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Robert Hobbs Jr 1805-1856


Robert Hobbs Jr. b. July 26, 1805 in Greene County, Georgia d. March 27, 1856 in Gwinnett County, Georgia. He married Sep 16, 1855 in Gwinnett County, Georgia to Nancy Jones b. July 17, 1828 in Gwinnett County, Georgia d. May 01, 1910 in Adamsville District, Atlanta, Fulton Co., Georgia

1805 Jul 28

Robert Hobbs, Jr. born Greene County, Georgia son of Robert L Hobbs and Mary Marion Caldwell


Robert Hobbs 01000-10001 Greene Co. GA Rankim Dist pg. 233 1 male to age 10, 1 male age 60, 1 female to age 40 7 slaves Robert Jr. was 15


Robert Hobbs Greene Co. GA Rev. War Soldiers from SC 1827 Land Lottery
Capt John Southerland’s District No 148
Robert Hobbs Jr.
Nathan Hobbs

1828 Jul 17

Nancy Jones born daughter of William B. Jones and Ursula Caldwell future wife of Robert Hobbs Jr. b. 1805 of Greene Co. GA. Ursula's father Curtis and Roberts Mother are siblings, making them 1st cousins once removed.

Robert Hobbs Greene Co. GA 69-106 27-280, 1 male 20-30, 1 male 70-80, 1 female 70-80. Robert Jr. would be only child left at home.

Curtis Colwell Gwinnett Co. 28-319 Was William B Jones living with them????


Gold Lottery of Georgia
Nathan Hobbs Greene Militia Dist 138 Lot 986 Dist 3 Sec 2
Robert Hobbs Sr Greene Milita Dist 138 Lot 345 Dis 5 Sec 1
Robert Hobbs Sr Greene Militia Dist 138 Lot 54 Dis 3 Sec 3


Robert Hobbs Jr. son of Robert L Hobbs and Mary M Caldwell Hobbs was in Indian Removal - Trail of Tears. He was 5’ 10” Blue Eyes, Dark Hair, Fair Complexion. He was a Private, served in Dawson’s Company of Porters 1st Georgia Infantry in the Creek War.

Robert Hobbs, Nancy Old War WC-1256 SO Served in GA Calvary Milita


Robert Hobs Sr. is listed in Greene Co. GA 1 male 40-50, 1 male 80-90, 1 female 70-80.

Index to 1840 GA Census Gwinnett Co
Robert Colwell Curtis Colwell Curtis Cauley
Elizabeth Jones Lucian Jones Kiet Jones
Thomas Jones Thomas Jones Samuel L. Jones
Matthew Jones John C. Jones George W. Jones
William Jones
Smith Jones Wiley Jones
John H. Jones William B. Jones Thomas H. Jones
Curtis C. Lankford Henry Lankford Mark H. Minor
Henry Morgan Thomas Mathis James Mathis
Charles Morgan Thomas Mathis Lervanier Morgan
William Minor Lazerus Minor Geo. W. Morgan
Liberty Mathes John Mathis Frances Mathis
Charity Mathes William Mathis Wm. Morgan

1841 Nov 23

Robert Hobbs to James M. Davidson deed recorded Nov 24, 1841 Vol. B Book NN-228

1844 Aug 21

Robert Hobbs Sr. to Robert Hobbs Jr. note recorded Oct 10, 1844 Vol. B Book OO-194

1845 Sept 8

Estate Record of Robert L. Hobbs executor assignment of Nathan Hobbs and John Holzclaw, Robert Newsom and John Armstrong dated Sept 8, 1845. Holding $20,000 for payment of court, heirs, executors, debts, etc.

