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Journal entries: april 98 - december 99.

december 4th 1998 1:51 pm, so i updated the i was thinking the other night, and i realized that im not happy, i mean i have fun, i like my job, i have great friends and the band is doing really really well... but something is missing, something is wrong with my life and i have no idea what it down alot and i dont know why..and i try to think why im feeling this way and i cant think of one thing.....everything that is important to me is just fine.......friends,family,the band, my dog, my bed all of these are doing ok! what else do i need??????........well anyways have a great day..matthew

december 1st 1998 6:19 pm, so we played with whippersnapper and what not last night and it was a great show......everyone played well alot of people came out wich amazing to see, got paid a shit load so we are closer to getting our 7" out. after the show we had a party, everyone had a great time, just a really really good night...........thanks to everyone that was there last night it was a night i wont seems everytime we play with whippersnapper we always have so much fun...well thanks ......see you all sometime ``matthew``

november 24th 1998 2:05 am, " here i am again on own.....going down the only road i've ever a drifter i was born to walk alone......" hey if you can tell me whose song that is i will give you something for free like a record or shirt or something. anyway, thingsare about the same around here. we have decided to practice on fridays and saturdays now because wednesdays weren't working out and we just need alot of more practice and time for writing new stuff. so we have two new songs....well one is old but we re- wrote it. the other is brand spanking new. we will play it probably next least by the show on the 21st of dec. hopefully we will have a few more by then too. we played last night at sprockets with five year wait!, ashen(whom jeremy told me that we would like them alot and he was way right! they kicked so much ass, and they are super dooper nice people too!), and elliot(do i need to say more?) anyway, it was a really good show, but i don't get atlanta much...i mean the kids here are really cool and they seem to like alot of the bands that play around here(or else they would not watch or even come out) but no one moves at all. why is this? i need to know. i thought it might have been just us...that they weren't interested, but i dunno. it was strange. they were really silent last night...i mean we got feedback, but when the clapping stopped no one talked. or so it seemed. it was weird. i freaked out too. anyway, sorry if anyone thought i was a dick i wasn't trying to be at all...i was just trying to get some kind of sound out you! the record money is slowly coming around... less than 200 bucks hopefully that will be out soon. all for now- love b. -p.s. happy thanksgiving to all!

november 17th 1998 2:33 pm. so ive been sick for the last few days but yesterday was the worst i sat around all day on my couch just all messed up on nyquil, didnt see anyone all day, brian was at work and kelley was working on a research paper, so it was just me all day(poor me) but our frirend taylor did come by for a minute with some icecream so that was my highlight of the day(thanks taylor) feeling better today......have to work on band stuff today.......trying to figure out stuff with mock orange. we have some shows with them soon.........keep checking back for updates on shows and when we finally get our stupid ass 7" out......thats all im gonna go sit around and watch stupid t.v. and waste my life matthew

november 10th 1998 4:28 pm ok heres whats new.....i added some shows to the show list. yesterday some how we got a butt load of shows booked with really good bands, so even if you think we suck come see the other bands becasue they rock it! what else... we've been writting new stuff......i think its going well, hopefully we will record again real soon, we need to send stuff out to people........if you want to talk to us please feel free to e-mail us we like to get mail...we are nice people dont be shy, write us for the love of god!!!! um sign the guestbook that makes us happy later ......matthew

november 6th 1998 1:16am so winter is going to suck i know matthew

november 5th 1998 2:51pm. hey hey hey. what is going on to all you kids that actually read this! i hope all of you are well and stuff. here's the haps. october 30th matt, kelley, and i went to a big big party at taylor's house and got really drunk....i mean, i don't really remember what exactly happened. but i think it was a blast. after that day i started to get the flu and i have been sick ever since. but for those of you who know our drinking habits...i am proud to say that i have not been drinking nearly as much as i have in the past...and i actually enjoy waking up kind of early these days. anyway...about the band. things seem like they are really picking up. we have the song out on the nothing left #8 compilation. our first real release actually. our friend becca in wilkes-barre has been playing that song for her college station lately wish is astonishing. thanks becca! also the luive show we did for the station down here has proved to sound better than we thought and they have been playing that in their local rotation, wow! we need to write though! really if we don't get a hold of some new songs we might end up cancelling some shows until we are ready to get out there and rock it new style. but we shall see. also we are looking to send out our stuff to some labels and what not, and if you know of someone that might be interested in hearing us, please contact me! thanks to everyone!! love, brian

