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Newspaper Clippings


Georgia, Early County: Mortgage Sales-- On the first Tuesday in April next, will be sold at the courthouse in the town of Blakely, Early County, within the usual hours of sale, the following property to wit:

Lot not 268/6 dist....levied on as the property of John PHILLIPS, to satisfy exectutions or fi fas in favor of SAFFOLD & STAMES. (Signed) Joesph COLLIER, Sheriff. Albany, Georgia, Newspaper Clippings Jan 1846

Issue of May 25, 1824
Georgia, Gwinnett County, clerk's office of the Inferior Court, -- Taken up by Robert PHILLIPS...and posted before Young MOORE, Esq., on the 1st day of May 1824, a dark bay horse... 14 or 15 years old... appraised to $30 (Signed) William MALTBIE, C.I.C.

Genealogical Abstracts Georgia Journal (Milledgeville) News 1809-1840 Vol 3 1824-1828 by Fred R Hartz and Emilie K Hartz.

Issue of July 13, 1824
Georgia, Morgan County, Cleerk's office of the Court of Ordinary.--Whereas Thomas ROBERTS and Henry PHILLIPS apply to me for letters of administration on the estate of Whitmill PHILLIPS, late of said county, deceased...Given under my hand this 6th of Jul, 1824. (Signed) John W. PORTER, Clerk.

Genealogical Abstracts Georgia Journal (Milledgeville) News 1809-1840 Vol 3 1824-1828 by Fred R Hartz and Emilie K Hartz.

Issue of August 2, 1825
On the 1st Tuesday in September next, will be sold at the court-house in the town of Lawrenceville, Gwinnett County... the folowing property, to wit: ....700 acres of land, adjoining James CLEMMENTS, being the land whereon Robert PHILLIPS now lives, levied on as the property of said PHILLIPS, to satisy a fi fa in favor of James WARDLAW....
Genealogical Abstracts Georgia Journal (Milledgeville) News 1809-1840 Vol 3 1824-1828 by Fred R Hartz and Emilie K Hartz.

Issue of Aug 20, 1825
Will be sold on the 1st Tuesday in Octobert next, will be sold at hte courthouse in the town of Greensborough, Greene County... the following property, to wit: 3 negros...and all the undivided interest of William AKINS in 200 acres of land, (being the one thir part), adjoining James K DANIEL, levied on as the property of said AKINS, to satisfy a fi fa in favor of John L MOODY.... The life time interest of Elizabeth HOUGHTON in 150 acres of land, adjoining Thomas MOSELEY, levvied on to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Henry L WILKERSON...(signed) William GREER, D.Sheriff
Genealogical Abstracts Georgia Journal (Milledgeville) News 1809-1840 Vol 3 1824-1828 by Fred R Hartz and Emilie K Hartz.

Will be sold on the 1st Tuesday in October next, in the town of Covington, Newton County...50 acres of land being part of lot no 44, in the 8th district of originally Henry now Newton County; levied on as the property of James WHITE, to satisfy one fi fa in favor of Larkin PHILLIPS....(Signed) Lemuel WYNN, D.Sheriff.
Genealogical Abstracts Georgia Journal (Milledgeville) News 1809-1840 Vol 3 1824-1828 by Fred R Hartz and Emilie K Hartz.

Issue of October 4, 1824
Administrator's Sale.--Will be sold in the town of Eatonton, Putname County...on the first Tuesday in December next, 4 negroes...belonging to the estate of Jonathan PHILLIPS, deceased...(Signed) William D PHILLIPS, Blueford PHILLIPS, Adm.
Genealogical Abstracts Georgia Journal (Milledgeville) News 1809-1840 Vol 3 1824-1828 by Fred R Hartz and Emilie K Hartz.