List of Heirs:
William Harvill $1,020.00
Joseph Hobbs $ 63.06 3/4
Mary Hobbs $1,041.14 wife
Nathan Hobbs $ 249.12 1/2
Isham Hobbs $ 810.00
John Southerland $ 100.00
James Greer $ 121.56
Robert Hobbs $ 60.12 1/2
Robert Hobbs $ 980.89 1/2


Robert Hobbs Greene County GA 097 138th
41 378 378 HOBBS ROBERT 45 M GA
42 378 378 HOBBS MARY 89 F SC

1850 Gwinnett County, Georgia
W.B. Jones 52 M SC Farmer b. 1798
John Jones 54 M SC Blacksmith b. 1796
Mariam Caldwell 44 F NC b. 1906
Ursla Jones 42 F NC b.1808
Nancy Jones 22 F GA m. Robert Hobbs 9-18-1855
Sarah Ann 19 F GA
Elizabeth 18 F GA
Jane Jones 16 F GA
John A. Jones 14 F GA m. Jemima Wilson 2 Apr 1853
Thomas W. Jones 12 M GA m. Martha Mills 6 Jan 1858
George Jones 10 M GA
Martha Jones 8 F GA
Marietta Jones 6 F GA
Pheba Jones 4 F GA
Julian C. Jones 2 F GA
Ref: Gwinnett Co. Census pg. 3 36th Subdivision Berkshire District Aug 2, Gwinnett County, Georgia; 1850 Census Transcribed by Kate Duncan Nesbitt Indexed by Mary Ann Fitzgeral McClung Gwinnett Historical Society, Inc 1986

1850 Jul 4
Albert Jones or Hobbs born son of Nancy Jones Hobbs Gwinnett County, Georgia died before 1910 in probably Adamsville, Fulton County, Georgia

1853 Jul 4

Mary Hobbs United States of America State of Georgia County of Greene S.S. Court in Chambers on this 4 day of July 1853 personally appeared before me James M. Davidson one of the Justices of the Inferior Court of same county.

Mary Hobbs a resident of said county and state aforesaid. Aged Ninety four years who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath make the following declaration. In order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the act of Congress passed Jul 1, 1848 or such other acts in force as may be applicable to her oath. As will entitle her to the benefit of her husband’s pension from the time of his death. That she is the widow of Robert Hobbs of the county of Greene and state aforesaid. Who was a private in the Revolution and received a pension in conformity with the laws of the United States of the 7th of Jun 1832 so will now fully appear by the organized ???????????? Robert Hobbs in Spartanburg District South Carolina in a formed by a Magistrate by the name of Tait. ????? She knows of no person now living by who she can prove the same, nor has she any Marriage Certificate or record in her possession which would establish the same. And she further declares that her husband Robert Hobbs aforesaid died on the 7th June 1845, and that she had remained a widow ever since that period, as will more fully appear by refamance to the ferouf hereson to ?????

State of Georgia County of Greene Mary her X mark Hobbs

I James M. Davidson one of the Justices of the Inferior Court of said County the sworn being a ????? of record I hereby certify that Mary Hobbs is the widow of the aforesaid Robert Hobbs, and I have the fullest confidence in the truth of her declaration as regarded of her age and the date of her marriage. She has children living in this state who was born in 1780. She has lived with her husband for upwards of sixty years in the county and is refutable and of good credit and from personal knowledge I have reasons to believe her declarations fully true and entitled to the highest credit. Giving under my hand at chambers the day and year same James M. Davidson State of Georgia County of Greene I Vincent Sanford clerk of the Inferior Court of the County of Greene and State of Georgia certify that James M. Davidson aforesaid is a Justice of the Inferior.

Note: James M. Davidson is her grandson in law, his wife's mother is daughter to Robert L and Mary Hobbs. The statement regarding children in this state being born in 1780 is his mother in law Sarah Hobbs.

1855 Sept 13

Robert Hobbs pg. 290 Georgia, Gwinnett County. To any Judge, Justice of the Inferior Court, Justice of the Peace, or Minister of the Gospel. You are hereby authorized to join in the Holy State of Matrimony Robert Hobbs and Nancy Jones according to the Constitution and Laws of this state: and for so doing this shall be your sufficient License Given under my hand, This thirteenth day of September 1855 Wm Maltbie Ordy

1855 Sept 16

Robert Hobbs and Nancy Jones I certify That the above name Parties are duly joined in Matrimony, by me, this 16th day of September 1855. Robert L. Waters Recorded March 25, 1856 GT Rakestraw Ordy

1855 Sept 16

Robert Hobbs and Nancy Jones married Gwinnett Co. by Robert Waters Book 4 License Number pg. 290 He is son of Robert L. Hobbs and Mary M. Caldwell of Greene Co. GA, she is daughter of William B. Jones and Ursula Caldwell of Gwinnett Co. GA have copy of Marriage Certificate.