october 27th 1998 6:33pm. well lets see whats going on....we just played with panthro uk untied 13 and bloodshovel on sunday! it was a great show both bands are wonderfull and really great guys. they both came back to our house and we just hung out and got crazy!! panthro stayed and extra day because they had a day off.........wonderful people! hope to see them so i found a job that i like and its paying well so my money worries are over, now all im worried about is the band we have so much to get done....we are writing and if everything goes right we will have some new songs to release soon.........well life is great and im off............see you all later! love matt

october 20th 1998 4:28pm so here we are again taking way too long to keep up the page. i admit it we are lazy. well this is what's been going on with us: i have been working at a pretty cool restaurant called steverino's here in athens. i like it alot. the people there are really good. that's always a plus. matt just got a job today at a restaurant too. but it's in downtown. chris has just been chillin in the atl looking for work and hanging out...same with jason. but anyway, we have trying to practice and actually write some new songs which is nice, cuz we have been playing the same stuff forever now it seems. plus we are excited about the new stuff cuz we are trying to grow up a little musically and TRYING to write some more complex, but as simple as before stuff. i think(and hope) that vocally i am getting better. but that's really all that has been happening. i am missing the mock orange boys alot. it really sucks that we can't be around them all the time, but oh well we miss you guys alot! oh and i have fallen for a girl. a really rad girl. but that is another story! til next time. we miss all you kids and hope to see you soon. love, brian

october 6th 1998 12:01 pm well we are back from tour we've been back for a 4 days now, i think i start a new job today im not really sure if its something that i want to do or not but im sure i will end up going. we have alot of stuff going on now, alot of shows booked and more in the works, things are looking up but i still feel down all the time and i have no idea why. we'll i guess im going back to sleep and try to figure out if i want to go into work today. im gonna try to make myself it just doesnt seem worth it , they can't give me enough hours but we'll see......take care. matt

september 19th 1998 3:54pm it's been a long time. we have been on tour for the past 2 weeks. it has been incredible, yet heart wrenching. tiring, though it is been the best 2 weeks of my life. we have been all over the east coast so far. nice. alot of rad places awesome kids, great shows. big thank yous to greenville kids. they kick it, to adam fangs, trish bauer!!!! for everything!, the philly crew, deamber in florence for the dinner, and mock orange for playing with us. you all need to see these guys for real. it has been a blast to our friends. we miss you bunches. we love you all too.....more to come in a few days i hope. love, brian.

august 17th 1998 9:22pm hey hey hey. let's see. we played with jejune and piebald and sho shin last night. that show was one of the best we have ever had. for the atlanta kids......they actually watched us!!!!!! it was weird. well actually i had never see alot of those kids before....but we got pretty good feedback and we left the show happy.....the other three bands were amazing. of course two of them were piebald and jejune so need i say more. sho shin rocked the shit down too. wowy. well in others thingys, the sleeves for the record are away being printed thanks to scott mc. he is my hero and many other peoples as well. we send the dat tomorrow to get the record pressed. awesome. the will be sold for 3 dollars cold hard cash. three songs. bam. shirts will be made within the next couple weeks and will be sold for 7dollars warm soft change. ha. i'm funny. anyway, we will have a couple different sizes and hopefully 2 different colors to choose from. whoopee! well my life is shit but i gave up oin making it any different. you can tell obviously since my last entry i am a spaz again. well i think that is all for now. don't forget to check out when we are coming your way. and if we are and you think you can hjelp with a show or a place to stay please email me or me for the phone number.......or whatever! thanks to all our family, we love ya. brian

august 9th 1998 8:32pm so what a crazy life that i lead. i hate everything right about now. i am poor. sort of...or i should say that i will be by the time we leave for tour. we have come up with shirt ideas and hopefully they will be ready for tour. the seven inch cover and insert are ready to be printed. we are in the process of getting the dat made for the record pressers as we speak. time is running out my friends and we are getting stressed. it should never have to come to this though. oh well. tour booking is coming along not so hot on our end....everyone we have called just caN'T SEEM TO HELP. it is really sucky. what else. alison and i are completely broken up. i am alone yet again. i need to get a job here in athens before i shoot someone. i am sick of driving to ptc every week. hmmmm.....can i bitch about anything else? no that's all for now. we have been working on a couple of new songs that we think are really good. i believe that what we write keeps getting more involved....actually like we are trying to write real songs now. not that we didn't before......i dunno what i am talking about. in other news i am gonna slow down on my drinking. it is getting really scary. i am sure alot of people think i am weird for writing these person things in here, but i would rather let people fell like they know me. i think there are too may times that people are afraid to talk to band people at shows cuz they don't know what to say or that they leave these people as if they are untouchable just cuz theyre in a band......we are human too. that's all i am a blabber mouth. bye bye yall....until next time. hopefully i can get back into the swing of updating this thing sooner. love b.

