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The Amber Spyglass

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Phillip Pullman




This is the last in the trilogy named "His Dark Materials", and it is the most amazing of all.  Will begins the book by searching for Lyra who has been missing since the night he discovered his father and his own true purpose.  When he finally finds her and they escape they must continue on in their adventures, adventures which will save all life in all of the parallel worlds.  Using the subtle knife, they venture into new worlds, one of which is the land of the dead, where each has a purpose.  Lyra needs to speak to Roger, the boy whom she unknowingly led to his death, and Will to his father.  What they could not know, however, is that they each must leave their dæmons on the shores of the lake they must cross.  A heart-wrenching moment for both-the pain is nearly unbearable- and it fulfills the prophesy that Lyra would betray someone and that it would hurt her terribly. Both Lyra and Will are growing up, and they must find a niche for themselves in the events of the future.  This book is as captivating as the first two, and more touching than ever imagined.  Lyra and Will learn about love, hate, and that sometimes, what is best for the world is not what is the easiest.  This book is very, very highly recommended, and is thought provoking as well as entertaining.