1856 Mar 28

Robert Hobbs Jr. died in Choices, Gwinnett Co., GA son of Robert L. Hobbs and Mary Marion Caldwell of Greene Co. GA, husband of Nancy Jones Hobbs and unborn son Robert Hobbs

1856 Jun 18

Robert Hobbs born Gwinnett Co. son of Robert Hobbs Jr. and Nancy Jones. Father is deceased.

1856 Aug 12

Robert Hobbs - Proceeding of Estates - Court of Ordinary Gwinnett County, Georgia File No A-92
Name of Estate Hobs, Robert Administrator Hobs, Nancy 8/12/1856 Petition, 3-11-1857 Inventory 5/3/1858 First Return 11/21/1860 Second Return

1857 Jan 8

Death noted in Gwinnett County, Georgia 1818-1989 Hobbs Robert b. nd d. nd by 1-8-1857. Carpenter, tools, etc V31 source Unk cemetary.

*Estate Record in Gwinnett County, Georgia Proceedings of Estates - Court of Ordinary - Gwinnett County, Georgia
8-12-1856 Petition
3-11-1857 Inventory
5-3-1858 First Return
11-21-1860 Second Return
File No A-92 administrator Nancy Hobs
Sandford S Kelly adm and Nancy Hobbs admx in account with the estate of Robert Hobbs decd dr

1857 Feb 7
Robert Hobbs pg. 169 Return No 2 Sanford S Kelly Adm and Nancy Hobbs Admx in account with the estate of Robert Hobbs Dec’d dr 1857 Feb 7

To amt of Sale personal property $229.10
Jut to 1st Jan 1860 2 yr. 10 mo. 24 days 45.26
Coms 2 1/2 ct off 6.85 total $267.41
Amt of Notes belonging to the Estate and due 19 Feb 1856 $300.00

Jut to 15 Jan 1860 3 yr. 10 mo. 11 day 81.14 coms 2 1/2 ct 9.52 total $371.62

1 Jan 1859
Amt rec’d from C.C. Lankford $42.00 jut to 15 Jan 1860 1 yr. coms 1.10 total 43.84

1857 Nov 1st amt of sale of land 367.00 just 1 any 1860 2 yr. 2 mos 5.66 coms 2 1/2 prcent off 10.55 total $412.11 Total $1105.08

1858 Credits Jan 1st by amt in Return No 1 246.96
Jutsest to 1 Jany 1860 2 years 34.56
Coms 2 1/2 percent add 7.02 total 288.54
1859 Jan 1 Return not made
1858 Jan 8 Amt paid A. Pool as per voucher No 1 0.75
1858 Jan 8 amt paid C.W. Johnson as per voucher No 2 13.56
1858 Jan 11 amt paid R. Jones as per voucher No 3 2.55
1858 Jan 26 amt paid T.A. Browning as per voucher No 4 21.80
1858 Apr 13 amt paid C. McKinney as per voucher No 5 23.41
1858 Apr 13 amt paid C. McKinney as per voucher No 6 23.41
1858 Apr 13 amt paid C. McKinney as per voucher No 7 23.41
1858 May 3 amt paid J. L. Brown as per voucher No 8 22.36
1858 Aug 5 amt paid R.L. Williams as per voucher No 9 6.06
1858 Aug 5 amt paid J.M. Lankford as per voucher No 10 25.83
1858 Aug 5 amt paid Pak A. Maxey as per voucher No 11 3.62
1858 Aug 5 amt paid Dosler & Lankford as per voucher No 12 1.00
1858 Nov 16 amt paid F.F. Juhan as per voucher No 13 7.50
1859 Jan 25 amt paid H. Mathews as per voucher No 14 1.60
1859 Jul 15 amt paid McWhorter as per voucher No 15 77.25
1857 Jan 21 amt paid J.M. Lankford as per voucher No 16 6.54
1859 amt paid A. Pool T.C. as per voucher No 17 0.48
Coms 2 1/2 perct added 6.97
Total 286.33
pg. 170 Amount of Debtor brot over 1105.08
By amt paid outin 1st Return 288.54
by amt paid out in not return on tin this 331.07
total 619.61
To be divided between 2 heirs amt of distributions shear as is $242.73

