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1860 Mortality Schedule - Blount County

Name -- Age,Sex -- Born In -- Month Died -- Occupation -- Cause of Death -- Days Ill

Jestina W. Foust - 62,F,M - NC - Sept - Chronic - 15 yr
Wm. M. Rutherford - 6/12,M - AL - Feb - Wh. Cough - 3wk
Martha Rutherford - 6/12,F - AL - Feb - Wh. Cough - 3wk
Lanora Hill - 8,F - AL - Oct - Chronic - 6wk
James Proctor - 2/12,M - AL - Oct - Irecipleas (?) - 17
James C. Graves - 19,M - AL - Apr - Farmer - Typhoid Fever - 7
Catherine Self - 6,F - AL - Aug - Typhoid Fever - 18
James Mackey - 67,M,Mar - NC - July - Farmer - Run over by wagon - 4mo
Thomas A. Hyate - 2,M - AL - July - Pneumonia - 2wk
Jno. A.P. Jenkins - 3,M - AL - Sept - Croup - 3
Leroy Chambers - 2,M - GA - July - Flux -- 11
Jno. W. M. Henderson - 7,M - SC - July - Cong. chills - 1
Martha S. Hudson - 9,F - AL - April - Drinking 1 pt. of spirits - 5hrs
M. H. Cowden - 9,F, AL - Aug - Hives - 3
Mahala Hatley - 52,F,Mar - NC - June - Typhoid Fever - 4wk
Wesley Hatley - 19,M - AL - June - Typhoid Fever - 4wk
C. L. Cowden - 15,M - AL - June - Farmer - By a log rolling on him - 5mo
Sarah Adkison - 7,F - AL: - Sept - Croup - 6
John Adkison - 2/12,M - AL - Sept - Hives - 3wk
William H. Brasher - 8,M - AL - Oct - Croup - 4
Martha Brasher - 7,F - AL - July - Putrid sore throat -
Pheba Brasher - 5,F - AL - July - Putrid sore throat - 3
Julia Brasher - 4,F - AL - July - Putrid sore throat - 17
Sarah E. Kitchens - 2,F - GA - Oct - Croup - 7
Mary Kitchens - 2/12,F - AL - Oct - Fever - 7
Willis Bagley - 60,M,Mar - Unk - Aug - Farmer - Liver comp. - 10yr
Mary E. Berry - 10/12,F - AL - Sept - Fever - 17
Alexander Cook - 2/12,M - AL - Dec - Hives - 1
James Calvert - 53,M,Mar - AL - Mch - Farmer - Suicide-shooting
Henry M. Hayes - 37,M - AL - Aug - Mechanic - Typhoid Fever - 19
James A. Smith - 1,M - AL - Aug - Pneumonia - 2mo
Martin V. B. Levingston - 20,M - AL - Dec - Farmer - Dropsy - 5mo
Albert W. Bright - 2,M, AL - Feb - Unknown - 4
Rachel Gunter - 5,F - AL - May - Scarlet Fever - 5
Lucinda Callahan - 42,F,Mar - NC - Aug - Typhoid Fever - 13

The larger portion of the soil in my division is of a sandy mixture. This Division abounds with timber of various kinds, as oak, poplar, pine, beach, chestnut, hickory, gum, cedar, etc. The water in my division is noted for its medicinal virtues and great varieties. Blount Springs affords white, red and black sulphur, all of which are notorious for their healing virtues. There is no disease, or epidemic at this time within my division.

William Beeson, Ass't Marshall

Eastern Division

J. H. Skinner, Ass't Marshall

Susan Vestal, 70,F,Mar - NC - Apr - Derangement stomach - 3mo
James Hinds - 1,M - AL - Apr - Croup - 20
William Whorton - 2,M - Al - Sept - Croup - 2
S. O. McKenzie - 1,F - AL - Oct - Ulcer bowels - 3mo
Martha Brooks - 7/12,F - Al - Oct - Unknown - 15
Robert Causly - 67,M,Mar - TN - Oct - Farmer - Lockjaw - 5
Margaret Brasseal - 52,F,Mar - TN - Apr - Consumption - 1yr
Elizabeth Mabry - 30,F,Mar - SC - Aug - Pneumonia - 9
James T. Hopson - 12,M - GA - Mch - Infl. head - 9
Henry Miller - 12,M - AL - July - Flux - 8
Everelar Davis - 6,F - GA - Apr - Tonsilitis - 15
Minerva Lloyd - 1/12,F - GA, Dec - Unknown - Sudd.
Asazonia Davis - 1,F - AL 0 Aug - Flux - 42
Margaret M. Costen - 7,F - AL - Apr - Tonsilitis - 24
Nancy Samuels - 33,F - AL 0 Nov - Dropsy - 4yr
Francis E. Rollins - 4,F - GA - Sept - Tonsilitis - 4yr
Jerre Ellis - 55,M,Mar - SC - Mch - Meth. Min - Dropsy - 60
Sarah Smithwick - 1,F - GA - Oct - Croup - 2
Elijah Reneau - 18,M - AL - Apr - Farm Lab - Liver affl - 6mo
Nathaniel Cornelius - 1mo,M - AL - Aug - Hives - 14
Mary J. Bynum - 1,F - AL - Aug - Flux - 5mo
Cerene Webb - 3,F - Al - Sept - Typhoid Fever - 3wk
Greenberry Jenkins - 3,M - AL - Aug - Scrofula - 4
Lovdaan Jenkins - 1,F - AL - Dec - Ulcer.bowels - 3wk
William McDonald - 79,M,Mar - NC - Apr - Farmer - Rheumatism - 1yr
Matthew Nelson - 46,M,Mar - BA - May - Farmer - Fever - 2 1/2mo