Issue of Oct 5, 1824
Georgia, Pulaski County. Whereas Henry H PHILLIPS applied for letters of adminstration on the estate of Burrell PHILLIPS, late of said county, deceased...Given under my hand, 25 Sep 1824. (Signed) Gray B GARDNER, C.C.O.
Genealogical Abstracts Georgia Journal (Milledgeville) News 1809-1840 Vol 3 1824-1828 by Fred R Hartz and Emilie K Hartz.

Pg 157 On the night of 25 December last in Coweta Co., Charles REESE Shot at HEnry PHILLIPS and D.H. KILGORE "severely and dangerously woundingthe latter." Issued 6 Feb 1883.
Georgia Black Book by Robert Scott Davis, Jr.

Union County, Georgia
Laid out from Cherokee, and organized in 1832. The chief streams are, the Hiwassee, Notley and Teccoa Rivers.
Blairsville is the seat of justice, situated in the midst of hte Blue Ridge, distant from Milledgeville 165 miles.
The county has some excellent lands, mostly on the bottoms and creeks.
Extract from Census of 1850.- Dwellings 1,141; families 1,141; white males 3,536; white females, 3,419; 1 free colored male. Total free population 6,956; slaves 278. Deaths, 64; Farms, 911, manufacturing establishments 3. Value of real estate, $485,688; Value of personal estate, $282,769.
Amongst the early settlers were, John B CHASTAIN, John BUTT, J.P. WEBORN, Moses ANDERSON, Elisha HUNT, Lewis VANZANT, J.M. GREER, George W. GADDIS, James GADDIS, Senior, Martin ENGLAND, J. BIRCH, Jesse OSBORN, Josiah CARTER, P.D. MARONEY, Colonel John HUDGINS, William MATTHEWS, John WEST, John HEDDRICK, John NORTON, James CROW, Edward CHASTAIN.
The Blue Ridge crosses Union County and its differnt peaks are dstingues by the names of Lvy Log, Coopers Creek, Ball, &c. Minerals are abundant.
Historical Collections of Georgia

Revolutionary Papers connected with the History of Columbia County.
We, the inhabitants of the town of Wrightborough and places adjacent, understanding that 14 persons have drawn up several resolutions respecting the disputes between Great Britain and the Town of Boston, concerning the destroying of a quatity of tea, the property of the East India Company, and have published them as the act of the Proivince, and which we lookupon as a great impostition, having no knowledge of them till after they were passed; therfore we do, in this public manner, deny passing any concenrning them and disapprove of them altoghter, such proceeding as a few acting for the whoe without their knowledge, we apprehend being contrary to the rightts and prvileedges of every British subject.
John STUBBS, Isaac VERNON, ...John JONES, Thomas WATSON Sen, ...Samuel HART,..Jesse MARGAN,......... William DANIEL, .........James JENKINS, Oliver MATTHEWS, Edward GREENE, Joseph JACKSON, Joel PHILLIPS, Matthew HOBBS, ........Richard WEBB, .......Drury ROGERS, ...........John MOOR, Joshua SANDERS, Robert JENKINS,....John FAIRCHILD, .. Zachariah PHILLIPS..............................
Historical Collections of Georgia

Coweta County, Georgia
Laid out in 1826. Part set off to Campbell, 1828, and a aprt to Heard, in 1836. Length 28 mi; breadth 18mi; area square miles 486 miles.
The streams are the Chattahoochee River, and several creeks. The lands are fertile, producing cotton, corn, wheat, &c.
Newnan, the seat of justice is situated about the centre of the county, 126 miles NW of Milledgeville.
The climate does not vary much from that of other counties surrounding it.
Among the 1st settlers of this county were, Joseph EDMONDSON, Andrew J BERRY, Gilbert GREENE, John JOHNSTON, --TALIAFERRO, -- ROBINSON, James STAMPS, Washington ARNOLD, James HUTCHESON, LEVI PHILLIPS, DAniel ESTER, The RREDWINES and HEARNS.
Extract from the Census of 1850.-- Dwellings 1382; families 1382; white males 4223; white females 3979; free colored males, 7; free coloured females, 11. Total free population 8220. Slaves, 5415. Deaths 218. Farms 911; manufacturing establishments, 552. Value of real esate $2,146,322; value of personal estate $4,070,586.
Historical Collections of Georgia

Cousin Vicki sent me individual data on Thomas Jefferson PHILLIPS family and I will also include some of what I know on them as well.