Mrs. Nancy Hobbs one of distribution is $242.72

1858 acct with the estate dr
Not 2 to amt paid her as per voucher no 1 20.00 jut to 1 Jan 1860 1 yr. 2 month 1.63 coms 2 1/2 perct added .60

1859 Nov 17 to amt paid her as per voucher no 3 50.00 jut to 1 Jan 1860 1 yr. 1 mo 8 d 4.30 coms 2 1/2 prct added .52

1860 Jan 9 amt paid her in full as per vo no 4 103.50 S.S. Kelly Guardian of Robert Hobbs have 242.73 com 2 1/2 prct 5.05

1860 Jan 9 amt paid him in full as per voucher no 5 237.68

The following described not is herewith returned as insolvent 1 note John Sutherland, James Brooks and Sarah Sutherland dated 22 Dec 1853 and due 12 month after date for $15.31

Georgia Gwinnett County Before me in person came Sandford S. Kelly Adminstro and Nancy Hobbs Adminstratrix of the Estate of Robert Hobbs Dec’d who being duly sworn deposeth and say that the above and forgoing account and return is just and true as it stands stated sworn to and Subscribed before me this 9th Jan 1860 Sandford S. Kelly Nancy (her mark) Hobbs

Voucher No 1 Rec’d of S.S. Kelly Adm of Robert Hobbs for his tax for the year 1858 75.05 Adam Pool T.C.

Voucher No 2 Stone Mountain Georgia Mr. Robert Hobbs to C.W. Johnson
Dr. 1856 Feb 26 to 1 pair shoes 150, 3 1/2 yd calico 53 2.63
1856 Mar 4 4 plugs tobacco 25/100
March 27 1 pr white cotton gloves 20 1.20
1856 Mar 27 1 pr 1/2 hoes 20, 1 vest pattern 65 8.5 yds Jacont Muslin 45 383 4.68
1856 Mar 27 7 yards blk velvet 55 3.85 7 yds blue home spun 1.05 4.90
1856 Mar 27 e bunches tape 10 81/3 doz brass tacks 50 1 paper 3 oz tacks 5 .65
1856 Mar 27 1 spool coats thread 05 1/2 doz pearl buttons 05 .10

State of Georgia County of DeKalb In person appeared before me J.W. Scruggs an acting Justice of the Peace in aforesaid county C.W. Johnson who after being duly sworn saidth that the above account as it stands stated is just and true and that the said account was made at Stone Mountain in said county and that said account being unpaid sworn to a subscribed before me this 28th day of Feb 1857 John W. Scruggs JP CW Johnson

Rec’d of Sandford S. Kelley one of the Adm of Robert Hobbs decd. 13.56 in full of this acct this Jan 8, 1858 C.W. Johnson

Voucher No 3 1856 Robert Hobbs dc Jan 30 to shoing before 50 50
1856 March 6 To making 2 tings 10 to making brier hook 50 60
1856 making a gopher plow 25 to making bolt and tap 25 50
1856 making a plow rod 25 mending clivis 10 to groning singlener 60 95

Georgia Gwinnett County Personally appeared before me Ransom Jones who being duly sworn deposeth and saith that the above account is just and true as it stands stated and is unpaid sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th day of Mar 1857 Ransom Jones Rec’d of Sandford S. Kelley Adm of Robert Hobbs due 2.55 pd in full of this account this Dec 11, 1858 Ransom Jones

Voucher No 4 Stone Mountain GA Jul; 10th 1857 Robert Hobbs dc to T.A. Browning
1855 to Bar bill for the year of 1855 1.80
1856 to bar bill for the year of 1856 12.00
1856 May 1st Cash Loaned 8.00

Georgia DeKalb County Before me John W. Scruggs Justice of the Peace in and for said county came in person T.A.Browning who being sworn saith upon oath that the above account is just and true as it stands stated and unpaid and that said debt was contracted in this county worn and subscribed before me this July 18th 1857 T.A. Browning John W. Scruggs Rec’d of Sandford S. Kelley on of the Adm of Robert Hobbs decd. 21.80 in full of all demands on this account this Jan 26, 1858 T.A. Browning pr Wm. A. Gorza

