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About The Guild


The Links


Who are we?  We are a small guild of honorable, high level, very experienced players, dedicated to the principles of noblese oblique, who love The Realm.  We detest scammers, hackers and cheats.

Our Purpose:  To organize our efforts toward ...

Orienting new players of The Realm, ensuring a positive, early influence for as many as possible.

Educating new players, to their benefit, via shared knowledge. (see Tips)

Assisting new players in adapting to their new surroundings.

Performing noble deeds which benefit those in need.

Helping those less fortunate, where possible.

Promoting honesty and decency within The Realm.

Protecting innocents against scammers and abusers.

Establishing a lasting presence of good will within The Realm.

Making The Realm more enjoyable for as many as we may affect.

Promoting the principles upon which Honor Guard is founded.

Our Symbol:  The Perfect Rose

Our Saint:  LadyTree (Click Here to Visit LadyTree's Web Page)







Special Thanks

E-Mail US!

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Last updated:March 02, 1999

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