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Put your Heart into it
written by:  Sherrie' Austin
and Will Rambeaux

You don't need
to talk French
To make me giddy
You don't need to fly me off
to some foregin city
You don't need pretty words
just to turn my head
And you don't need to be
a casanova is bed
If you're gonna love me
Why don't you just do it
Come on baby,
Put your heart into it

You don't need to pop
out of a birthday cake
You don't need to bring me
roses on roller-skates
Write my name in big letters
across the sky
No you don't need to run for
president to catch my eye
If you're gonna love me
Why don't you just do it
Come on baby,
Put your heart into it

Well you can lead
a horse to water
But you can't make 'em drink
Send a boy to college
But you can't make him think
Well I've been feeling
kind of lonely
Like a ship out on the ocean
I need to see a little
old-fashioned emotion

Well you got
my attention, baby
What's on your mind
You can leave all that fancy
footwork behind
Well I can see you're cute
and I know you're witty
But let's go down to the real
nitty gritty
If you're gonna love me
Why don't you just do it
Come on baby,
Put your heart into it

Yeah, if you're gonna
love me
Why don't you just do it
Come on baby,
Put your heart into it