Voucher No 5 $20 By the sixth day of November next we or either of us promise to pay Charles McKinney on of the Administrators of Samuel McKinney Decd or bearer the sum of $20.0 for value rec’d Nov 5, 1855 Robert Hobbs Charles C. Lankford. Rec’d of S.S. Kelley on of the Adm of Robert Hobbs Dec’d $20.41 in full of this note this Apr 13, 1858 Charles McKinney

Voucher No 6 $23.35 by the 6 day of Nov next we or either of us promise to pay Charles McKinney on of the Adm of Samuel McKinney decd. or bearer the sum of 20.35 for value rec’d Nov 6, 1855 Robert Hobbs, Curtis C. Lankford Rec’d of Sandford S. Kelley one of the Administrators of Robert Hobbs Dec’d 27.33 in full of this note the Apr 13, 1858 Charles McKinney

Voucher No 7 $20 By the 6th day of November next we or either of us promise to pay Charles McKinney one of the Amds of Samuel McKinney decd. or bearer the sum of 20.00 for value rec’d Nov 6, 1855 Robert Hobbs, Curtis C. Lankford pg. 172 recd of S.S. Kelley one of the Adms of Robert Hobbs decd. $23.41 in full of this note the Apr 15, 1858 Charles McKinney

Voucher No 8 12 months after date we or either of us promise to pay Ann E. Hunter Adm of James L. Brown Adm of Elisha Hunter decd. or bearer 46.00 or value received Dec 9, 1852 Robert Hobbs Mary Hobs Edmun N. Beazley SC Recd of Robert Hobbs $32.00 on the written Apr 1, 1854 Rec’d of S.S. Kelley one of the Admn on the estate of Robert Hobbs decd. $22.36 in full of this within note this May 3, 1858 Jas. L. Brown Hon G.T. Rakestraw

Voucher No 9 Mr. Robert Hobbs to R.L. Williams
1854 Apr 9 1 pr shoes 2.13 1 whip 1.12 fish hooks 6 3.31
1854 Jun 25 umbrella 150 1 384 satonct 123 2.75
total 6.06

Georgia Greene County Personally came before me Mr. J.L. Tarwater a Justice of the peace in aforesaid county R.L. Williams who being duly sworn deposeth and sayeth that the above account is just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief as above set fourth and that the said account was contracted in the county of Oglethorp sworn to and signed before me this Mar 30, 1858 R.L. Williams J.L. Tarwater JP Recd of Sandford S. Kelley one of the Adm of Robert Hobbs decd. 6.06 in full of this acct this Aug 5, 1858 R.L. Williams by Jas M. Lankford

Voucher No 10 Robert Hobbs Dec to James M. Lankford
1854 to 8 months board for self at 9.00 per month 72.00
1854 to 8 months washing at 1.00 per month 8.00
lerby note on Nathan Hobbs 41.17
crby not on Willis Lankford 13.00 54.17
Balance due 25.83

Georgia Greene County Personally came before me James M. Lankford and after being sworn deposeth and saith that the within account as it stands is just and true sworn to before me the 6th day of May 1857 James M. Lankford W. A. Colclough JP
Rec’d of Sandford S. Kelley one of the Adm of Robert Hobbs decd. 25.83 in full of this acct this Aug 5, 1858 James M. Lankford

Voucher No 11 1854 Robert Hobbs dc to Peak A. Maxey Jan 4 Shoing Horse old and new shoes 75 Feb 3 shoing horse 100
Mar 21 making 4 nuts for wagon 50 putting plate on bolster 50 mending 2 braces 12 putting 2 bands on hub 13 Mar 22 shifting a putting shoes 3.62
Georgia personally came before me Simon T. Peck on of the `cut off` that the within acct is just and true to the best of his knowledge and belief sworn to a subscribed before me this 6th day of Nov 1856 B.E. Spencer JP Simeon T. Peck Recd of Sandord S. Kelley one of the Adm of Robert Hobbs Dec 3.62 in full of this acct this Aug 5, 1858 Peck A Maxey by Jas. M. Lankford