Thomas Jefferson "Jeff" PHILLIPS was a RR Laborer. Served in Civil War Co. E 4th & Co. A 9th. He possibly had gotten a pension from this and his wife received it after he died..

Jeff and his wife Nancy Charlotte "Lottie" MORGAN are buried at HART Cemetary in Clayton Co. GA. (NOTE: Lottie was related to the HART's through John J. HART, Esq. married Elizabeth T. MORGAN, don't know much more on this reltionship as of yet.)

Robert PHILLIPS lived with son Charles B PHILLIPS in 1870 in Carroll Co. GA after his wife Mary "Polly" BECK died before 1870

Henry Robert "Babe" PHILLIPS worked at the Fulton Bag Cotton Mill and was actually the "town drunk". He froze to death one night behind Furr's Drug store on Carroll St. in Atlanta.

James Marion PHILLIPS worked at J.C. Cutcher Produce Co. selling produce on commission using a Horse and Wagon. He also worked at one time at the Cotton Mill as a clothman. He was a part time preacher and was often called "Rev." He is buried in Hart Cemetery
He and his wife Margaret Elizabeth "Lizzie" GADDIS lived on Savannah St. in Atlanta after their children were all born. Prior to that they moved around a great deal.

Ida E. PHILLIPS she married 3 times. Her 3rd husband was Jesse Clifford SIMS Sr, he was a Pvt in US Army WW1.
He was a roofer.
My father used to tell me his Aunt Ida would send him on jobs with him to watch him. He used to drink, and he was to not let him, and to tell Aunt Ida when he did. So Dad would watch him like a hawk, drinking his coke. But he never saw him drink anything other than that, but yet by the time he got home he was drunker than a skunk and Aunt Ida would get mad at my father for letting him drink. He would be totally dumbfounded as to when he did that because he never saw him do it. Guess ole Jesse got one over on her, or so he thought.....

She dealt in Antiques

John Henry Napolean PHILLIPS he had no children by either wife. He drove a streetcar pulled by horses. In 1918 he was an Army Sgt. at Ft. Gordon or McPherson. He was also a runner for a bootlegger. I suspect that he did have at least one child, my father, the clue is 2 things....
1. Dad's birth certificate, he was born prior to 1920 in Atlanta, they didn't issue birth certificates then, when Dad needed one, he and an Aunt, went downtown and got a birth certificate, she stated that John Henry HOBBS was Dad's father. In that time, I believe Dad wanted to appear to be a legitimate child, so they dropped the PHILLIPS name and put HOBBS instead.
2. There is a picture of John's mother, Margaret Elizabeth "Lizzie" GADDIS. She married into the Phillips family by marrying James Marion PHILLIPS, anyway.... the picture looks just like my father in a dress, the hair flip, the face and the stance, didn't notice it much when she was younger but when both Dad and her were age 75 oh my ..... it would fool you if you hid her dress.
So far I have not been able to find anyone to verify that my suspicions are correct... if it wasn't him then I imagine it was one of Lizzie's other sons.

James Arthur Louis "Ott" PHILLIPS He worked with his father at J.C.Cuther Produce and at the Cotton Mill for a time. He was a Pvt WW1 Battery A-26 Artillery.

Ruby Mae PHILLIPS worked at a sewing factory and after she married started a restaurant near Gate City Cotton Mill. Her husband Frank LONDON was a linesman for GA Power Co. in East Point.

