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The Adoption Option

Pro-Abortionists talk about how terrible it is to be an "unwanted" child. They say and think that if a child is unwanted they will be abused, physically or emotionally, or both. They think it's better to kill an unborn child than to let it live without being loved. Adoption is always an option my friends, although it's not as good an option as taking your own child and raising it yourself, we are to "defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; and deliver them from the hand of the wicked.(Psalm 82:3-4)" If you're ever in a situation and must make the choice, DO NOT choose abortion. There are many people out there who would like a baby to love and take care of for many reasons, maybe they can't have a baby, maybe they can and just want more than they have, i dunno, but rest assured, you can always find someone willing to do God's will and care for a parentless child.

God is definitely Pro-Life

Pro-Abortionists base the whole abortion issue on one thing: Is the fetus really a part of the woman's body? Can she dispose of it at will? NO! I don't quite think so. Each person has their own individual, uhh...unique DNA traits, chromosome patterns, genetic codes, you name it, it's different. Are the mother's codes and her fetus's codes the same? No, they are not, they are two similar, yet very different people. A baby, from the second the sperm meets the egg, carries it's own genetic code, different from it's mother's. A fetus is not part of the woman's "own body". Jeremiah 1:5 says "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart, I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Each person has a role in God's plan and it's not to be aborted. Stand for what is right, FIGHT ABORTION!

Commandment 6

DO NOT MURDER!!! I know life is precious, I take a stand against anything that hurts the life of others. Exodus 20:13 says "You shall not murder", if babies are separate human beings from the moment they are conceived, well then...abortion is murder. Abortion sucks, fight it, do what you can, protest abortion clinics, write letters, pray, pray, and pray some more, do whatever it takes and whatever you can do, FIGHT ABORTION!!!