Voucher No 12 Robert Hobbs dc to Doster A. Lankford 1854 Dec 1 sending him from Greensborough to Penfield in Buggy 1.00 Georgia Greene County personally came before me James M. Lankford and after being duly sworn deposeth and saith that the within account as it stands stated is just and true sworn to before me this 6th May 1857 James M. Lankford W.A. Colclough JP one of the firm of Doster Lankford recd of Sandford S. Kelley Adm of Robert Hobbs decd. 1.00 in full of this acct this 5 Aug 1858 Doster A. Lankford by Jas M. Lankford

Voucher No 13 Neal Newton Abo vs. Sanford S. Kelly and Nancy Hobbs Adms of Robert Hobbs Dec. Debt Ab in the Justice Court 405 Dist GM of Gwinnett Nov 16, 1858 Recorded of S.S. Kelley Adm as aforsaid $7.50 fee for professional services in the above state as and for one other case the plff name not mentioned. Frances F. Juhan Att At Law

Voucher No 14 Account against the Estate of Robert Hobbs for provisions furnished to the widow Nancy Hobbs in the year 1856. To 40 lb. beef at 4 cents per pound, $1.60. Personally appealed before me Henry Matthews and after being duly sworn deposeth and sayeth that the above account is just and true as it stands stated and unpaid Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day Sept 1857 John W. Schmalee J.P. Henry Mathews Rec’d of Sanford S. Kelley one of the Amins of Robert Hobbs pd $1.60 in full of this acct this Jan 26, 1858 Henry Mathews.

Voucher No 15 $81.55 Penfield GA Apr 24, 1855 One day after the date I promise to pay MW Horter Armstrong and Co or bearer $81.55 for value rec’d. Witness my had and seal Rec’d $20 on this note March 23, 1856 Rec’d of Sandford S. Kelly Adm of Robert Hobbs $77.25 the full amt of principle and interest on this note Jul 17, 1858 MW Dimmond Atty. for McWorther Armstrong and Co.

Voucher No 16 Robert Hobbs dc to William A Lankford
1854 Mar 13 1 cigar .05, Mar 14 1 cigar .05 1 cigar .10 .20
1854 Mar 15 1 cigar .05 Mar 16 2 cigars .10 17th 1 cigar .05 .20
1854 Mar 18 17 cigars 25 .20 1 cigar .05 21 2 cigars .10 .50
1854 Mar 22 2 cigars .10 Mar 23 1 cigar .05 24th 10 cigars 9 oranges 45 1.10
1854 Mar 24 Ransom And Almon 20 candy 20 1 cigar .05 .45
1854 Mar 29 1 cigar 1/3 lb. mints 13 31st 6 cigars 30, apel 4 2 cigars 10 .58
1854 Apr 6 4 cigars 20 8th 1 cigar .05 15th 2 cigars .10 17th 2 cigars .10 .45
Apr 18 1 cig 05 19th 2 cigar /10, 4 cigars //20, 20th bunch cigars 100 1.35
Apr 20 15 cigars .75, 28th 2 cigars .10, 28th 1 cigar .05, May 1 3 cigar /14 1.05
Jul 1 1 lemon ade and cracker 10, lemon ade .06 1 pitcher lemonade .30 .66
total 6.54

Georgia Greene County Personally came before me James M. Lankford one of the firm of Williams and Lankford and after being duly sworn deposeth and sayeth that the within account as it stands stated is just and true sworn to and subscribed before me this 21 Jan 1857 John G. Heotticar JP James M. Lankford Rec’d Sandord S. Kelley one of the Adm of Robert Hobbs decd. $6.54 in full of this acct James M. Lankford.

Voucher No 17 Rec’d SS Kelley Adm of Robert Hobbs Decd his tax for the year 1859 48 Adam Pool

No Voucher No 18 appears

Voucher No 19 Rec’d Sandford S. Kelly Administrator of Robert Hobbs decd. $25 in full of my professional services in the management of said estate 9th Jan 1860 N.L. Hutchins JP Atty. at Law

Vo No 1 Rec’d Sandford S Kelley Adms of Robert Hobbs Decd $20 as due me one of the Legatees of Decd Mus Nov 2, 1858 Nancy (herXmark) Hobbs

Vo No 2 Rec’d of Sandford S. Kelley one of the Adms of Robert Hobbs Decd $56.75 past of my interest in said estate this Nov 22, 1858 Nancy (herXmark) Hobbs

Vo No 3 Test David B. Moore Nancy Hobbs to S.S. Kelly Adm of Robt Hobbs decd. 1858 Jan to amt advanced and paid at several times $50.00 Rec’d of Sandford S. Kelley Adm $56.00 as above paid and have for me this 17th Nov 1859 Nancy (her X mark) Hobbs Attest N.L. Hutchins.

