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Accura Analytical Laboratory has a great deal of experience with sample analysis for large Department of Energy and Department of Defense projects. Accura must meet stringent federal, state and local guidelines to satisfy our clients’ requirements.  Many of Accura’s clients demand strict compliance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Energy, and Department of Defense regulations

Department of Energy (DOE)-Savannah River Site

An on-going contract at the Savannah River Site in Aiken, South Carolina is requiring our laboratory to provide analytical testing services on a wide range of matrices while meeting 7, 14, 21-day turnaround times. The laboratory is performing organic and inorganic testing on hazardous, mixed, and radioactive waste samples following radioactive safety and waste management protocols. Matrices include wood, multi-layered liquid wastes, sludges, paint wastes, etc. We are providing site-specific EDD format and customer specific hardcopy reports on rush and 21-day turnaround. To meet the federal requirements, Accura is following Nuclear Quality Assurance (NQA) Level II and participating audits, performance evaluation sample testing, and performance reviews.

Program Sites Types of Analysis
Department of Energy Savannah River Site (SC) Organic and Inorganic Parameters

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Accura completed its analytical support for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Savannah district, under the SAD Lab contract valued at $1.5 million per year. AAL provided comprehensive testing on diverse matrices for a variety of environmental projects to include, but not limited to Superfund, USTs, landfills, lead abatement, drinking water, DOE-FUSRAP, unexploded ordnance, waste characterization and low-level RAD. Deliverables varies in complexity depending on the project. Though each Task Order was different, the core analysis involved Volatiles, Semi-Volatiles, PAH, BTEX, Pesticide/PCB/Herbicides, and Metals. 

Although that particular contract has ended, Accura continues to provide analytical services to the Corps of Engineers.

A list of some of the sites Accura has received samples from is provided below.

Program Sites Type of Analysis
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Anniston Army Depot (AL)
Fort McClellan (AL)
Former Bushnell Army Airfield (FL)
Dobbins AFB (GA)
Fort Knox (KY)
Fort Bragg (NC)
Fort Gordon (GA)
Fort Jackson (SC)
Fort Gillem (GA)
Fort McClellan (AL)
Fort McPherson (GA)
Hunter Army Air Field (GA)
Fort Benning (GA)
Former Charlotte Missile Plant (NC)
Camp Merrill (GA)
Camp Siebert (AL)
Childersburg AAP (AL)
Former Carlstrom Field (FL)

Organic and Inorganic Parameters

U.S. Air Force

Also, another current project in-house expecting to last about 12 months requires analyses of samples from a U.S. Air Force site. The project involves volatiles, semivolatiles, metals, pesticides, PCB and general chemistry analyses providing CLP-like forms with client specified electronic data deliverables.

Program Sites Types of Analysis
U.S. Air Force
Defense Supply Command Richmond (VA)
Robins Air Force Base (GA)
Offutt Air Force Base (NE)
Donaldson Air Force
Base (SC)
Charleston Air Force Base (SC)
Shaw Air Force Base (SC)
Ramey Air Force Base (Puerto Rico)
Former Turner Air Force Base (SC) Burlington Air National Guard (VT)
Organic and Inorganic Parameters

U.S. Navy (Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center, NFESC)

Program Sites Types of Analysis
Naval Facilities Engineering Services Center
MCLB Albany (GA)
MCAS Beaufort (SC)
MCAS Cherry Point (NC)
MCB Quantico (VA)
Camp Lejeune (NC)
NAS Jacksonville (FL)
NAS Pensacola (FL)
NAS Cecil Field (FL)
NAS Mayport (FL)
NAS Lake City (FL)
NAS Lee Field (FL)
Philadelphia Naval Surface Warfare Center (PA)
Former Charlotte NAD (NC)
NAS Atlanta (GA)
NAS Key West (FL)
Organic and Inorganic Parameters

United States Coast Guard

Program Sites Types of Analysis
Individual Studies
Portsmouth USCG (VA)
Galveston USCG (TX)
Chattanooga USCG (TN)
Organic and Inorganic Parameters

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Contract Laboratory Program

As a past participant in the EPA Contract Laboratory Program, Accura performed under an organic contract requiring stringent protocols. While a part of the program, AAL passed several rounds of Performance Evaluation samples, with a final score of 98.25% out of a possible 100%.  Our laboratory was routinely audited by the EPA, as a part of the program. Accura generated CLP formats and EDDs in accordance with the Statement of Work. 

State Certifications

Accura is certified as a member of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP). As a part of our NELAP accreditation, Accura can receive reciprocal certifications from several states across the nation.

Certification Summary Table

Entity Agency Name Certificate Number Expiration Date
Florida (NELAP accrediting authority) Department of Health, Bureau of Laboratories E87428 June 30, 2005
North Carolina Department Environmental and Natural Resources 483 December 31, 2004
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control 98015001 June 30, 2005
Utah Department of Health, Bureau of Laboratory Improvements AALI1 June 30, 2005
U.S. Navy Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center (NFESC)   February 11, 2006
Georgia Department of Natural Resources Georgia Radioactive Materials License GA 1322-1 October 31, 2006

Small Disadvantaged Business

Accura is classified as a small disadvantaged business (SDB) by the U.S. Small Business Administration.  Accura has assisted multiple government contractors to meet their SDB goals on large analytical projects.

Statement of Qualifications

Accura Analytical Laboratory’s Statement of Qualifications (SOQ), which contains more in-depth information regarding our capabilities, experience and professional staff, is available for download.

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