july 31st 1998 12:56pm... well its been a long time some good news and some not so good news but no really bad news....the good news is hte booking of our tour is coming along really well, and we found a band to tour with and a fucking great band at that, whats the name of the band you ask, well its MOCK ORANGE some of you may have heard them before some of you might not have.....and to those of you who havent, i feel really sorry for you they fucking its us and them booking this month and some odd days tour, oh yeah with the help of mock oranges label LOBSTER RECORDS(thanks fellas). so will the three of us we should have this tour booked in no time. check the show page for the updates for the tour. now for the not so good bews....WE ARE BROKE! and we have to get shirts made and we are doing a 7" that by the looks of it wont be out in time for tour. um what esle is going on in H-G land......chris, brian and i were in florida painting brians parents house for ten long, hot, drunk, sweat dripping from every part of my body days. but it was one of the best times i've ever had we got along so well.....on the way home we stopped through g-ville and said hello to the hot water music fellas(they are! broken up) went out to eat with wollard wich was cool... he paid for our lunch wich was really fucking cool of him(thanks chris) then we headed home and we are back and getting ready from tour and all that shit....well take care to you soon matthew

july 14th 1998 11:43am hey there all! so sorry we haven't been to quick to keep this moving in real time. anyway, alot has happened since my last entry. let's see....we played a show on the fourth of july with a bunch of bands. it was alot of fun, but no one really comes to shows out here unless you are a well known band. which really sucks for the locals. don't get me wrong! there are a good amount of kids that are there always, and they are the shit. i wish i could support alot of them, but i can't afford the gas money to drive to atlanta all the time. then on the 5th we played in roswell with only airplanes count. they are insane! i have heard one song recorded b4 then and didn't like it so i didn't know what to expect but they are incredible live. i mean it. they fuckin rock.hmmmmm....what else we went to an auction last week to try and get a new van, but that didn't happen.. matt and i got new tattoos on friday and saturday. mine is the japanese character for musical circles on my left forearm, and matt got r i s e o v e r r u n going down his leg. we both are super stoked about the new pieces. it been a long time. we played on sunday at the takin it back fest in charlseton. it was a lot of fun......we were pressed for time so we only played four songs, but it was rad anyway! shout out to matt, arthur, lauren and the dood from all the answers. oh yeah!!!!!! how could i forget! i bought a new guitar on friday. it is a candy apple red 1990 gibson sg. i anm stoked. it sounds soooo good!. uhhh,,......we were supposed to play in valdosta last night, but when we got there the show was suppesed to be today....thanks to whoever booked that one for us and not telling us it was changed! : ) but i'll tell you what. going out to the ocean at 1230am and staying until 5am is an amazing thing. i would suggest it to anyone. if you live by the ocean, don't take it for granted anymore.....i wish i lived by a beach. we are sending the song to the nothing left boys and girls today..... can't wait for that. love always, b

june 23rd 1998 7:51pm so here i am again sitting in front of this menace i call a computer. i am tired, sick, and just not in a really swell mood. went to see boilermaker and braid the other night, damn good show. damn good. boilermaker rocks my ass so hard and i finally got to see them. yesterday was my 22nd birthday. woohoo! we played in birmingham with braid and a couple other bands. it was alot of fun. got to see some of our alabama buds who we are constantly missing. i didn't want to come home. anyway, the show went well except that jason had a fit because we were too exhausted to finish our last song. he threw his bass down and walked off. needless to say i thought our last show would be with braid too. but everything is ok now. just one more thing before i go. to the people who think we are a hot water music rip off band: i really don't think you are listening to the music we play. i mean really listen. i might look like the missing bassoon player for hwm but that is about the only correlation between us and them. our music is poppy, rocky. they are tough as shit. don't get me wrong ok i love those guys so much, some of the greatest people in my life, and i think their music is fucking incredible but i believe with all my heart that we sound nothing like them. and others agree too. that is fine if they are something we are compared to but if we wanted to rip them off we would fall very short and would have given up a long time ago. thank you for the compliment though. love always, brian.