Vo No 4 Rec’d of Sanford S. Kelley one of the administrators of the estate of Robert Hobbs decd. $103.50 in full of the distributive share due me from the said estate this 9th Jan 1860 Tes. G.T. Rakestraw Ordy Nancy (her X mark) Hobbs

Vo No 5 Rec’d S.S. Kelly and Nancy Hobbs Admn of the estate of Robert Hobbs Decd $237.68 in full of the distributive share due my ward Robert Hobbs from said estate this 9th Jan 1860 Sandford S. Kelley Guardian

This is an insolvent note returned 12 months after date Robert Hobbs or bearer executing est Mary Hobbs decd $15.31 for value rec’d Dec 22, 1853 John Sutherland James Brooks Sarah Sutherland


Gwinnett Co. Census pg. 253 1483
Mathis, Charity 73 F SC Farmer 200/2360 owns 3 slaves
W.B. Jones 63 SC Farmer 0/200 ggggrpa
Eriatially 50NC, ggggrma
Caroline 9
Charity 6
Catharine 3
Nancy 33 Should be Nancy Hobbs widow gggrma
Sarah 31
Jane 26
Martha 18
Sibbie 14
Julia 12
Robert 4, Should be Robert Hobbs My ggrpa
Albert 7, This is also Nancy's son
George 20
Mary 15


1870 HOBBS NANCY Fulton County GA 513 Atlanta P.O. GA51615606
259 20 Nancy Hobbs 42 WF widow Keep house GA SC NC
259 21 Albert Hobbs 18 WM Farm Labor GA GA GA
259 22 Robert Hobbs 14 WM Farm Labor GA GA GA

1880 Adamsville District, Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia

pg 27 174 Hobbs, Nancy WF 51 widow farmer housekeeper GA SC NC can't write This is my gggrma
next door is:
William Carlisle 51 farmer disabled
John E Carlisle 30
William T Carlisle 22
Albert Jones 27 This is Nancy Hobbs son and my ggrpa brother
Susan Jones 26
Emma Jones 6
William Jones 4
Albert W Jones 2

1900 Adamsville District Atlanta Fulton County, Georgia Census Jun 21, 1900 pg 194 Sheet 8

125 Hobbs, Nancy head wf Jul 1828 70 widow 2 children born 1 living GA SC NC Rent Farm Farm Schedule 112
Hobbs, Robert son wm Jun 1856 43 mar 12 yrs GA GA GA farmer

1910 Adamsville District Atlanta Fulton County, Georgia Census 22 Apr 1910

34 Hobbs, Robert head wm 53 married 10 yrs GA GA GA farmer
Hobbs, Mary I wife wf 29 5 children born 5 living GA GA GA
Hobbs, Mary Ann 9 GA GA GA
Hobbs, Lillie May 7 GA GA GA
Hobbs, Samuel A 5 GA GA GA
Hobbs, Wm Robert 4 GA GA GA
Hobbs, Henry Grady 2 GA GA GA
Hobbs, Nancy mother 84 mar 54 yrs 2 children born 1 living GA SC NC

1910 May 1

Nancy Jones Hobbs died Hemphill, Fulton Co. GA daughter of William B Jones and Ursula Caldwell Jones, widow of Robert Hobbs Jr., mother of Albert Jones and Robert Hobbs.

Children of Robert Hobbs Jr and Nancy Jones

Robert H. Hobbs b. July 18, 1856 in Gwinnett Co., Georgia d. June 13, 1913 in Adamsville District, Atlanta, Fulton Co., Georgia. He married about 1900 in Fulton or Clayton County, Georgia to Mary Elizabeth "Mollie" Phillips b. Jul 10, 1878 in Clayton County, Georgia d. October 04, 1943 in Clayton County, Georgia
