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A word from the Lord
given to Karan Girard on 8/14/95


I have given you all abilities.

How many people do you think are performing where I have called them to perform? How many do you think?
No, not many.
Not many.

Too many people don't have faith in Me, and they don't believe Me~When I tell them "this is what you are going to do!~Walk in it." They get scared and run and they won't go where I have called them to go. They get so scared. Fear is of the enemy, it is not of Me. Because I have given to everyone of you abilities. Abilities more than you could ever imagine.


You all have the ability to do what I have called you to do.

How many of you do what I have called you to do? How many of you will walk where I have called you to walk? I have so much for you all to do. Will you trust Me in it? Will you trust Me? Will you allow Me to work in you? Will you allow Me to do in you what I have called you to do?


You have the ability. You have the ability to do everything I have called you to do. And I am not even done. You have more than the ability I have already told you about. And I am not even done. You have more than the ability I have told you. You have so much~so much. Yes, and many of you shall weep because I have told you to go over there and you would not go. I told you I would lift you up and take you to the top, but you would not go with Me. So many of you have stayed behind, and I have ached for you.


Go ahead with Me! There is so much work to be done.

Will you work? Go? Will you go with me? I want you to. I want you my children. I want you to go far with Me. Do not be afraid~Do not be afraid. Go with Me~You have the abilitity. You have the strength. I have given you everything you need to go far. Farther than you even know. And most won't even go as far as I'vecalled them even now. An most I have only called a little ways. But if you will walk with Me~and walk with Me~and walk with Me. You will not need to weep.

You can go where I have called you to go. You can do what I have called you to do.


You have that strength
and that ability.
Now go!!!!!