Ethyl Mrytle PHILLIPS worked at Fulton Bag Cotton Mill and her husband Clarance PHARR was a machinist there.

Carl Archer PHILLIPS Sr. worked at Gate City Cotton Mill, was a sheet metal fabricator, and furniture repair. He had also worked with J.C. Cuther Produce with his Dad and brother. He married 3 times.

Mary Elizabeth "Mollie" PHILLIPS, Dad thought the world of her, she always was so sweet, after her husband died in 1913, and Dad was born in 1917, he lived with her for several years before Mollie's daughter Annie married George "Dewey" OWEN.
Mollie had a garden that she grew many vegetables, and Dad as a young boy would sit in the garden and eat the vegetables even though ole hot peppers and have tears running down his face.

Mary Ann HOBBS OWEN b. 1900 d. 1976 this was Dad's Ma. She had meningitis at age 20, and was paralyzed on 1 side. Her brothers used to try and play games with her by giving her a half dollar to hold in her paralyzed hand, and if they could not get it she got to keep the half dollar. She usually got the half dollar.

She also was a tough woman, I guess she had to be having my Dad for her son, he was pretty sharp and in order for her to keep up with him she had to be sharper.

Mary Ann "Annie" HOBBS she had a saying that went like this
"If people don't like me and my style, they don't have to swing on my gate post."
I like that attitude that is such a great thought.
In 1920 she got meningitis and was paralyzed on her left side. Age 19

Lilly May HOBBS died the same day as her son Virgil DUNN. She was hurrying to get to her son after hearing of his death that she had a heart attack and died the same day

Henry Grady HOBBS it is said that his land was bought by the airport in Atlanta
He was my fathers favorite uncle. Grady raised him from age 10 to about 15 or so. Grady didn't believe in whippings, he was soft hearted but when he got firm everyone took notice.

William Robert HOBBS moved to Ohio and died there in 1963.
Robert HOBBS b. abt 1856 was Amatuer Boxer. He took care of his mother Nancy JONES HOBBS in her later years prior to her death. He was sole suriving child. Brother Albert died before 1900.

Robert HOBBS b. 1805 Military Records 1783-1815 Greene County - Indian War of 1836
Muster Roll of Captain William Crosby DAWSON (1798-1856) of the First Regiment of Militia commanded by Col. William PORTER, ordered into service of the United States by Governor William SCHLEY from the 6th day of June to the 12 of July 1836. Enrollment officer Major KIRBY, Place of Enrollment, Columbus, Ga.
Married in Gwinnett Co. GA to his cousin Nancy JONES in 1855.
He lived with his parents until their deaths in 1845 and 1854

Robert L. HOBBS b. 1754 Served in Revolutionary War in South Carolina.
Was convicted of Forgery of Deeds in 1800 sentenced to hang without benefit of clery but the Governor let him off. He was involved in many land deals in Greene Co. GA. He also drew a prize in the 1805 Land Lottery.
He bought a slave from his father in law Curtis CALDWELL's estate in Abbeville Dist. SC in 1783.
He owned a fair size plantation in Greene Co. GA. He moved to Greene Co. GA in 1790.

Isham HOBBS moved from Greene Co. GA about 1820 to Tuscaloosa Co. AL and then to Lowndes Co. MS where I found he bought land, he later moved to Tippah Co., MS
In GA Journal Vol 1 1809-1818 page 248 Battle with the Indians! (Official) Headquarters 6th and 7th District Fort Hawkins 30th Jan 1814. Capt. Brownings Co: Isham HOBBS wounded severely.

