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I stood trembling as I watched in disbelief . I cast my eyes on what used to be a handsome man , but now , mockeries and hatred have created this hideous sight. A body half torn from its' frame , this man struggles to breath . Pain and anguish flood his eyes , the tears begin to fall . An innocent man faces his death on an ugly cross . Screams pierce the dead sky as nails are driven into his limbs . Blood flows down the rugged wood and mixes with the dirt . Cries from the spectators clash , cries of celebration suffocate cries of emptiness . I feel my heart sink into my stomach as this man is slowly raised for the world to see . I look across the crowd and I wonder how humanity could be so cruel . Smiling faces , pointing fingers , laughing eyes , children playing and dancing . What is the purpose of all of this ? Of this great crucifixion ? My eyes begin to swell with tears of regret and guilt . I played a role in this man's death , I helped drive those spikes into his body , I rammed that crown of thorns into his brow . As he hangs there , gasping for breath , I stare into his half dead eyes . My lips begin to quiver and a tear runs down my cheek . I keep staring and staring , trying to imagine the pain , the emptiness , the betrayal he must have felt . Suddenly his eyes meet mine , and I watch him slowly slip away , he stares into me with reassuring eyes , as I watch a forced smile cover his face.
~~~ XrobbyX ~~~

hey whats up kids?my name is robby johnson and i am representin x423x TRENDKILL Youth Crew.charlie asked me to submit something to the page and this is what i felt the Lord wanted me to write(the above story). i have been reborn for about 2 years now (since i was 18),and in that 2 years , the Holy Spirit has taught me so thing that stands out to me is the total misconception of what Christianity is all about.hundreds of thousands of kids are turned off from Christ because of what the experiences they have with every day Christians.whether that is within the church,at school,or at a resturant,bottom line is folks,is that this is sad.a major factor that plays a role in all of this misrepresentation of God is religion,ooohh,the scary word!! yes , religion.religion is a man-made set of rules that are to be followed if we are to please God(supposedly).of course,99% of these rules have no biblical ground on which to stand.guys,Jesus is not a religion.salvation is not a religion,it's a relationship.Christianity is a is you as an individual,and Christ as an individual having a personal that relationship should include reading your Bible ( God's Holy Word), communication(prayer), and witnessing. there are so many trends that kids get caught up in,new age religion(meism,even straightedge(email me for disagreements) ) , drugs , sex.they are willing to give anything a shot but Christ.make a difference where you live.kill these trends that are dragging people to your peers the love of Christ. thank you for your time.

***if i have offended any body in any way,i apologize now,really i do.i am not out to judge,only to be a messenger,thank you for understanding***

robby johnson

ps----any hXc kids email me and let me know ya still exist! pss ----- i totally 100% DO NOT hate straightedge , i love all the sXe kids.ya'll email me too!!