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Jesse Beck 1765-1856

1765 Jesse Beck born in Randolph County, North Carolina son of Jeffrey Beck Sr and Susanna

1772 July 7 Sarah Moon (most likely this is her last name) born on Deep River, North Carolina the daughter of Thomas Moon and Leuchrecher ??

1779 Jeffrey Beck Sr died leaving will in Randolph County, North Carolina in it he leaves land and money to Jesse and his brother Abraham, they were children of the 2nd wife Susanna, they were to be sent to school.

1785 Jesse Beck vs John Beck of Estate of Jeffrey Beck Sr. Jesse Beck lost his rights to land. His mother Susanna may have been dead by then.

1785 Dec Randolph Co., NC Deed Book 3 p 77-78. Deed between William Pickett, Sheriff and Jeffrey Beck. John Beck received a judgement against Jesse Beck in the Court of Please and Quarter Session. William Pickett, Sheriff had a writ of fine against the estate of Jesse Beck 2nd Monday of Dec took possession of the tract of land. He gave 20 days notice and then put the tract of land for sale by public venue. Sold to Jeffrey Beck being the hightest bidder for 5 lbs and 16 shillings. Tract of land on the South side of Deep River containing 100 acres. (probably half of his fathers original land that had been left to Jesse by Jeffrey Beck Sr's. will) Witnessed by John McDaniel.

1790 about, Jesse Beck bought land in Columbia County, Georgia from Thomas Moon, witnessing deed was Jesse Moon (Sullivan's Creek)

1803 Apr 16 /May 7
pg 4 Col 1 Augusta Chronicle. Jesse BECK listed. This was an Index, I think there was books for this I don't remember or it was an index for microfilm

GA Land Lottery Jesse BECK 433 B B Columbia Co GA

Jesse BECK got his land in Morgan County from the 1807 Land Lottery
1809 Jul 15
pg 3 col 4 Augusta Chronicle Jesse BECK listed. This was an Index, I think there was books for this I don't remember or it was an index for microfilm

1809 Morgan Co., GA Tax List
Beck, William 64
Beck, Jesse 64

1810 Morgan Co., GA Tax List
Beck, Jesse 60

1811 Morgan Co., GA Tax List
Beck, Jesse 74

1812 Morgan Co., GA Tax List
Beck, Jesse 78

War of 1812 Jesse Beck 2 Reg't (Thomas'), Georgia Militia. Private

1817 Morgan Co., GA Tax List
Beck, Jesse Jr. 112
Beck, Jesse Sr. 112
Beck, John 110
Beck, William 112

1818 Morgan Co., GA Tax List
Beck, Jesse Sr. 116
Beck, John 116

1820 Morgan Co., GA Tax List
Beck, Jesse, Jr. 104
Beck, Jesse, Sr. 104
Beck, John 128

Morgan County Georgia Shaws District
BECK Jesse 0 1 0 1 0 1 - 2 1 3 0 0 1 9 0 0

1820 Jan 20
John BECK sold 50 acres of land to Jesse BECK Morgan Co., GA

1820 Apr 1
Letter in Marion, GA in GA Journal Jesse BECK

Land Lottery Morgan Co Dannis' land lot 80/2 Irwin Co Jesse BECK Have you looked at this county?

1822 Jan 1
Letter in Marion, GA in GA Journal Jesse BECK

1822 Morgan Co., GA Tax List
Beck, James 128
Beck, Jesse 128
Beck, Jesse, Jr. 130
Beck, John 150

1823 Morgan Co., GA Tax List
Beck, James 130
Beck, Jesse Sr. 130

1824 Morgan Co., GA Tax List
Beck, James 126
Beck, Jesse, Sr. 126
1827 Jan 30
Issue of 30 Jan 1827 - Look at this. On 1st Tues in Feb next, at the Court House door in town of Madison, Morgan Co. GA, will be sold 1 lot of land, situate in the 19th District, originally Baldwin, now Morgan. No. 90, containing 202 1/2 acres.... the subscriber has settled himself in Fayette Co., and will sell on a credit in order to meet his contract for the lands, he has bought as afresaid (Signed) Jesse BECK Sr.

1829 Dec 29
William BECK bought land from Jesse BECK Morgan Co., GA

Tuscaloosa Co AL 349 Southern Dist Jessa BECK
BECK William 336 Southern District BECK James 309 Southern District BECK Jesse 309 Southern District 1840
Tuscaloosa Co AL 197 NTL Jesse BECK
1840 Tuscaloosa County, Alabama BECK Jesse 197 NTL BECK James 194 NTL BECK Richard 195 NTL
Tuscaloosa Co AL 245 District Jessee BECK