James HOBBS moved to Perry Co. AL with the GREER's, ATKINSONS and other families, then moved to Lowndes Co. MS where he died in 1838
Was in war 1812 with brother Isham and bro-in-law Henry GREER

Jerusha ATKINSON HOBBS filed a claim on her father in law Robert L. HOBBS b.1754 d. 1845 estate for her children and grandchildren that were living with her, her daughter apparantly had died, she took in 4 NASH children
Her family disowned her for marrying James HOBBS

Nathan Augustus HOBBS b. 1790 moved to Rutherford Co. NC in 1820's and lived with Nathan LANKFORD who he may have been named after, he was his father in law after Nathan LANKFORD'S death in 1825 he moved back to Greene Co. GA.
He was also a Justice of Peace and performed many marriages after he moved back to Greene Co. GA, he may have performed marriages for nieces and nephews
He was also a Post Master in Penfield, Greene Co. GA
He was assigned Executor of his fathers estate in 1845 by the Court.
He also sold land to his sister and brother in law Mary "Polly" HOBBS and William HARWELL shortly after they married, William HARWELL was underage to buy land, so his brother Thomas HARWELL bought it for him

Mary "Polly" HOBBS and her husband William HARWELL/HARVILLE/HARVILL moved along with her brothers James, Isham to Alabama, then they went on to Ashley Co. ARK and Dallas Co. ARK.

Joseph H. HOBBS moved to Walton Co., Morgan Co., and Haralson/Paulding Co. GA with his wife. He was an early settler of Paulding County, Georgia.

Sterling Jack HOBBS b. 1917 d. 1996 left home at an early age and joined the Roller Derby. He was supposed to have according to family folklore have had the record for the fast mile in 1938/39, he also was on the cover of a magazine having to do with the Roller Derby.

He worked many years with Ford Motor Company as a Building Maintenance Supervisor. He had trouble keeping offices. Richard PEPPER who turned out to be one of my friends father worked for my Dad had said that he would build an office, then someone would come along and tear it down, then he would build another one and it would get torn down. Finally it was accepted he needed an office so it was kept, then the fight over a air conditioner in the office went on for some time where Richard would have to keep up with all the shenanigans with the office and air conditioner. He said Dad was a fair but tough supervisor.

Dad was a tough and caring man. He wanted to best for us as most parents do. He taught me to drive a car a few years before I was supposed to get my license. He liked shopping. When I went with him we would go and get a coney dog at this great little place, those were the best times I had with him. He expected hard work and contientous work. He made sure he got those things across to me so I would be a valuable person in the work force.

He always like to tease people and get them to smile, he sometimes called it flirting if it was with the ladies, but he would brag he could make the meanest sourest looking lady and get her laughing before he left. He loved a good joke.

He also loved growing a garden. When he was sick, we all, me, Dad, and my Aunt were going to plant a garden. He got tired and went to sleep on the patio. During that time my Aunt and I planted this garden, it had tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers and all the good vegetables for a great salad. We got done just before Dad woke up. Then he walked over and told us look at this garden I planted. My Aunt with that twinkle in her eye and me just smiled and told him how great it was because we knew, he slept the entire time. But that was ok with me, because I know that it would have been great even he had planted it. So we just kept our mouths shut and listened to him tell us all about it.

Curtis CALDWELL/COLWELL was a "Tory" and was killed. His land in SC was taken and his personal estate was sold Aug 1784. The only ones buying from the estate were Sarah CALDWELL(his wife), son Matthew CALDWELL, Nathan LANKFORD (Meron CALDWELL's husband), William JORDON (dau. Sarah CALDWELL's husband), and Robert HOBBS (Mary M. CALDWELL's husband).

Curtis CALDWELL Jr moved to Gwinnett Co. GA after living in Rutherford Co. NC. Bought land in Rutherford County, NC. Moved to Gwinnett Co. GA abt 1820. He may have moved to Paulding Co. GA prior to his death to live with a child.

