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Recently i got the pleasure of interviewing hardcores pint size powerhouses, fable. derek ( drums ) tells us a little bit more about the history , and future of this holland , MI band. and....action.....

robby : how long has fable been together and how did you get your name?
derek : we've been together for about 6 months...but , we all played together in a band before this called Withhold . Withhold was around for about 6 months as well . so , all together...we've been playing together for about a year.

robby : do you guys get any flak for your age or are you pretty well respected in the hxc ( thats hardcore ) scene ?
derek : ummm , from what i've heard , people seem to respect us alright . i don't know if there is a lot that is said behind our backs or anything , but maybe we aren't just taken as seriously sometimes . like, we are known as " the little kid band" , and " hardcore's answer to hanson " and stuff like that . i don't know . i get kind of sick of it at times.

robby : musically , what or who do you consider as influence(s) , and lyrically ?
derek : well , musically , our main influences come from bands like Acrid , Puritan , Converge , New Day Rising , Zao , Jeremin , Hourglass , Reversal of Man , Swing Kids , Angel Hair , Song of Zarathustra , Constatine Sankathi , and many more...

robby : your lyrics seem to deal a lot with pain and emotions , are the lyrics inspired by personal experiences or what?
derek : i normally don't write many lyrics , but the lyrics to our songs are just subjects or emotions that who ever wrote them wanted to say or express . the lyrics come from whatever was on the author's mind or heart . if that is a bad or hard time in the authors life , then he will express how he feels . i know that one of the songs talks about an experience with people who totally change their image , actions , and beliefs just to be accepted by a specific person or group and then go right back to their old ways , beliefs , image , ect. when put in a different situation , like nothing ever happened ,and thinking that it's all good and that's ok to contradict everything you've ever stood for to fit in.

robby did you guys get hooked up with shows with bands like Zao , Stretch Arm Strong , Juliana Theory , ect.?
derek : well , we actually only played one show recently , with those bands...but , yeah , we are friends with the kids in Zao and with the people who set up the show . so , it wasn't hard to get on the bill or anything.

robby : who is Jesus Christ to you ?
derek : Jesus Christ is my Saviour from this evil world , my God , and my friend.... if you would like to know anything more about Him , don't hesitate to talk to someone about Him and find out more... please , it will soon be too late.

robby : is fable going in the studio anytime soon ?
derek : yes , i think that we are planning on recording in august with joel madigan (check out his band Quell...they are amazing) from Inspired Recordings...we are talking with a label and we should most likely have a 7" out by this fall/winter...

robby : how would you describe your sound to someone who has never before heard you ?
derek : i would have to say something really grindy or metal , mixed in with some spazzcore influences but with a lot of instrumental acoustic parts...check out our demo or whatever we have released this fall/winter if you want to hear for yourself.

robby : so what is it like for you guys at school , do you get alot of support from the kids ?
derek : yeah , i don't know...we have kids that are into it , but some aren't . some kids think it's stupid , but the kids that are into it really support us and are interested.

robby : would you consider the growth in interest of Christian hXc music a good thing , or a temporary trend ?
derek : i don't really know how to answer this . i wouls actually say that the interest in Christian hXc has gone down . maybe it hasn't in some parts , but from my perspective it has . i think it's great that kids are getting into it , Christians and non - Christians...when non - Christians are getting into Christian hardcore , that says something . it says that Christian bands too can have talent and play just as well , if not better , as other bands...and they should be accepted in the scene..

robby : is fable gonna try and play cornerstone next year ?
derek : maybe we will....

robby : how did you come up with the name "fable" ?
derek : ummm , i can't even begin to explain . it's kind of an inside story or joke to us . trust me , you wouldn't understand . it's just something that we always joke about...medieval type stuff , dragons , secret spells , fables(there it is) , and little men who speak in strange i said , it's just one big story you wouldn't understand...something we have alwaystalked about and made fun of . it makes me laugh just thinking about it , we have strange senses of humor .

robby : well , dude , thanks for your time , any last comments ?
derek : yeah , please keep your eyes open for something out this fall/winter...we aren't sure if it will be a 7" , a CD , an LP , or whatever but please check us out if you get the chance....thanks and Godbless!!!

contact :
Derek W. James (snail mail)
191 W. 11th St.
Holland , MI. 49423
616-396-7444 (phone....ask for Derek) (e-mail)
this just in.... look for a 7" from fable on Takehold Records...should be out in winter.....