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Daughter of the Clayr

Main Book Review Page

Garth Nix




It has been 14 years since the restoration of King Touchstone I in the Old Kingdom, and the great Charter Stone's restored to bring peace to the country.  The Dead rarely walk with the living, but something is brewing.  A necromancer named Hedge searches for help in his dark quest, and will find it, four years later.  Then, the Prince Sameth struggles to become the Abhorsen-in-waiting, and a young Daughter of the Clayr struggles to discover what she is, since she cannot See as the true Clayr do.  This book is woven full of mysteries and magic, adventure and action, all to bring to mind the enrapturing first book.  However, the one drawback to this book (which has been five years in the making; years well spent) is that it too is continued, but in a much more frustrating way that the last.  Unlike the first novel, this book leaves the reader wanting more, wanting to know more, and wanting to know what will happen if Hedge succeeds in his dark task.  For that, we must wait.  Very highly recommended.


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