Do you agree to this?
Countess: I agree to be obedient and go with you to your castle and live in the harem there. Do you agree that I will not be forced to convert to Islam or be displayed to your master?
Eunuch: I agree.
Countess: Then I will never meet your Master.
[Assistant ties Countess’s hands with a rope.]
[Mumkin lowers abaya over the Countess, then covers her hair in a scarf to which he attaches a veil across her face.]
Eunuch: [Indication the Greek and Abyssinian]

Tie those two slaves together, hand to neck.

[Assistant ties Abyssinian’s hands with a rope to the rope around the Greek’s neck.]
Eunuch: Good. Now tie that slave to this slave’s neck rope.
[Assistant ties rope from Greek’s hands to the rope around the Countess’s neck.]
Countess: Why do you do this? I promised to go willingly with you. Why are you bonding me.
Eunuch: You are a slave so you need to be protected with bonds. I know you will keep your promise. Honesty in a slave is a great quality.

[Reaches into the abaya to take the rope tied to the Countess’s wrists out and ties its end loosely over his arm.]

I am tying you to the other slaves to you and tying you to my arm so that every step of the way, starting with this, the first step, you will feel the pull of my arm on your hands and the tug of the other slaves behind you on your neck.

Now you will take the first step knowing you are a slave, you have a new master and you are walking inexorably to his harem.

[turns away to face off stage and suddenly pulls the rope from the Countess’s wrists, almost pulling her over. She recovers, walks forward and the rope from the Greek slave pulls taut at the Countess’s neck. Slowly the coffle walks off stage.]

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