Tom Barnhart and me at the 1998 National Young Birds Show in Louisville Ky. That's Tom in the white coat, I'm the good looking guy on the right. Photo by Don Edmonds. To see my photos of the 1999 National Young Birds Show click here for 1999 NYBS .
American Racing Pigeon Union site link.
Box 18465
Oklahoma City, OK 73154
Tel. (405) 478-2240
This is the largest organizations for racing pigeons in the US.
I'm a member of the AU.
National Pigeon Association
Pat Avery - Sec.-Treas.
P.O. Box 439, Newalla, OK 74857-0439
tel. (405) 386-6884
e-mail: The annual dues for adults is $15 this year and $20 starting in January 2002
International Federation of American Homing Pigeon Fanciers site.
Val Matteucci Secretary-Treasurer
PO Box 374
Hicksville, NY 11802
Tel. (516 794-3612, fax. (516) 794-6654
This is the oldest organizations for racing pigeons in the US.
The annual dues are US $10.
Canadian Racing Pigeon Union Incorporated site
Mr. R. Sandham - President & Finance
R.R. # 3 Tillsonburg, Ont. N4G-4G8
Ph. (519) 688 - 3430
This organization serves the Racing Pigeon Flyers of Canada Coast to Coast.
Canadian Pigeon Fanciers Association site.
Mr. Dick Taylor - President
This organization serves the Pigeon Fanciers of Canada.
World of Wings Pigeon Center
A Project Of The American Homing Pigeon Institute, Inc.
Barnhart & Son Lofts
Pigeons, Genetic information and much more.
National Color Pigeon Club
to Promote "Color Pigeons" world-wide.
Indian Fantail Club of America I.F.C.A.
Merl Emerson's Loft 150 Anderson Drive, Roebuck, South Carolina 29376
Pedigree and Performance Software
National Birmingham Roller
Click here for Symptoms and Treatments for pigeon related illnesses.
New England Pigeon Supply for all your pigeon related needs.
Their prices are very competitive and they offer honest, fast service.
You can order a free catalogue through their website.
Pigeon Supplies and other Information
Greater Atlanta Racing Pigeon Club
Spartanburg County Open Pigeon Racing Club
The Piedmont Racing Pigeon Combine
Central NY Racing Pigeon Combine
Australian National Pigeon Assoc'
Grey Forums
Subscribe to South African Pigeon Mailing List Email: Visit this group
Racing Pigeon News Letter
Danny Joe Humphrey's Color Pigeons & More
A monthly pigeon vidio Show that covers all aspects of the Pigeon hobby. It’s available for viewing 24 / 7.
Aviculture Europe a digital Poultry & Pigeon Magazine
Irish National Fancy Pigeon Association
Irish Coloured Racing Pigeon Club
The Seraphim Club International
. . .
. . .
International Institute of Pigeons and Doves
P.O. Box 18476
Oklahoma City, OK 73154
Tel: (405) 478-5155
Tel: (800) 882-1586American Pigeon Club
William Smith - Sec.
890 Thurmond Road
Thurmond, NC 28683
National club that sponsors shows, distributes bands. Annual dues are US $5.Pigeon Debut Magazine
P.O. Box 271026
Oklahoma City, OK 73137
Tel. (405) 686-0412
Journal-type magazine filled with club news and interesting articles. Subscriptions are US $20 for domestic, US $32 for Canada, and US $50 for foreign airmail delivery.
I do hope you had a good time. Thanks for stopping by and Ya'll come back now!