june 14th 1998 7:16pm well alot of crazy shit has been happening lately. it has been quite a rough week. needless to say i have not gotten any sleep for a long time and i am in some desperate need of it. we recorded this weekend at matt's brother's house and we are highly ecstatic about the quality of it. if you have heard the first demo and thought its quality sounded good, wait till you hear the new stuff. all we have done at this point is left ventricle, right ventricle, collins(rerecorded), "33", for you, sleeverbar, 4.17.98(for the nothing left comp.), plus some silly song named ming the merciless, and why i love ricky carmichael(instruMETAL). i think next weekend we are redoing shag capet is thick yarn and i am three minutes, and weaugh, teauagh, peaugh. we are gonna finish that up and send it away to the record labels that we hope might help out. if you know anyone that is looking for a rock band to put out, let us know!!!!! either than that just about nothing is going on. : ) in sad news i saw the fateful news on the blacktop page that they and Hot water music are breaking up or already have which is a heart breaking. so if anyone actually knows more about that deal let me know about that too. um what else . whippersnapper went to europe as well and i hope that i don't hear they broke up too, i would never wanna go there then. but that is all for now i guess. take care feel free to keep in touch with us here in ga. love always, brian.

may 31st 1998 2:54pm what new and interesting stuff has happened lately. matt and i got our old jobs back at the gas station in the suburbs and we're gonna work there 3 days a week. uh....we record our full length next weekend. we are sooo excited. also we played a show last night which was supposed to be with wallside and thoughts of ionesco but no one showed up but h-g played anyway. it was alot of fun and the few people that were there were happy that someone at least played. we were happy about that too. me matt and our roomie kelley got in a wreck on friday afternoon which sucks pretty back doors are smashed and i had to take off the bumper. but it wasn't my fault so at least i don't have to pay for it. now that we have played again in athens and live here, we are actually getting to know some of the kids which is super cool. anyway...nothing else new....check ya later. love brian.

may 27th 1998 is great!!!!!!! we wrote a new song today and its wild.....harder than our normal stuff but its sill my taxes back and mom gave me some money.....brian and i got our old jobs back........its gonna be weird we will be working like 3 days a week back in peachtree city but still living here in are we going to do that you ask? well we are smooth thats how.!! well i hope your life is as great as mine is.......i can't tell you how good it feels not to worry about money anymore..........well im off hope to see you matthew

may 20th 1998 4:04pm....hmmmmm lets see i started booking our tour the other day...but may is a little soon to start booking a tour for sept so i gotta wait a bit before shows start getting booked and we have some shows in june and july that should be great!!!!!!!!..........but as for brian and i we are really really poor! no joke i have.... lets see um somewhere around 34 cents to my name.....i have a cucumber some carrots a can of soup some ramen and thats it...oh some ranch dressing so things arent looking good on the food end......but money is only money.....i still have my friends my music my family and the few items of food i listed above.........with that i leave you and have a great day.....see you matthew

may 19th 1998 12:10am........well kindamo talked to chuck today and we got some more numbers for our tour in far we have had alot of luck getting help.....thank you soooo soooo much to everyone that has helped up out.......well things are well all take care....see you soon my friend! love matthew

may 17th 1998 3:45pm. wowy. we just had a crazy weekend. it was amazing. friday night we went to a birthday party for my girlfriend, alison, who is supremely mad at me. this is not the amazing part. anyway yesterday we played with peterbuilt from orlando. they are sooo radical. the seriously are one of the best bands i have ever heard. so we played, they played and rocked and then we went back to athens and partied like mad. it was definitely alot of fun. then today we had a cook out before they left and just slugged around because we partied way too hard. and our friend andrea from b'ham came out to visit and we had tons and tons of fun and laughs. but i can safely say it was an incredible weekend. the bad part about it is that my girlfriend is mad at me and i was too poor to go see hot water muysic this afternoon. sorry booys, i guess i'll see you in july! anyway, things are good. i must and i will survive. love to all, b.

may 14th 1998 5:36pm. well life is crazy. things are picking up and i feel like i might just be whole again. as you all well know we are the poorest group of suckers in the world. well i just got a second job yesterday and i think i will be a rich man soon. it is a telemarketing job, but it pays all too well. it is sooo fucking hot here. i am sweating as i type. i feel gross as hell. anyway, we finished the song that matt was talking about from the other day. it is pretty good we think. it is more mellow than our others, but it is good. it is called "i am 3 minutes". what else...hmmmmm i dunno....i think we are hanging with amy cincinatti tonight. that will be righteous. so that is all for now. take care doods and doodettes. love b.

