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First, my name is Valerie. I have
been married for 15 years, and I have 3 children.
Jeremy, Jessica, and Cassie. I am a firm believer in
family and raising our children to be honest,
decent, drug free, and loving. We also believe
that our children are a "GIFT"
and we should be thankful for having them.

I am also the daughter of SGT. Paul LeMay, Vietnam Vet. Unfortunatly
he didn't make it back, He was K.I.A. in 1965,
just one year after I was born. He is gone,
but not forgotten.

(picture of me and my dad)

I became an honorary member of the 1st/5th Cavalry
when I received all my father's medals of war.
That is when I met some wonderful men
that my father served with.

(picture of me with my fathers comerades.)

After that wonderful experience, I started writing.
I wrote about my feelings when I went to
the Vietnam Memorial. It was published in several
different places on the web. Then I wrote some poems,
and they too are published on the web.
One poem I have linked on my homepage.
I even had one published in a book titled
Bittersweet Rhapsody.

When I received such rave reviews of my poems
I decided to write a childrens book.
I sent it off recently to a publisher,
and I am waiting to hear the results on it.
Right now, I am in the middle of a novel.
It will take me quite awhile to finish it,
I just hope it does as well as my poems.

I also am a waitress full time on third shift
at a local Truck Stop. I have worked there for 8 years.
Believe me, waitressing is very hard work.
And we have to be kind when people treat us bad.
When will people realize that when they are
asked, "What would you like to drink?",
that saying "beer" is NOT funny.

I also have two web pages that I am working on,
so as you can see, I am not waisting any time.