The Levenes' Favorite Information Sources
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Our List of Favorite Information Sources

Last Update: May 28 '97

Search Engines

Safe Search
HotBot, the winner of P.C. Computing's Shoot-Out.

Excite, 2nd place in P.C. Computing's Shoot-Out.

Webcrawler The easiest to use.

InfoSeek Ultrasmart Terrific overall. InfoSeek Ultraseek The fastest loading. Also very fast.

Yahoo The oldest and most widely used.

Alta Vista Simply awesome for finding obscure things.

Other Information Sources:

The Right Answer

Useless Information

Bibliomania, the Network Library.

Annual Report of the USA

Be a real nerd and use Gopher.

The Weather Channel

Ziff-Davis Sites of the Week Many topics, with good coverage of the best sites.


Barron's Online (Free!)

The Wall Street Journal Online Edition

Finding people:

Reverse Phone Number or AreaCode or Address lookup (from BellSouth).

Big Yellow Nationwide Yellow Pages.

WhoWhere A pretty good listing.

Big Book Nationwide Yellow Pages.

Switchboard Nationwide White and Yellow Pages.

Four11 Phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

WED (World E-Mail Directory) E-Mail and Phone and Fax Numbers.

Employment Resources:

SelectJobs for the computer industry. You can post your resume here, too.


Wall St. Journal Career Listings.

E-Span You can post your resume here, too.

What Color is Your parachute? A very comprehensive list of links for every phase of the job search, by the author of the book.

The Monster Board Over 50,000 job listings in (almost) every field.

Career Mosaic

Computer Jobs Worldwide

Yahoo! Careers Site

Atlanta Technical Jobs

ZD Network Job-Search Site

US Tech

Matrix Resources

DP Services

Career Discovery to help you match personality to career. Atlanta Edition has thousands of listings.

ComputerWorld Careers

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