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1830 Hall Co., Georgia census lists:
Burton Loveless
2 males under 5; 1 male 5-10; 1 male 30-40
1 female under 5; 1 female 10-15; 1 female 30-40

1834 Lumpkin Co., Georgia State census lists:(Name & Number in Household only)
LAWLESS, Burten.....8
LAWLESS, Barter/Barton.....8

1840 Cherokee Co., Georgia census (899th District, page 172b-173a) lists:
Barton Loveless
2 males 5 < 10; 1 male 10 < 15; 1 male 40 < 50
1 female > 5; 1 female 30 < 40

1850 Cherokee Co., Georgia census lists:
Ibby Loveless, 45, F, SC, cannot read or write
Abner, 25, M, Farmer, GA
Philip, 22, M, Farmer, GA
Peggy, 16, F, GA
Alfred, 12, M, GA
Cinthia, 8, F, GA
Samuel, 5, M, GA

1860 Pickens Co., Georgia census lists:
Isabella Loveless, 55, Domestic, SC
Samuel, 14, GA

Poor School Children 1825-1826
The following record of monies due the teachers of Hall Co., Georgia for children unable to afford tuition. Report for 1830 (children taught in 1829). Poor School Students, 575th Militia District.
Harriett Loveless, 9
Abner Loveless, 8

Store Ledgers - Frances C. Andoe - Hall and Dawson Cos., Georgia
1826-1852 - Four trading post ledgers from trading post operated by Frances C. Andoe, located on the Chestatee River in the gold mining andd Boling Bridge District near the Hall-Dawson C., Georgia lines. Pioneer settlers of Hall Co. and their purchases of trading post owners.
Ledgers 9/10/1826 - 4/9/1828; 4/12/1826 - 1832; 6/11832 - 1852; 1/14/1831 - 6/1832.
21 Sept 1826 - Barton Lovelace - 5 bowls - 62 1/2 cents
1 January 1827 - Barton Lovelace - 1 curry comb - .25
22 January 1827 - Barton Lovelace - ___ Gal ___ - 62 1/2 cents
21 March 1827 - Barton Lovelace - 02 pt. cordial - 12 1/2 cents
28 April 1827 - Bartin Lovelace - 1" Epsom Salts - .50 - P. W. Roark
6 August 1827 - Barton Lovelace - 1 knife - 62 1/2 cents
7 August 1827 - Barton Loveless - 1" Copp___ - 12 1/2 cents
18 August 1827 - Barton Loveless - 1 of _____ - 12 1/2 cents
1 October 1827 - Barton Loveless - __________ - 56 1/4 cents
26 January 1828 - Burtin Loveless Pd. F. C. Andoe $5.50

Cherokee Co., Georgia Land Records
Deed Book D, pages 194-195
DEED dated Cherokee Co. 05-Feb-1830, recorded 05-Feb-1839 from WILLIAM EDMONDSON, Administrator for GEORGE W. CARLINGTON, deceased of Greene County to BARTON LOVELESS of Cherokee County. In consideration of the sum of $24 conveys all that tract of land known as Land Lot 59, 13th District, 2nd Section. Tract consists of 160 acres more or less. Sold to the highest bidder on 05-Feb-1838, by order of the Inferior Court of Greene County. Advertisted in the Southern Records, a weekly gazette published in the city of Milledgeville. Signed: WM. EDMONDSON, Administrator. Wintess: M. J. CAMDEN and FELIX MOSS, JP

Cherokee Co., Georgia Land Records
#355 - Book G - pages 291-292
Dated Cherokee Co., 05 Nov 1844, recorded 20 Dec 1844; Sheriff's Sale with BARTON LOVELESS listed as Justice of the Peace for Cherokee Co., Georgia.

Cherokee Co., Georgia Land Records
#359 - Book G - pages 295-297
Dated Cherokee Co., 04 Oct. 1844, recorded 20 Dec 1844, Sheriff's Sale with BARTON LOVELESS listed as Justice of the Peace for Cherokee Co., Georgia

Barton Loveless Estate Settlement
On March 13, 1847 in Cherokee Co., Georgia, ABNER P. LOVELESS, Administrator for the estate of his father, BARTON LOVELESS, deceased, was bonded along with THOMAS M. JOHNSON and EDWARD TOWNSEND in the sum of $3000.00 upon the condition that Abner Loveless make a true inventory of Barton's possessions. An inventory and an appraisal of the estate was made on March 24, 1847. The final amount on goods was $512.16 1/2. This did not include any land or slaves that Barton owned.
2 Mules - $67.50
1 Bay Mare - $50.00
49 Head Hogs - $61.50
5 Yearlings - $16.00
1 Bell - $0.50
1 Raw Hide - $2.50
1 Wooden Clock - $6.00
1 Spinning Wheel - $3.00
1 Pine Chest - $1.50
1 Pine Cubbard - $2.75
4 Bedsted & Furniture - $50.00
1 Set Plates - $0.30
3 Cups & Saucers - $0.12 1/2
6 Sitting Chairs - $2.40
2 Rifles - $21.00
Amount of Appraiser's Bill - $512.16 1/2
We do certify upon oath so far as was produced to us by the Administrator the above and foregoing contains a true appraisement of the estate of BARTON LOVELESS to the best of our judgement and instruction this 24th day of March 1849.
SAMUEL TATE } Appraiser
JAMES TALLY } Appraiser