This record will show that no one disease has prevailed in my division to an unusual extent. There are four kinds of water: viz sulphur, chalybeate, limestone and free stone in my division. There are two fertile valleys of lime soil. The balance is mountainous with sandy but free producing soil with lime, sand and slate rocks. Timber: poplar, beech, cedar, walnut, hickory and all kinds of oaks. Natural fertilizer: lime.

Sarah Ellis - 3/12,F - AL - Jan - Bold hives - 3
Sarah Armstrong - 84,F,Wid - GA - Apr - Old age - 26
James Jordan - 3,M - AL - Sept - Croup - 5
David W. White - 10/12,M - AL - June - Teething - 12
Thomas M. White - 2,M - GA - Nov - Croup - 3
Laoma Glover - 24,F - Al - Oct - Dropsy - 12mo
Mary E. F. Blakly - 2,F - Al - Feb - Scarlet fev - 2
Mary A. Armstrong - 42,F,Mar - AL - Jan - Consumption - 2yr
Martha Holensworth - 2,F - AL - Nov - Croup - 7
Tilman B. Cornelius - 4,M - AL - July - Flux - 12
Ruth A. Baldwin - 1,F - AL - Jan - Croup - 5
Enoch Glover - 4,M - AL - July - Dysentery - 7
Elijah Glover - 4,M - AL - July - Dysentery - 7
Temperance Wadsworth - 40,F,Mar - GA - Apr - Infl.bowels - 2
Perry A. Bynum - 2,M - AL - May - Poisoned - 1
William T. Farley - 1,M - AL - Jan - Hives - 20

J. H. Skinner, Ass't Marshall

Western Division

Arabela St. John - 5/12,F - AL - Nov - Pneumonia - 4
R. Kent C. Lee - 1,M - AL - Aug - Infl. stom. - 3
James Baye - 2,M - AL - Oct - Croup - 3
Champ Tramel - 1,M - AL - Dec - Croup - 2wk
John F. Fite - 36,M,Mar - TN - Feb - Merchant - Typhoid fev - 4wk
James Copland - 55,M,Mar - TN - Aug - Farmer - Fever - 2wk
Thomas J. Grant - 2,M - AL - May - Scroffula - 6mo
Richard Yielding - 26,M,Mar - AL - Aug - Farmer - Brain fever - 9
John McPherson - 18,M - AL - May - Congestion - 9
Abner Cornelius - 22,M - AL - Apr - Cancer - 3yr
Nancy Stencel - 3,F - AL - Aug - Croup - 9
Martha C. Gamble - 9/12,F - AL - July - Pneumonia - 7
Rebecca Bryant - 2/12,F - AL - Aug - Croup - 3
John Prentice - 54,M - TN - Apr - Farmer - Dropsy - 6mo
John Hamilton - 4,M - AL - Nov - Typhoid Fever - 3wk
Calvin Hamilton - 33,M - AL - Nov - Farmer - Typhoid Fever - 6wk
Nancy E. Williams - 21,F - AL - Aug - Typhoid Fever - 24
Martha Williams - 13,F - AL - Aug - Scrofula - 3yr

No one disease has prevailed to any considerable extent. The face of the country is broken, land poor, covered in places with sand rock. Timber: oak, hickory and some pine. Occasionally a spring free slate water. Country thinly settled.

Copied from the Alabama Mortality Schedule 1860 - Eighth Census of the United States - Original Returns of the Assistant Marshalls - Third Series - Persons Who Died During the Year Ending June 30, 1860 - Complied by Marilyn Davis Barefield - Copyright 1987