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The Rose

AS I wander along the path of life…

Truly, I know not where…

A beautiful sight did I behold…

Along this path so long ago, as I go so bold…

Ah! On this journey, I did spy, dear friend…

The most wonderful sight to see…

A rose whites and stately dressed, very serene.

Beautiful as a rainbow in her many colors…

Along this path near my mid-life…

I keenly observed this rose whose attire, so shiny and sheen….

Now each day I long to wander down this road…

Where before, always under heavy load…

A hapless creature I, without a purpose, hardly a thought…

Yet, each day, either here or there as time goes on….

I have grown, inspired to think, each day of this lovely rose…

A brighter day so nears, now even more dear.

Since we met along on the path here…

Now I feel time spent in life has not gone for naught….

Each encounter, gentle, lovely rose, your warmth radiates out to me…

‘Tis true, a feeling of faith arises within…

Where once all was astray, you see…

Under all your beauty, white rose, I truly now do know…

You, fairest rose, possess a purer heart than gold…

And now, fairest rose, I hate to think as I go…

Soon this path I must wander on alone…

The time so near, I fear…

This path of life I travel on…

Rough and uncertain as it is here…

Ah! Precious rose, you it was so nice to meet…

On! White rose, dear! Dear! So very, very dear!