Jesse BECK lived in Randolph/Guilford/Orange Co. NC, moved to Columbia/Appling Co. GA about 1790 then in 1807 moved to Morgan Co. GA. About 1825 he moved with several sons towards and the settled in Pickens/Tuscaloosa Co. AL where he died in 1852.
Mary "Polly" BECK born in Columbia Co. GA died in Carroll Co. GA she married Robert PHILLIPS in Morgan Co., GA in 1815.
Jeffrey BECK Jr served in Revolutionary War in NC.
Jeffrey BECK Sr married 2 times one to a Lydia PHILLIPS and our grma Susannah
Jeffrey BECK Sr was involved in the Regulators in North Carolina. He was born Bucks Co., PA then moved to Augusta Co., VA then onto Orange/Randolph Co., NC where he died in 1779.

Edward BECK lived in Bucks Co. PA was probably a Quaker, his first wife Sarah BUCKMAN came to America on the same ship as William PENN with her father William BUCKMAN. Edwards second wife Sarah ?? is our ancestor.

Added March 18, 1998

Directory of Hobbs and Phillips in Atlanta GA

These are the Hobbs' in the Atlanta Directory in the early part of 1900.
Year 1889
Arthur G Hobbs physician (eye, ear throat) 14 1/2 Whitehall r3 Ponce De Leon Ave Atlanta GA
Wm Hobbs laborer boards 68 James Atlanta GA
Wm E Hobbs painter boards 410 Mangum Atlanta GA
Thomas Phillips Ga Excelsior Co works r 12 Culvert Atlanta GA
Thomas J Phillips W & A R R fireman r 131 Magnolia Atlanta GA
Henry Phillips laborer boards 5 Fain Atlanta GA
Henry Phillips blacksmith r 21 Martin Atlanta GA

Year 1890
Arthur G Hobbs physician (eye, ear throat) 14 1/2 Whitehall r3 Ponce De Leon av Atlanta GA
Henry J Hobbs A M Bergstrom works r 4 Dover Atlanta GA
John B Hobbs Ga R R conductor Atlanta GA
Wm F Hobbs painter r 16 Hulsey Atlanta GA
Fannie Keeter Dr A G Hobbs nurse r re? Ponce de Leon Atlanta GA
Lucy Lewis Dr A G Hobbs cook r rear 3 Ponce de Leon Atlanta GA
Thomas M Mercer W R Phillips works r 165 Luckie Atlanta GA
Thomas Phillips Union street R R Co works r 137 Houston Atlanta GA
Thomas J Phillips W & A R R fireman r 131 Magnolia Atlanta GA
Henry Phillips blacksmith r 21 Martin Atlanta GA
Henry Phillips laborer r 9 Fair Atlanta GA
Henry B Phillips boards 179 S Forsyth Atlanta GA
Henry R Phillips Elsas, May & Co works boards 26 Savannah Atlanta GA
Jesse Phillips W & A R R laborer r 28 Henry Atlanta GA

Year 1891
Dr. Arthur G. Hobbs Physician Ponce de Leon Ave.
A.A. Hobbs Driver RR Atlanta St.

Year 1900
Allie Hobbs (widow of H.L.) Marietta St.
Dr. Arthur G. Hobbs Physician Ponce de Leon Ave.
John E. Hobbs (Mary) Painter Garibaldi St.
Rachel Hobbs (widow of B.H.) Piedmont
Walter Hobbs (Laura) Fruit tree agent Hotel Grant

Year 1910
Dr. Arthur G. Hobbs (Lilly) Physician Crescent Ave.
Miss Beatrice Hobbs Dressmaker Whitehall St.
Charles S. Hobbs (Callie) Telegraph Operator Gray St.
H.P. Hobbs Capt. US Army Ft. McPherson
John E. Hobbs (Mamie) Painter 76 Gillette St.
Wade H. Hobbs Student GA Tech 76 Gillette St.
R.H. Hobbs Farmer Adamsville Dist. This is my great grandfather
Walter Hobbs (Laura) Canvasser Central Ave.
Wm. G. Hobbs Painter 76 Gillette St.
Wm. H. Hobbs (Laura) Motor Man W. 3rd St.
