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- Une grand Petit problem

Why the brilliant ponytailed Frenchman is considering quitting the English game.

It is hard to imagine, even though this is only his second season at the club, an Arsenal team without Emmanuel Petit in it. He is a commander, a midfield general, who, with Patrick Vieira, make up the most formidable central pairing in the Premiership, i f not Europe. His trade mark over the top balls are ideal for the pace of Anelka and Overmars. Indeed his passing is on the same level as Dennis Bergkamp's. Wenger recently said that to win the championship this season it was essential that Vieira and Peti t stayed together in midfield for the rest of the season. Sadly this will not be the case, and for this reason 'Manu may just leave us for football in Italy or elsewhere on the continent.

People say things they don't mean when they are annoyed, let's hope this is the case with Petit's comments after he was sent off for a third time this season at Everton. Petit marched into the tunnel declaiming, "That me finished with English football". I just hope his initial reactions to bad situations are as bad as his grammar on this occasion.\line \line I can understand his frustration though. Just back after a month out through injury, and then immediately suspended for three games including the small matter of an FA cup semi-final at Villa Park against Man U. Also this is th e third time he will miss three games through suspension this season.

The challenges he made on Saturday were clumsy, late tackles, this is not sur prising considering this was his first game back from injury. But neither were really worthy of bookings, and the victim certainly made a meal of them to say the least. The referee came in for much criticism from both camps as it was felt that neither red card was justified.\line \line Petit thinks that referees have got it in for him and one has to admit he has a point. But it is a sad fact of football that better players get singled out more than lesser ones. If he had not been the scorer of the third goal to clinch the world cup for France I doubt referees would take so much notice of him. Petit is not a dirty player, but his temperament is questionable. The infamous occasion when he raised his hand to the referee and also him allegedly abusing a linesman for a decision. Both these were minor incidents and could have easily been avoided had Petit just not got involved. Cleared his mind as his Buddhist religion would have advised.

If Petit does go, we will miss him a lot as he is such a talented player it is hard to think of any worthy replacement. Having said this it is my personal opinion that he will stay. I am sure I speak for every Arsenal fan when I say that to loose him would be to loose one of our best and most important players.






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