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Arrakis Interview


Here's my interview with Adam, the drummer of Arrakis [ex-kaosu (ex-The Vigilantes)] Adam is GxCxKid and I'm, of course, HXCHix.

HXcHix: ok, first question...
HXcHix: Who is in Kaosu and what do they play?
HXcHix: ah man...
GxCxKid: hah
HXcHix: Who is in Arrakis and what do they play?
HXcHix: hehe
GxCxKid: Arrakis is Josh on Vocals, Trey on Death Guitars and I (Adam) on Drums. Trey and I both do backup vocals.

HXcHix: How did you guys meet and become Arrakis?
GxCxKid: Well, around this time last year (October 97), two of my chums from another band called LLW and I decided to start a little side project punk band. LLW was suposed to play a show on Halloween, and for some reaons or another they couldnt make it, so we were asked to fill in for them. Well, needless to say we had fun and after that decided to take the band serious. a month later we decided to expand the band. So we asked Josh and Trey to join the band. From there we had a couple diffrent line up changes, and bascly we are what we are today now ( - a bass player of course).

HXcHix: Where ya from?
GxCxKid: We are based out of Edmond, Oklahoma. Thats about 10 mins north of OKC. Trey and Josh live there and i live in OKC.

HXcHix: How is the scene out there?
GxCxKid: Its alright. It could be better. There are a ton of secular bands, but i dont think a whole lot of them are that good. There are a couple that rock out tho. The Christian sceen I think is kinda week here. I mean alot of kids go to shows, but really only if its Ska or Pop punk....When we play our 10 friends go. But like if some ska band plays theres probably 200 kids show up. There are some good heavy bands tho here in the area, like Death List or Eleven Hours Down, and some good Old school Punk like No Exit...and there is the Scientisions (i know its spelled wrong guys, but give me a break)...

HXcHix: How'd ya come up with the name Arrakis?
GxCxKid: Well, basicly i was just watching the movie DUNE and thought it was cool sounding. it really has no meaning. its just a planet on a movie.

HXcHix: What releases do you guys have out right now?
GxCxKid: Well, we recorded back in feb of this year and we threw some of thoes songs on diffrent compilations. We never pressed any copies of the tape, but we did dub copies off for people who would give us a tape. We didnt have the money to press any thing, and we didnt want to charge people for it. But we have been on 5 compalations since late feb, early march. We were suposed to do lots of stuff, from a 5 inch to a cd, but it all fell threw. The last rumor is were doing a three way split with some bands on a label called Clandestine Project. Thats the latest rumor. We have been in the recording mood for quiet some time, but havent had the money to do anything our selfs, so we have been waiting for a label to want to do somthing with us...

HXcHix: How'd you get hooked up with Clandestine and Quietboy Recordings?
GxCxKid: Well, mainly threw Maintenance Man. There bass player Cleetus really digs us and helps us out alot. He does booking at Clandestine and he gets us shows and stuff, and I guess he played some of our stuff for Chris (the guy who runs the label) and he liked it. If thats not how it happen, then im not quiet sure. =)

HXcHix: Is everyone in the band a christian?
GxCxKid: Yes we are. And i hope for people that are non-christians, the fact we are wont scare them away, or they wont get any preconcived notions about us. Were not about Religion, or money or anything that people on TV are about. Were about Jesus, and they love he brings. We dont judge people at all, xtians or non-xtian. thats not our job. you know what im saying? how like a couple people have just totally given christianity a bad name. like a really bad name.

HXcHix: What's your future plans for Arrakis?
GxCxKid: Well, thats really kinda hard to answer, seeing as thing like to change every second with our band. The only real thing we have going on is that split on CP, and a couple of shows.

HXcHix: Do you guys plan on getting a new bassplayer soon?
GxCxKid: Well, were looking. I dont think were in any huge rush, but were deffently keeping our eye out for one. We played in Dallas the other night, and I was a little worried about how it would sound with just the one guitar, but we heard alot of good coments about it, so im not as worried as I was, but I know trey and I deffently want to find one so we can start doing a little more complicated music.
GxCxKid: Altho, the Guitars do sound cool being run threw two bass amps...

