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Writing it in our hearts.

Life is nothing more than trials and learning from these trials that we face. I've learned a lot in my 19 years; some things I have learned from the hXc scene, friends, and past mistakes. Before you can learn things though you have to notice them. One thing I have noticed lately in the Christian hXc scene and from Christians in general is homophobia. I've been guilfty of this myself in the past too. This really came to my attention when a friend of mine went on a Christian hXc chat room and the discussion was about a certain hXc band that has Christians and non-Christians in it. The main focus was the fact that there was a rumor that one of the members was a homosexual. The majority of the people in the room said they wanted that member dead because he was a homosexual. This brought such a grievance inside of me.

This was pure homophobia, which is defined as discriminating against gays or having a fear of them. As Christians we can not be that in any way. I know a lot of Christians are not used to be in contact with homosexuals, so they do not know how to tackle this issue. Well, Jesus outlined how to deal with this very clearly. With love. That is how Jesus dealt with everything when He faced anything. That is what the new covenant was about. When Jesus went on the cross that is what He was making possible, Love. Before that there was no relationship with God just legalism. When He was resurrected He made it possible for us to put away the actual laws and focus on Him and Love Him.

Jesus broke down all the laws to one thing. LOVE. Because if you love God all the things He desires us to do will follow. That is what separates us from the world. Not from what we abstain from, but love. We carrying around in us a love that the world can not understand. In John 13:34/35 Jesus said, " A new command I give you: Love one another. As I loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know you are my disciples, if you love one another." So, if we show a fear or hatred to homosexuals can our testimony of God stay true? Love is defined in 1 Corinthians 13. No were hating someone and having fear is there as love, in fact is says that is not love.

The way to deal with this issue is just as any other sin. Love the person but hate the sin. I know that is hard to do that's only because we have trouble comprehending that God views all the sins the same. Someone who has homosexual desires is the same as someone who smokes a cigarette. The sin does not define the person that is something this world has tried to make us believe.

So just as is says in Proverbs 3:3 to bind Love around your neck so people can see it, and write it in your heart so people can feel this love we have so should we do also. Thank you for reading my ranting and please take to heart the things I've poured out of my heart. Peace out. Matt.- Bound By Love Records.