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A Selection of Newspapers from Around the World

U.S.:New York Times (left), New York Post (right), L.A. Times, Atlanta Journal Constitution (left), Washington Post (center), Wall Street Journal (right).
Non-Print:CNN (left), MS-NBC (left), Yahoo! News (center), WorldNetDaily (right), WSJ OpinionJournal (right),
Israel:Arutz Sheva (right), Jerusalem Post (center) and Ha'Aretz (left).
England:Telegraph (right), Guardian (left), and Jewish Telegraph (of Manchester/Leeds), (London Financial Times).
Australia:Sydney Morning Herald is 11 hours ahead of the east coast.
India:Times of India, the leading and most reliable paper.   Also, Hindustan Times of New Delhi.
Pakistan:Dawn (relatively moderate), Pakistan's leading English-language newspaper.   Frontier Post, from Peshawar Province on the Afghan border.
Russia:Moscow Times.
China:People's Daily is the official government publication.