HXcHix: What kind of music did you and the other guys listen to while growing up?
GxCxKid: Well, I cant speak for the other guys, but I know i listend to alot of everything. My dad was really into every kind of music from Jazz to Hard Rock and Metal. so i listend to about everything. Well everything except for Country. Im not sure about trey and josh tho.
HXcHix: You know you were a country fan!
HXcHix: just kidding
GxCxKid: hah, oh yeah
GxCxKid: all the way
HXcHix: What kind of stuff do you listen to now?
HXcHix: Reba? Garth Brooks? hehe
HXcHix: j/k
GxCxKid: hah, oh yeah, reba all the way. shes a okie ya know.
GxCxKid: no, not really, mostly just fast hardcore punk, or Grind. really, anything fast.
GxCxKid: well, i listen to alot of heavy slow stuff to. i guess i should say hardcore punk/doom/sludge/death metal

HXcHix: So who would you say your biggest influences are now, musically and lyrically?
GxCxKid: Lyrically we just write about what is on our minds. We dont really take any lyricall influences that i know of. or at least i dont. I just write about what going on in our lifes. I know josh does it the same way. Trey stays away from lyric writing. Musiclly, we take alot of influencess from alot of bands. Ulcer, Hellnation and HHIG would be our 3 bigest influnces i would say
GxCxKid: Trey and i love the Police, but i dont know if we take any influence from them...

HXcHix: Got any funny or unusual tour stories or stories from shows?
GxCxKid: Something always happens to us at a show. I could go on forever about show stories. The two most memrabill would be when josh packed the bass amp wrong in his car and it went threw his back window. The other would be when we were in dallas and we stayed at this really rich yuppy hotel and at two in the morning trey and josh and waffle (our roadie) were making so much noise that the downstars floor called and compalined about us.
GxCxKid: Trey was all screaming and Waffle and Josh were running up and down the halls...
GxCxKid: Singing to i think..
GxCxKid: yeah, and i was all screaming cuz i was mad at every one.
HXcHix: Who are some of your favorite bands to play with?
GxCxKid: well we love playing with Maintenance Man and No Exit! Death list and Eleven hours down are fun to.oh yeah, Havalina Rail Co was real fun...
GxCxKid: We love Orlando (but who doesnt!)
GxCxKid: really i guess any show we play we have alot of fun

HXcHix: Anyone in the band married or gots a girlfriend or anything closely related?
GxCxKid: Well, no one is married. Josh is the only one with a Girl friend. He has broken up with her and then gone back out with her! man. Trey and I are loosers, so girls dont talk to us.
HXcHix: I got the same problem.
GxCxKid: doesnt it suck?
HXcHix: oh yeah

HXcHix: Does anyone have any tattoos or piercings?
GxCxKid: na.. I almost got a tattoo while i was out on the road with Maintenance Man this summer, but then i rembered "hey, i hate needles!" so i didnt get one. Im not to fond of piercings..

HXcHix: Does anyone got any other jobs than Arrakis?
GxCxKid: Trey is a pizza guy, and smuggless us loosers pizza, but thats about it. Im looking, and josh is living up the good life.
HXcHix: yeah, work sucks

HXcHix: Anyone got any hobbies?
GxCxKid: besides music, nothing to serious. Josh likes war movies and knifes and stuff, and Trey and I arnt really good at anything besides music, so we eat and play music.
GxCxKid: oh, well trey scares people. hes good at that

HXcHix: Well...that's all i can think of, do you have any last words? A phone number or address where you can be contacted for whatever reason?
GxCxKid: yeah, well as always shout outs to WAW, SCSC, Disturbulenced, Tiggles (tommy) and all of our friends are in order
GxCxKid: as for contact you can reach us at 405-848-4241, 1720 churchill way, okc, ok 73120 or or
HXcHix: ok, well...that about wraps, it up
HXcHix: thanks for the interview adam
GxCxKid: No prob... i got to jet, got to head down to the studio to do my backup vocals in a friends band.
HXcHix: Have fun