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Garth Nix




Lovers of magic and mystery, this novel is for you. Garth Nix's Sabriel is a book that has been praised as "rich, complex, involving, hard to put down, this first ovel is excellent high fantasy" When Sabriel, the daughter of a man she only knows as Abhorson, recieves from her father a message that can only mean he needs her help, she must leave her private boarding school in the modern country of Ancelstierre and venture into the Old Kingdom. With only her father's magical bells and sword, she must face whatever creatures crawl out of the river of death by the doors left wide open. Battling these monsters is not easy, and for Sabriel, they are only the beginning on her quest to help her father and then, to save the world. For a one book adventure, the writer has captured the essence of Sabriel's world, and in doing so, written a delightfully readable novel for people of all ages.

*Winner of the Aurealis Award of Excellence in Australian Science Fiction*

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