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Drama and Epic Poetry

William Shakespeare, sometimes called the greatest poet of modern times, wrote 38 major works.  Here you will find them all, reviewed.

Shakespearean Drama



The two worlds of drama and poetry often intermingle, creating works of art that are prized for generations and even millenniums to come.  The genius of their creators is not often recognized until later, when their works are seen as a window into a time lost from us.  



The often anonymous poets and  well-known playwrights listed here are of the finest quality, and have created fiction that is praised today as works of art, surpassing many others written at the same time and before.  



I encourage any of those who have not before come in contact with these, to dive right in and find a suitable work.  

The Greek poet, Homer, once wrote two major works describing the epic war of Troy.  The two are reviewed here.

Homer's Works

Modern marvel Arthur Miller wrote plays that parallel recent times.  His major works are reviewed.

Arthur Miller

Tennesse Williams is a well known poet from the mid 1900's, though his work is much different from that of another, Arthur Miller.

Tennessee Williams