may 11th 1998 1:17pm ok .....lets see yesterday was a wonderful day...went to my parents house to practice and we wrote a new song brian just started playing something and before we knew it we had a song....then the band and our friend kelley ate some really really really great food that my mom made, all kinds of stuff........but it was good to spend time will my friends and family all at once....lets see what else....just talked to my friend amy from cincinnati we are gonna hang out wednesday she's gonna come to practice and hang out and all that good stuff i cant wait to see her shes the best!!!!!! oh wich reminds me i gotta go...gotta e-mail someone.....have a great day! love matthew

may 9th 1998 5:47pm today has been a good day...still broke but still a good day! matthew

may 8th 1998 1:08 pm heres some really good news i think both brian and myself forgot to put up here the song 4.17.98 will be on a cd comp that will come with the Nothing left zine, some really really good bands are giong to be on this comp but you'll just have to wait and see......some other good new it seems this month is the month for us to see alot of our friends from out of state.....our friend amy from cincinnati is going to be in atlanta in the next few days we really never get to see her and we lover her so much!!....our friend kelly from orlando is driving to pa for some reason and is going to stop off in atlanta for the modest mouse show so well get to see her....we are playing with peterbulit from orlando on the 16th amazing band! the last time we played with them the made us want to give up music and go home and cry because they are so good, but it will be good to see them again and i think they are staying with us so we get to chill with them.....then hot water music in playing the 17th always good to see them! oh yeah some friends from b'ham might come out for our show and the hot water show and you know we love the b'ham kids......well i guess thats about it....i dont know why i told you about our friends that are going to be in town but im really excited about it!!!!!!! well have a great day see you soon my matthew.

may 7th 1998 9:45pm well the page is done. and will be updated frequently i promise. just so that everyone knows, this news page will pretty much be our journal type thing. to keep everyone up to dates with the band and us in general. tonight we had a really bad storm roll through again. the news said it was definitely gonna be a tornado, but it never became one. oh well. so we have written two new songs. one is named right ventricle and the other is 4.17.98. the latter of the two was written for our boys in whippersnapper after our first show with them. it was so awesome. a day to not forget. right ventricle is about our current situation, living wise in different cities and what not. i guess just making it work. period. it will work out, we will succeed. anyway, i hope everyone is doing well out there, and hopefully will get to meet up someday soon. love, brian.

april 28th 1998 3:01am well we played in atlanta tonight.....with atom and his package(good good stuff) i guess the show went ok it just seems like all our really really good shows are out of town, we played well tonight but my heart just was not into it..... we played right out side new orleans saturday and it was just the most amazing show, we played with our freinds band whippersnapper(great guys, i love em so much) ....... but oh well things are looking good for us we are recording again soon,we are starting to book our tour in sept hopefully for the whole month....but its looking good.....we are getting some help with #s from some really cool people...i just e-mailed jack from blacktop cadence today about some #s and already he worte me back i wasnt expecting a response so soon. so that made my day a little better.......hopefully the tour will work out.........well me really sleepy so im going to bed matthew.

april 24th 1998. 7:14pm well i am almost done working out the missing spots on the page. hope that i can get the picture page up soon. we are getting ready to leave to got o atlanta before we go to louisiana tomorrow. i can't wait. it is gonna be so fun. whippersnapper is one of the best punk bands ever. some of our best friends too. we are gonna rip up the streets of n.o. tomorrow night. wow. well on the other side of things matt and i are sooo poor, we barely came up with the rent in time. i owe my insurance company lots of money by sun. shitty. but i guess i will keep on. no problem. brian out for tonight.

so here it is a groove slightly transformed...........thingy. well well well it is now 7:16am on april the 24th, 1998. we have been working on this friggin page for 12 count them TWELVE hours for neil. that's right! all who wanted this page upddated praise neil for buggin me and matt to death about it......neil are you happy now? i hope this page kicks your ass and it burns out your eyes like it did ours. well gosh, we are so damn proud of this is so, i don't know, cute. that is definitely the key word. cute. bunnies. bunnies with swords on horses. bunny with stumps for legs, bunnies who love other bunnies. cute. but i must say that i do love this page more than any other i have helped create. can you feel my happiness. my feeling of success. i can't hear you neil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh well. lots of good things in store for our future we have a good amount of shows coming up in the next couple of months, plus we record in late may for our first full length. good stuff......we are planning a large tour at the end of september all over the place. good stuff i tell you. more to come.......oxxoxo brian and matt. bunnies.