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Quiz #3


How Much do you know Howie D.?

I'm sorry if I haven't changed the questions on the qioz lately. I lost my internet privalege for ordering to many things from cdnow. For those of you who did win, please e-mail me again with your home address and I'll send you the prize for this quiz. Again I'm sorry.

E-mail me with the answers. If you get them all right (not including the bonus) I'll send you a copy of the song "My Heart Stays With You" sang by Howie. If you miss 2 I'll e-mail you 5 pictures of Howie D. Winners will be announced every Saturday. Only 1 person can win 1st prize.


1. What is Howie's favorite word?
2. What is the name if of the *N Sync member that Howie went to school with?
3. What is the name of Howie's girlfriend?
4. Who is the oldest sibling that Howie has?
5. What year did Howie sing "Unchained Melody"?
6. What is Howie's favorite breakfast?
7. What king of cologn does Howie wear?
8. Who are Howie's favorite singer?
9. What is the address to the foundation that Howie made for Caroline?
10. What month/date/year did that foundation start?

Howie is ingaged. TRUE or FALSE?

E-mail me the answers. You have also got to sign my guestbook. A new Quiz will be up every week.

Winner for Quiz #1
Christine Wiseman