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Here's my interview with Vince Radcliffe, the drummer of One21.

First off, tell me who is in One21 and what they play.

One21 has Paul Sanders and Kris Klein rocking out on guitar. Tom Manns plays the bass. Vince Radcliffe plays the drums and Ken Klein sings.

Is everyone in the band a christian?

Everyone in the band has been saved for quite sometime. Moreover, we try to keep each other focused on our individual relationships with Jesus, so that he is seen in our lives both off and on and the stage.

Where are you from?

The band is based in Philadelphia, PA.

How is the "local scene" there?

The "local scene," or at the part I touch, is a body of believers who strive to reflect Christ in thier life and their music. As a whole, we are not always perfect, but our perfect God seems to use us inspite of ourselves. People have been savede trhough "the scene" and believers have fallen from it. Still, what a ride serving and praising God can be.

Who is your favorite band to play with?

There is not really a band that i could call our favorite, because there is too much unity shared amongst us all. A bond sealed with the redeeming blood of Christ. Being brought together by music and the desire to serve Christ with a disciplined act of devotion and sincerely sharing our faith from our hearts makes picking favorites impossible. In the same way that I could not choose one brother over another, I cannot choose one group above another, because all the members are brethern in Christ.

Do you have any funny or unusual tour stories?

My brother, all we have are unusual tour stories, but the one that sticks out is called "The U-Haul Disaster." All the background you need to know is the following: One21 broke down our second band vehicle on the way to a festival in Canada. We were rescued by the show promotors and played a killer show. They then dropped us off in Shelby, Montana and being low on money, we chose to rent a U-Haul truck to get to Cornerstone in Bushnell, Illinois. That trip was fine, but the ride home was the closest I ever want to come to eternal torment. With six bodies stuck in the back of a U-Haul that is totally void of light and air the stench from the bodies becomes overpowering. The foul odor eminating from our skeletal frames was the result of "hotter than hell" heat that would rise up unmercifully. Never in my entire life have I sweated so abundantly with a complete lack of effort. No one ever moved a muscle and the perspiration would still drench us from head to toe and transform our clothes into sopping rags. That is already bad enough, but imagine this. You are traveling at night with four ugly guys and one good looking girl in the cargo area of a U-Haul. There are three blessed individuals riding in luxury up front and you are wondering why you are not one of the. At that moment, someone tunrs on a flashlight and suddenly you can see the roof. A roof that is completely covered with beads of sweat dangling over your head. I had not known a fear and disgust like the one I experienced that night. Lying there, helpless, and praying that your own sweat, now combined with the sweat of others, won't fall on you is one of the most humbling events that could possibly happen in your life. What a complete nightmare that was and what a total blessing that horrific moment has become. How can it be a blessing? It is for this reason. I do not complaing about the heat anymore, because nothing but eternal damnation could be as hot as that.

How many releases does One21 have?

Currently there is one full-length, one EP and one 7-inch. There are also a few compilations we are on.

What are your new expectations for the new CD?

We do not have any expectations, but we do hope that God will use it to bless others and reveal the truth about who He is to those who will here it.

I saw in the new CD that you have a second guitar player now, how did that come about?

One21 was going to tour in the summer of '97, but because of Paul's job and some other responsibilities he could not commit his summer to touring with us. This meant we either get a second guitar player or cancel all our shows. We opted for a guitarist and immediately invited Kris to join the band. That is one of the best decisions we have ever made. Going on that summer tour is a different matter completely.

What kind of music did you listen to while growing up?

Psalty tapes. He was the big blue Bible that could sing.

Who writes most of the stuff, lyrically and musically?

These days almost everybody contributes in one form or another. Kris, Paul, and Tom seem to write most of the actual musidc and Kenny used to write the majority of the lyrics. However, since he is away at school in California, Tom and I will probably begin taking over in his area..

What are your main influences?

Without a doubt, our lyrical influences are drawn from the Bible and are inspired by our individual relationships with God. The music has been influenced by a lot of olk school punk bands and some other places as well. I suppose you would like me to share some specific bands, but I am tired of spewing out that list. You could basically pcik any band that rocks and the chances are good that one of us would like them.

Does anyone have any other jobs that One21?

At the moment, Tom, Ken, and I are all busy with school while Paul and Kris enslave themselves to man. Long live the working class.

Is anyone in the band married?

No one is actually married yet, but we all consider ourselves to be the bride of Christ.

Does anyone have any tattoos?

Kenny has a couple of tattoos, but that is not something that i would glorify. I do not mean to imply that they are necessarily wrong, but they are definitely not right.

Does anyone have any hobbies?

Tom skateboards. Kris plays guitar all day. Paul plays guitar all day. Kenny loves fixing heating and air conditioning units and I enjoy writing.

What are the future plans for One21?

We are on hiatus, because of school, but we are planning to tour for a couple of weeks between semesters. We hhope to record another record for Bulletproof early next summer. Lord willing, we will play a lot of the festivals taking place next summer when we are on the road. Beyond taht the future is uncertain, but we intrust it to God's might hands.

Any last words? An address or phone number you can be contated by?

There are many opportunities that we will have within our lifetime. Numerous decisions to make and hundreds of paths we might follow. One road might lead to wealth and another to a sudden death, but no choice is greater than the one that will determine our eternal well-being. From birth our sinful course has set us heading towards separation from God. We are all centered on a spiritual destination created for those angelic beings who first stood against God. The devil and his army are at emnity with God and knowing this they desire to bring unfathomable misery to all people by keeping them God's redeeming love and perfect plan of salvation. God's desire is for none to perish on their present heading that will force them to suffer Hell's fires. He has made it possible for all to reroute their course, but it is a decision each individual needs to make. It is a decision that you will need to make, because God will not force himself upon you. He will only come if you invite him into your life and accept his free gift of eternal life. To receive this all you must do is admit to God that you are not perfect. Tell him taht in your life you have fallen short of perfection, have chosen wrongs over rights and that you realize you are not worthy of His Kingdom. If you can say that with sincerity and continue to follow through and ask for His forgiveness, His cleansing salvation, and His leading in your life you will become adopted into His family and be given an incorruptible inheretnace that waits for you in Heaven. If you have said those words within your heart or have any questions, please contact us through e-mail at or write the band at:

P.O.Box 6668
Philadelphia, PA 19149.

Finally, i would only encourage those believers out there to shed the things of their flesh that distract them from God. Allow Christ to increase in your life through the study of His Word and continual prayer throughout the day. Allow yourself to decrease as you seek to serve Him and not yourself in life. For, our walks and our witness are all that will count as wee kneel before God. Everything else will fade away. The spiritual impact we had on another will taste so much sweeter than the TV show we caught. The time we spent praying for a believer and sharing our faith with a friend will be far more precious than time wasted fearing what others might think about us. I know that none of us have the strength to succeed in such a task, but our generous Father does. Please, let Him carry you on to victory.